The smell will go away. The Fiberglass will harden, and it will be workable, but it takes a little while for the resin to fully cure, and once it does, the smell you are refering to will go away. If you place your pieces in a well ventilated, bright (sunny) area, it will aid in the curing process.
I know this works. I cut out the panel lines all the way around a 78 vette and laid in new fiber glass (thats alot of glass work). I also ground down the hood in several spots where it had stress cracks and laid new fiberglass. After a week or so, with the garage open during the evening the smell began to subside, and after 3 weeks there was no smell... however, when you start sanding, the smell may come back a bit, but a good respirator will keep that nasty fiberglass dust out of your lungs.
Have you ever walked up to a corvette and said, man that thing stinks like resin, I think I am getting "woozy". When it fully cures, it wont "smell".