Sourcing PETG sheets in Europe

Good evening from the (currently-not-so-) sun-shining Greece, folks!

Been working with foam for a bit, moved on to 3D printing together with a friend, we've printed our helmets, butted our heads (literally) and gotten to the tough part of having to make the visor. Ive spent quite some time trying to print a visor since motorcycle visors just are not large enough for the helmets we've made (Pilot / EVA) and as clear as ive had the prints be after much tampering, vision through them is still considerably warped and although it WOULD be usable just to be able to see if someone is approaching you in a convention, we instead decided to look into vacuum forming for better results.
Read a couple posts recommending PETG since its somewhat impact resistant, clear (assuming you dont remove the protective sticker before forming), and we can heat it in an oven with relative safety from toxic fumes etc (toaster ovens just dont fit large enough sheets for said helmets) so we've done all the research, done most of the homework, but for the life of me (us?), we can't source the actual PETG sheets themselves!
Most stores i've found either only accept bulk orders, or only ship either within UK or just Germany/NL/France. I have found some sheets through amazon but they are A4 size at most (not large enough) or way too thin.
So, to get down to the bra-errr, PETG tacks. Where do you European Regiment guys and gals source your sheets from? Any resources you fellows could recommend? Any help or other advise would be very very helpful!

TLDR= "PETG sheets. Where do I find them. Please."
Not European, Canadian. I cannot source my PETG sheets easily form the American go-to's like McMaster-Carr and such. I have had luck with eBay however, so it might be worth checking there.

If you're concerned with the PETG being too thin I'll mention that I use 0.03" (0.762mm) thick plastic and I've talked to some other folks who use 0.02" (0.508mm) with plenty of success.

Also, I have removed the plastic film before heating and forming the plastic and have found it doesn't have an effect on the transparency of the plastic.

Unfortunately I don't know of any specific retailors that sell the stuff over there, but hopefully this reply will bump your thread to the top and a European will find it XD
Not European, Canadian. I cannot source my PETG sheets easily form the American go-to's like McMaster-Carr and such. I have had luck with eBay however, so it might be worth checking there.

If you're concerned with the PETG being too thin I'll mention that I use 0.03" (0.762mm) thick plastic and I've talked to some other folks who use 0.02" (0.508mm) with plenty of success.

Also, I have removed the plastic film before heating and forming the plastic and have found it doesn't have an effect on the transparency of the plastic.

Unfortunately I don't know of any specific retailors that sell the stuff over there, but hopefully this reply will bump your thread to the top and a European will find it XD
Well this is a funny coincidence! I was actually using your video as a guide and checklist for what we need to build/do to make visors ahaha!
Big fan of your work, and thanks for the advise! Will give it a shot!

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