Salt Lake City FanX


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
What's this, another Salt Lake event so soon??

You bet your boots and we're going to have a halo costuming meetup right there so please attend if you can!

When: September 26th-28th 2024
What: FanX Salt Lake Comic & Pop Culture Convention
Website: FanX Salt Lake Pop Culture & Comic Convention -
Where: Salt Palace

What the 405th is going to do: We'll have a meetup when works best for everyone! Please respond to this thread with your intent on going and what day works best for you! Currently the plan is to meet outside the Salt Palace at 11am on Saturday. If there is a time that works better for the majority of the group I'd like to find that and adjust accordingly so please let me know in the responses!!

I'm excited to see who's going!

Lots of love!
I'll be in the Master Chief suit all 3 days. On saturday I'll be at the cosplay contest at around 10 and be out of there around 11 hopefully.

40.768934, -111.894588

Open-ish park next to the convention center.

still unsure on a time.
good meeting spot, a lot of views of the city.

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