Pepakura Index Wiki Update Progress

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Jr Member
Hey guys, don't know if you saw in the noob forums recently that I said that after I purchase pepakura full version I will start downloading files off the wiki index and converting them to different paper sizes. This was because here in the UK you can't get Letter sized paper easily (A4 is the common default) and some people prefer to print in A4 in the US and most of the files on the wiki are in Letter so you have to change the paper settings and realign all of the pieces on pepakura designer. Also, unless you have bought the full version of pepakura designer, you cannot save your editions or export them to other applications so I said if someone starts me off I would do it when I get pepakura full. Luckily no-one has to do this now because I have started (got pepakura yesterday!) and made some updates on the index.

So far I have done all of the High Detail Mark VI mjolnir pieces and am starting the Low Detail ones very soon (I am away this weekend so am printing all of my pieces and taking them with me lol) Here is the updated pepakura wiki index.

I have also discovered that the 3-piece boot files are missing on both 405th and vrogy mirrors. Were they taken down by the creator and if I will edit the wiki and remove the links for them! I would actually like to see them up as they look easier to put on to an undersuit.


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