To the Washington Battalion, Pacific Regiment, and the 405th as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Member DIN
This is my notice that I am formally resigning from my position as Executive Officer of the Washington Battalion, effective immediately. This decision has not come lightly, as I have been deeply committed to the 405th for the past five years, contributing my time, energy, and passion to this community.

However, I no longer feel that the 405th aligns with the values and vision that initially inspired my involvement. My resignation stems from several concerns regarding the current leadership, including prolonged absences, unilateral decision-making without input from elected officers or the general membership, and the dismissal of established processes intended to ensure fairness and transparency. Additionally, the removal of permission to use the 405th logo two days before we celebrated PRIDE month and the permanent banning of members without explanation or due process has created an atmosphere of distrust and disillusionment.

These actions, combined with a pattern of dishonesty and gaslighting, have made it increasingly difficult for me to view the 405th as a welcoming and inclusive community. The departure of many members who have been pillars of this organization has further underscored my belief that the 405th has strayed from what once made it such an exceptional and supportive group.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to the leadership for the confrontational nature of some of my responses in the past. I recognize that I reacted out of anger, and while I continue to believe that my views are correct, my presentation was disrespectful and antagonistic. No one deserved to receive my temper, and for that, I offer my sincerest apologies.

While I am stepping away from the 405th in its entirety, I will continue to pursue my passion for Halo cosplay and I will always be willing to help any who wish to make armor. I am immensely grateful for the lifelong friends I have made during my time here, and I hope to see all of you at future events and to maintain the positive connections I have built within the cosplay community.

Thank you for the experiences and opportunities I have had during my time with the 405th. I wish the organization and its members all the best in the future.


I'll miss you and all of your fun secret projects and worklists! I wish you the best of luck in whatever current and future creative adventures that you find yourself on! I'll always be around if you ever need anyone to bounce ideas off of! I hope I'll get to ya at HCS Worlds 2026 or whatever con may bring me up that way!
I wish the best for you Luka. The talk we had at game con this past year is what got me to join. Wherever the river of life takes you I hope it's smooth.
As stated with others I 100% understand and support your decision to step down and walk away. I'm glad to have met you here and spoken to you. It's been a blast listening to your projects and talking about them. But this isn't good bye, I know I'll see you around again. Still, I'll say it anyway... Be safe in all your endeavors.

To the leadership of the 405th...
Take inventory now of how many have left and directly cited the events of June as a tipping point. See all the great people you have lost. People who have built this community and welcomed so many others into it. Again, I urge you all... rethink your decisions and make changes before things get worse.
This is my notice that I am formally resigning from my position as Executive Officer of the Washington Battalion, effective immediately. This decision has not come lightly, as I have been deeply committed to the 405th for the past five years, contributing my time, energy, and passion to this community.

However, I no longer feel that the 405th aligns with the values and vision that initially inspired my involvement. My resignation stems from several concerns regarding the current leadership, including prolonged absences, unilateral decision-making without input from elected officers or the general membership, and the dismissal of established processes intended to ensure fairness and transparency. Additionally, the removal of permission to use the 405th logo two days before we celebrated PRIDE month and the permanent banning of members without explanation or due process has created an atmosphere of distrust and disillusionment.

These actions, combined with a pattern of dishonesty and gaslighting, have made it increasingly difficult for me to view the 405th as a welcoming and inclusive community. The departure of many members who have been pillars of this organization has further underscored my belief that the 405th has strayed from what once made it such an exceptional and supportive group.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to the leadership for the confrontational nature of some of my responses in the past. I recognize that I reacted out of anger, and while I continue to believe that my views are correct, my presentation was disrespectful and antagonistic. No one deserved to receive my temper, and for that, I offer my sincerest apologies.

While I am stepping away from the 405th in its entirety, I will continue to pursue my passion for Halo cosplay and I will always be willing to help any who wish to make armor. I am immensely grateful for the lifelong friends I have made during my time here, and I hope to see all of you at future events and to maintain the positive connections I have built within the cosplay community.

Thank you for the experiences and opportunities I have had during my time with the 405th. I wish the organization and its members all the best in the future.


So sad to see you go Luka, it was wonderful to meet you at HCS, you did such a good job of making new members feel so welcomed. Thank you for helping get me into this community and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors

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