i found halo 1/2 guns for Pepakura if you want them go to http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?pg=6&sid=28 form there scroll
down to were its sayes Weapons Reference Models Pack (3DS)
down load it well be zip open Pepakura open the file it has all the old guns no sword or new guns but you can make a rocket launcher or
sniper gun . part 2 when you open the file you will see ball like shapes
around the gun the way to get rid of then is were it sayes 3dmodelwindows form there scroll down and were it sayes
show objeck list a srceen will come up only have unnamed check
part 3 to number them you should see a icon 123 but befor you do that
unfold it then click the 123 icon mass around with it untill you have it the way you like it so i hope that all you nned to get started
so if any one gets done with there hal guns post them
down to were its sayes Weapons Reference Models Pack (3DS)
down load it well be zip open Pepakura open the file it has all the old guns no sword or new guns but you can make a rocket launcher or
sniper gun . part 2 when you open the file you will see ball like shapes
around the gun the way to get rid of then is were it sayes 3dmodelwindows form there scroll down and were it sayes
show objeck list a srceen will come up only have unnamed check
part 3 to number them you should see a icon 123 but befor you do that
unfold it then click the 123 icon mass around with it untill you have it the way you like it so i hope that all you nned to get started
so if any one gets done with there hal guns post them