PAX East 2025!


Active Member
So I surprised my wife with Paxeast tickets for her wedding present, we're trying to plan out to do a ODST cosplay along with 2 of our friend!

Any other regiment members going for the weekend?
Looks like May 8-11, 2025 in Boston Mass.

I would love to but that seems to be finals week for me. I'm tentative for now, but will update once I know more.
Im attending with my group of friends. I doubt Ill be in armor but never know. Would love to meet up with yall so I can get to know people in the area since I just moved here!
Im attending with my group of friends. I doubt Ill be in armor but never know. Would love to meet up with yall so I can get to know people in the area since I just moved here!
Sure! I'd say suit up just because why not. Where abouts did you move to/from? This event is in the heart of Boston which can be like hell to navigate if you don't know the area.
Sure! I'd say suit up just because why not. Where abouts did you move to/from? This event is in the heart of Boston which can be like hell to navigate if you don't know the area.
Ive been to PAX East numerous times so I know the city and convention well. Ive even worked the event many times. Ive lived all over but moved to PA from TX in December.

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