People Stealing Adams Videos >:(

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If you have noticed, people are trying to steal videos of Adams (and probably other peoples) armor and say that they own it. This shouldn't really bother me but it just does. people like this,

he is so insistent that it is his, cursing out people that say otherwise and removing any comments that anyone puts that speak the truth. I think something need to be done, maybe have a bunch of people flag his videos or something or at least all try to comment and tell everyone that it is not his armor. If possible contace youtube and have them removed. I have tried to tell this guy to remove the videos already and even come to the site and try making his own armor if he want people to think he has some so bad, but he only removed the comment. It does look like alot of people know this is stolen already but not everyone. See if any of you guys can talk to him. thanks
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