total noob wanting to build cardboard weapons

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New Member
I have seen some cool weapons here and i want to make some weapons out of cardboard because I've run out of printer ink and this is the cheapest thing to do at the moment any tips or help on how to do it would be great!
well what i would do is to get as many refrence pics as i can., and depending on your weapon, i would get a crap load of cardboard and i would mane the outline of the weapon and build it bith layered card board, but if its a weapon like the siper rifle. i rould use layering for sime parts but i would make it hollow. but reanforce it with a bit more resin. resin the weapon once you have made id. and i would put bondo body filler on it to harden it up and ic will give you a layer thick enough so u can carve detail into it with a dremel if u want. hope this helps!
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