Recon armor now unlockable! Look!

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ODST General said:
one day hopefully
Yeah, no kidding. Like a distant dream or something...

A dream that has nothing to do with any damn helmet! :lol:
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spartan021 said:
me know some one who do that long time ago and got accepted!

I clicked your hit counter link in the sig, and I was number 360.

It's a sign from God. I need to buy one.
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Nomadic Spoon said:
I clicked your hit counter link in the sig, and I was number 360.

It's a sign from God. I need to buy one.
LOL you know why it's at that?

'cause I went to there and hit refresh like 250 times :lol:

It's at 1000 now :D
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it's still a sign from God.

That's how I'm pitching it to my room mate the first time he wakes up at 4 in the morning and I've been playing it since 4 the previous morning (more than likely going to happen very soon. :p)
smilie120 said:
Well i think the recon helmet is ghey. I dont really care if i unlock it :3

You obviously don't get it. The recon armor is like a trophy. OALL trophies (ecxept tellys) look stupid. It's the fact that you won them that makes it kickass. It's the accomplishment, and the symbol that you can show off to make others play harder. lol. Less noobs.
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