Styrene Questions....

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Dark Rogue

Well-Known Member
Okay, i'm detailing/smoothing some things out on my Rogue helmet, and I had a question about sheet styrene. How exactly do you go about attaching it to the helmet? What type of adhesive, I guess. I've tried hot glue, but it doesn't lay down flat and loses grip eventually.

Another question I had was about what's the recommended thickness of styrene used for smoothing and/or detailing. I have 3 different thicknesses and i'm just curious about each one...If someone could answer one or both of these, it would help a lot! It's part of what keeps me stuck at a part on my helmet.
you can use superglue or anything that is CA in it

for your other question it depends on what part of the helmet you want to smooth out, me i like to use different thickness
thinner the styrene the easier to well bend, i would use the thinner stuff on the sides where you can wrap it around the helmet (like the back and top)
kool glad that i help out some and good luck with the build would love to see it
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