Super simplified pieces for foam armoring

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Jr Member
Hi guys, I've been monitoring a lot of thread about foam armoring, but what is really lacking at the moment are super simplified model and pepfiles.

If it is possible, could someone make models with the details only drawn on them... as if it was just mapping so that when you go into papekura, you could print ex. your thight armor and print in but you would only have big pieces so you could raise and push back the foam to create the details...

I would change a file to have less polys and more than likely re-unfold the file, I could'nt do it for a helmet so don't even think about it,maybe with a predator helmet but not something like a MC Helmet. But as for every other kind of armor I can make the file easier to use for foam.
I'm looking for MC's thighs and reach's Mark4 thighs also reach's greaves... for now...

thanks you for your help
I wish I knew how to work 3d software
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