Red vs Blue Meta conversion

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So, I have finally got around to posting my stuff! I had made mk 6 armour before, but I decided that I was not happy with the proportions, helmet etc, and I also wanted to build the meta. So, the obvious move then, was to re build the suit, into Agent Maine, The Meta. The suit started like this.

As you an see, the chest piece is too small, and the helmet is not the most amazing. It was a lot of fun to make and wear, but i needed a change.

The first thing I did, was edit the chest. I did this by taking the original torso, cutting the front in half, and attaching a "scout" attachment, scratch drawn, on the front.
template.jpg meta build2.jpg
This extended the chest, and gave it much better proportions.

I also made a bruteshot/Knifle/Grifshot.
bruteshot1.jpg bruteshot 2.jpg bruteshot 3.jpg brute shot 4.jpg

The helmet I build out of foam, and then covered it in gap filler, to get it smooth.

meta 4.jpg meta 5.jpg meta 6.jpg

I painted the armor, from green to white, using undercoat, and then spray paint. (white spray paint sucks) I also added a wooden blade to the Brute shot. I also built new shoulders, based around the old ones.
meta 7.jpg

I painted the Bruteshot with water based "tempora" paints, made from dust and water basically, Then sealed with clear spray paint.

meta 8.jpg

The helmet had "eye" details cut out, and had the visor painted gold. I was still trying to figure out how to create the windows to see out of.
I ended up creating plastic covers, then a layer of gold cellophane, above a layer of mirror tint foil. It worked better than I expected which was very nice. The ideal would have been to find some clear yellow paint, and paint that over a silver visor, and mirrored windows, This would have got the same shade of yellow over the whole thing. Te way i did it ended up working pretty well though, so never mind.

meta 12.jpg

Visibility was not good, but it was enough to walk around in, and see where you were going. more or less....

Like a day before Armageddon, It was done, and I am very pleased with the result.

meta 9.jpg meta 11.jpg meat 10.jpg

So, that was my Agent Maine build.
I apologize for not having a thread as I went along.... oops....
Im so bad at that :p

thanks for reading, Platy :)
Red Vs Blue for the win and that meta suit though amazing it is so beautiful and I love the gun as well! You can't have the meta without his gun XD
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