Requesting: H4 Recruit Pep Files

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New Member
I was planning on starting a Noble 1 build (already have all the files I need) but am been drawn more and more to the H4 Infinity Recruit Spartan. I already collected the helmet,torso,forearm, and shin files.
Looking for the feet, thighs, shoulder, bicep, and handguards. I would appreciate any help in providing names with who might be making these files or already have them & just not not posted to the pep database.

Thank you
Yeah, the 405th Database is quite useful for finding what ever you really need for any armor type in halo, and there are also other links, I'll just give you what I know of in hope of it helping:

Official - 405th Spartan Research 4 Organizer:

But seeing that you have some of the files already, here's what you don't have:

Shoulder Piece:

Thigh Piece:

Foot Piece:
philisoraptorr has a link up there for you with that, although, I personally don't like some of those files in the link, thats just my opinion though.

And... that's all I got... :D

P.S. - There are sticky threads that are made specifically for people who have questions on this sort of stuff, so next time you have a question, try to see if there is a thread that could answer your question! :D You'll find some useful stuff in there as well! Good luck with your work!
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