1st Build Test for Rakshasa Core


New Member
Hello Spartans,
First of all, I apologize for the bad English, but I'm using a translator since I'm Italian.
Moving on to important things, I tried to print the Rakshasa core through a friend (I don't have a printer and I didn't know how/where to find the files, so he helped me).
Btw, while I couldn't sleep last night, I did some tests to attach the P-98 holster to my thigh (I work as an armed guard, but don't worry, I'll bring a replica during the comicons) and this is the best result I was able to get .
This is the left thigh. because I'm left-handed.
As soon as I have some extra free time, I will continue to update you on the work
I hope you can give me further advice and perhaps some feedback with which to improve.

Love you guys.
Corus M-025


  • Coscia.jpeg
    95.6 KB · Views: 90
Don't worry about bad English, not everyone here has perfect English anyway.
Its looking great right now. I cant wait to see the continuation of this build.
Hello Spartans,
First of all, I apologize for the bad English, but I'm using a translator since I'm Italian.
Moving on to important things, I tried to print the Rakshasa core through a friend (I don't have a printer and I didn't know how/where to find the files, so he helped me).
Btw, while I couldn't sleep last night, I did some tests to attach the P-98 holster to my thigh (I work as an armed guard, but don't worry, I'll bring a replica during the comicons) and this is the best result I was able to get .
This is the left thigh. because I'm left-handed.
As soon as I have some extra free time, I will continue to update you on the work
I hope you can give me further advice and perhaps some feedback with which to improve.

Love you guys.
Corus M-025
Looks great!
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