Scaling help URGENT

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MaShEdPOTaToEs said:
how do i scale the chest plate to fit? i looked in the stickies but it was only for the helmet
Use the same scale as your helmet... Or take that scale and scale it down by about 10%...(it will have a tighter fit)

you said urgent...

I got you urgent... :p
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MaShEdPOTaToEs said:
how do i scale the chest plate to fit? i looked in the stickies but it was only for the helmet
Frizzlefry said:
Here we go peeps.
This should work for the most part, if you have a normal sized body like Chief it should work for sure. But if you are a bit chunky so to speak, or the oposite which would be a bit of a rail (aka, that sexy girl Sean Bradley ;-) ), you will probably want to change the sizing a bit more or less to make sure your limbs and chest fit.
I'm not getting behind the formula because it's a waste of time. It seems no one cares how the math works just as long as it works. So here's what you do.
Add up your height in inches. There is 12" to a foot. We'll use my hieght for the example. I am 5'11" which equals 71 inches.
Divide that by 86: 71/86 = .82558
Multiply that number times the scale it currently is, 30.342: 30.342*0.82558 = 25.04979
Now in Pepakura, go into 2dPatternWindow and select "Scale Up/Down by specifying value"
Under scale, put in the new scale (for this equazion its 25.04979). Do this for all of your pieces to be symmetrical.
One thing to keep in mind
The size of the scale that is in use before you edit it is from the base of the ground to the top outside of MC's helmet. You don't really want the top of your head to be touching the top of the inside of the helmet if you expect it to fit right. So you may want to add two or three inches to your actual hieght before doing the math. This may help other areas as well, where it could come through a bit tight.
Feel free to ask any questions about how it's done here. But I would appreciate it if the PM's for me to scale their armor for them would stop. If you can't do this math (we're not in school, you can use a calculator), I can't help you.
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