I'm making a pepakura mc helmet out of cardstock i was just wondering if i should paper mache it before i fiberglass it or should i just start painting the resin straight onto the cardstock?
what i would do is get this super ahesive called mod podge and paint that all over the out side of your helmet.than fiberglass thats wat i did for my helmet and pluss mod pudge works well with cardstock. p.s. u can get mod podge at a craft or hobby store :hyper:
Just a warning, if you use paper mache be very careful not to saturate the cardstock because it will warp pretty badly. I ruined many a good piece that way.
And by the way, MaShEdPOTaToEs, your avatar is almost hypnotic. I must have sat here and watched it for a good 45 seconds.
i would just fiberglass the inside and ouside plain... and paint....
OH and yes your avatar is hypnotic.. i watched it and couldnt stop....just....kept....looking..... :shock: uhah.. funny avatar nice