Paintjob on my PEP helmet... overdone?

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this was finished last halloween...
i'm planning on having the rest of it finished for next halloween.
but, i think i overdid the "worn-out" look on my helmet. what do you think?
and also, another part where i have to fix is the jaw piece, the flat black panel pieces near the mouth. those are supposed to be green.
yeah, i got a little excited with that paintbrush. but i don't know if brushing on green will fix it...
a dual layered faceshield would also be great. but i can't blow another $60 on another one... haha

and for people wondering, my helmet is
Pep base and resin
outside layered with cardboard and thin plastic sheets
covered in glaze ( the red stuff with no catalyst)
hot glue to fill cracks and such
foam on inside
4 hi-brite white LEDs (should probably find caps for these)

the paint is
satin black
Oregano (greenish looking)
hammered silver or something.

i attracted quite a bit of attention with this in the halls in my school. hah





Wow, that actually looks really good with all the silver, I think. It makes it look like it's been through ALOT. It's your preference though.
LOL, it's got more silver then green :p But it doesnt really matter (now your helmet has finished the fight, literally)


It's unique. I like it - and although it does look a little too silver, it's your interpretation. Because, hey. If I get to run around as an Arctic Recon, you can sure as heck run around in a silver Mk VI helm.
Yeah it looks like bare metal, which actually sounds cool :D

I think you should do the whole suit that way (or at least do stripes of it)
I personally think it looks fine. It doen't look overdone. I've actually seen things that have similar paintjobs due to a lot of wear.
haha thanks for the compliments.

so i think i'll leave the paint on the helmet but just tone it down on the rest.

and i'll make sure i post again once i get going on my suit again
Looks like a bit much, but it makes it look like there's actually metal under the paint, so whatever. The helmet itself looks amazing anyways haha.
when doing the body, do about half as much because well,... your not going to fall and get a cuncusion in your ribs

Maybe some extra on the knees and boot toes
I remember you from way back when you first made that helmet, good times man!

Very nice paint job, it is over done a bit, from a distance though it looks amazing.
interesting how you have the visor on the outside, but the helmet looks like it's been modified for that. Am I right? As well as the overall shape. It looks a little bit different in the back for your head to fit or padding?
It's a little late for the helmet, but if you want a battle worn look: Try rustomium paint, they have a chrome silver that beats all that I've used. Best on the market for only $5 bucks. Good deal. Spray a layer of that down, and then use your green can immediately. After a few second of air time, use a rubber glove and push that top layer of green back and the silver shows undernearth. I'm going to put a tutorial up in the forums tonight. ( Teh Noob section. still under post limit)
lookin damn good man
ahh i think my helmet is a little small, that's why the back doesn't seem to cover all of my head...

and the visor is actually on the inside, but it's cut so those two black portions can stick into it (if that even makes sense)

and rustoleum... yes, that's what i used. all the paints r rustoleum i think... haa

As suggested, i'll probably lay back on the brushing and do a little more on where master chief would fall on
(edges that stick out, + knees, toes, elbows)

It looks fine, Also i think that you should make it more silver one the side of the right thigh when you make. Whenever he slides he does it there.
looks good, and battle damage is based purely on preference. I considered everything from extremely light wear (basically make it look off the assembly line) to hardcore wear.. settled on a middle point I like... but yup I think the helmet looks great, I'd only change it if you don't like it
Actually you know, I love it. It looks like it's been through a lot of harsh mucking-about, and it just looks more hardcore to me. I'd say it's perfect 'cus it looks totally different than all of the others, and it looks tough.

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