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New Member
Hey. I'm new here and I'm trying to make my first set of armor. I've got the pepakura helmet all set up for fiberglassing, but I don't have a respirator. Are there any cheaper alternatives or is it even necessary? I'm a little short on cash so any cheaper alternatives would be great. I want to start tomorrow since I have the whole day to work. Any help would be appreciated!
a plain whit shirt wraped around nose and mount.. or 1 of those thick paper masks.. just if u tart getting light headed (which you shouldnt) get out of there fast
tserrof said:
a plain whit shirt wraped around nose and mount.. or 1 of those thick paper masks.. just if u tart getting light headed (which you shouldnt) get out of there fast

Don't go with the shirt Idea... Find a mask like this:
Or this one:

This is atleast... A respirator would be better, but I didn't... I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't but if you work outside you should be fine with one of those masks...
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I used a 3m respirator , cost me $15 , I would suggest this , What ever you end up doing be safe. take breaks every 10 minutes or so. Good Luck
Macattack64 said:
Don't go with the shirt Idea... Find a mask like this:
Or this one:
This is atleast... A respirator would be better, but I didn't... I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't but if you work outside you should be fine with one of those masks...

I agree with Mac the "Painters Mask" is a good cheap alternative to a respirator. We used to use they all the time in the body shop I worked in and would just throw them away once done.

Always make sure your in a well ventilated area when Fiberglassing, IE: Outside or in a Garage with the doors open, if you start getting lightheaded walk outside "DONT RUN" running increases the blood flow and allows the fumes from the Fiberglass to get into your system quicker. Walk outside put your arms above your head and take a few deep breaths.

If after about 10 - 15 mins you still feel lightheaded and/or dizzy you need to contact poison control services immediately.

Fiberglass is decently easy to work with but you just need to follow the simple safety practices and you will be fine. I have seen way to many people that I worked with end up in the hospital because they didnt want to stop working for 10 mins and go outside.

ALSO "I know im rambling sorry lol" Another little piece of advice when useing Fiberglass: When your using the cloth there are little fibers that usually end up getting on your arms and stuff and is VERY itchy. If this does happen be sure to take a COLD shower to get them off. COLD! not HOT not WARM but COLD! I cannot stress this enough. If you take a Hot or Warm shower you open the pores in your skin allowing the fibers to get in and once they are in it with Itch bad for the next couple days until your body naturally forces them out.

This happened to me for a solid month when I first started at the bodyshop it wasnt until I asked one of the guys that had been there for a while that I realized what I was doing wrong.

Good Luck!
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I wear a medical mask made from fiberglass, then I have my shirt over it too, rubberband around to keep the shirt on, I dont smell it much, only some, especially when pouring the resin, thats when most of the fumes can be smelled.
thanks alot you guys, I think I'll try to find one of those painter's masks. I have school off tomorrow so I'll try it then.
In my opinion-

The only alternative to a respirator is another respirator.

-But that's just my opinion. :D
Well this is far from being an advise, i was on a rush to start resining and forgot to get any kind of respirator at all. still, i worked out in the backyard and all went smoothly. i would advise tho a painter mask at least, since u'll feel alot safer wearing that ^^
Working outside is the best, it stinks less and fumes can "move". When you have too much fumes built up in your house/garage then the fumes wont escape, leave the peices outside on a sunny day all day, I noticed coating my peices and leaving them outside on a sunny hot day made the peices hard and dry, leaving them out on a cloudy day took longer to set, and still the resin was sticky to the fingers. Use a lamp if you have one for those cloudy days that you cant work.

Today for me is a cloudy day, So I'm just gonna do more work on folding than usual, I usually resin+make folds for a new peice, but I cant resin today../.
Fuffuloo 117 said:
In my opinion-

The only alternative to a respirator is another respirator.
-But that's just my opinion. :D

I agree. Resin is a dangerous carcinogen. I wouldn't even let my friends look at the pieces while they dried unless they put my mask on.

Go Joe! :p
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Well macattack used a fiberglass mask and he is still alive and healthy, I'm using something similar to him, and I'm still living strong, but that may be because of me working outside of my house and the fumes escaping quickly.

DO NOT WORK INSIDE WITH A CHEAP MASK ON, you'll get a lung infection or get dizzy quickly.
AoBfrost said:
DO NOT WORK INSIDE WITH A CHEAP MASK ON, you'll get a lung infection or get dizzy quickly.

More like nervous system damage and cancer, but I see your point.

Nothing like getting Dain Bramage to go along with your fiberglass armor. o_O
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Thats why I work outside, I also take little small breaths to not "smell" the fumes, then when I absolutly need air, I run off 20 feet away to a "safe" area and breath in.

I'll probably lose a arm or a leg or a lung by the end of this project, but then I might not.
If we work outside, will the fumes from the resin linger in the air? We would be doing this outside our dorm and i don't want to put other students, teachers, and their families at risk.
Go to your local hardware store and get a 30 dollars paint/sanding mask. They come with several filters and work great.
AoBfrost said:
Working outside is the best, it stinks less and fumes can "move". When you have too much fumes built up in your house/garage then the fumes wont escape, leave the peices outside on a sunny day all day, I noticed coating my peices and leaving them outside on a sunny hot day made the peices hard and dry, leaving them out on a cloudy day took longer to set, and still the resin was sticky to the fingers. Use a lamp if you have one for those cloudy days that you cant work.

Today for me is a cloudy day, So I'm just gonna do more work on folding than usual, I usually resin+make folds for a new peice, but I cant resin today../.

lol it was pretty cloudy for me too but then i resined the pieces and then took a fan and left it blowing at the pieces for a few hours
worked great :D
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