Hi I just got an account on this site. I'v used pepakura alot before but never with fiberglass. Any pointers on things I should or shouldnt do and how to lay it on the model?
if youre gonna glass it do not use the woven stuff unless you plan on cutting out ant pasting every little piece (it does not bend well) if you do this its like taking a swift kick in the nuts :nuts: (youll soon regret the idea that you could do it and not get frustrated or cry)
if youre gonna glass it do not use the woven stuff unless you plan on cutting out ant pasting every little piece (it does not bend well) if you do this its like taking a swift kick in the nuts :nuts:
Personally i havent worked with fibre glass but i have seen it used n stranded is much easier to use.
Before you fibre glass it reinforce the inside of the model with expanding foam or something of the sorts or it will buckle under the weight of the fibre glass
or you could just glass one side
roll that side face down and let gravity do the work
and repeat prolly takes longer but saves the $5 you would have spent on spray foam
not to crack on the stuff ive used it before and liked it for certain applications id probably use it here if i had nothing else to use
but the stuff is used to insulate houses
its gonna make you hotter than hell unless you mount a cooling system or carve air channels in the finished product
thats true but for some parts of a suit its no big deal, as to those "hot places" i'd try a lower densitys foam or give the armor cross members for support
if you go to home depot you can get fiber glass and resin kits for inbetween $11 and $15 (depends on where you live and what quality)
if youre real lucky you can find the stuff that has the glass fiber already in it
in both applications you need a sacrificial brush and like longshot said a support system
in most cases great stuff expanding foam about $4 a can found near insulation
foam it and glass it
I'v found that u can use fiberglass casting tape (like the stuff they wrap u n when u break ur arm) to re-enforce the inside like ribs and it wont deform or get the paper wet or out of shape. this also eleminates the need for lots of hot stuffy and heavy insulation foam.
whatever, it says on the side "fiberglass casting tape" besides I'v used it before. Just because I'm new at this site dosent mean I'm new to model making. I kno what I'm doing, this stuff is great for re-enforcing stuff.