TurboCharizard's Print File Upload Zone


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
For sake of convenience I thought that having one dedicated thread that I could use and link back to would be great for the "odds 'n' ends" files that I've modelled and prepped for free use by 405th members. As always these files are non-commercial in nature and are intended for personal costumes only. If ever you need someone to do a print of a part for you we play by the Makers Fee where cost of materials and a six pack for shop time is all that can be charged.

As is tradition this first post will act as an index link to allow for quick reference and each item will be contained within it's own post. Items will be sorted by game and linked from there.

Halo Reach

Halo 3
CQB Chest​
CQB Shoulder​

Halo 5
Halo Infinite
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Halo 5 Commando Legs and Forearms
This was a speed build project to help Asgardianhammer get suited up and we both agreed that the files should be publicly available since the work was split between a few CAD Monkeys. Each individual part should easily fit on a 300mm x 300mm printbed printer such as a CR-10 and is default scaled to my Armorsmith avatar (1.75m tall, ~75kg).

For reference the following drawings are provided to show how the different pieces fit together and if anyone wants to improve on the design, these can be used to determine rough location of details.
Commando Boots Drawing v1_Page_1.png
Commando Forearm Drawing v1_Page_1.png
Commando Shins Drawing v1_Page_1.png
Commando Thighs Drawing v1_Page_1.png

If anyone would like to use the low-poly scaling forms as a base for a Pepakura unfold that'd be awesome and an easy way to win brownie points by uploading things to The Armory.

Commando Boots
Commando Forearms
Commando Shins
Commando Thighs
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Updating for a helmet that is good but definitely shows it's age compared to my current skills as a CAD Monkey. This was my first attempt at designing helmets in Fusion 360 almost four years ago and it's big, clunky and not well optimized for printing but I'm sure someone will love it.

These files are in an "as is" state due to an update in Fusion making some of my older files prone to corruption when editing and reworking timeline elements.
CQB Drawing.png

My current build is much more accurate and much better optimized for printing and not breaking your neck due to strain but hey, I guess that shows that I'm learning?

Good luck, happy building and welcome to the Beweglichkeitsrüstungsystemegang.

CQB Helmet
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Updating for the various MkVII armour components. First up is the MkVII Boot. This is intended to be printed in three parts with the ankle gasket either being printed in a flexible material or made using foam.
MkVII Boot Drawing v1_Page_1.png

There's also two versions of the toe plate and heel plate, each have a model that includes the tread pattern of the sole and a model that has a cutout for a boot. Safety Gang recommends the version with the cutout.
Good luck and happy printing!

MkVII Boot
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Are there going to be any more parts of the mark 7?
If you check the Free 3D Model Index the other members who worked on the group effort have uploaded their pieces. Moe is also compiling parts into a single Thingiverse download.
Updating for the Halo Infinite Shock Rifle. I've only played with this thing for a handful of minutes but it has been glorious and I want to see everyone enjoying these things.
Shock Rifle Drawing v1_Page_1.png

Be warned, this is prepped with electronics in mind so the cable run channels and the separate pieces may be a bit of a headache for new 3D printing enthusiasts that may not have their machines dialed in yet.

Good luck and happy printing!

Shock Rifle
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My dude, it's really awesome that you post these free models. It's mega appreciated, considering the sheer amount of work you've done.

And hey, I just bought a resin printer. I'm always looking for stuff to print. If you ever have any super detailed bits you want resin printed, just shoot me some resin and I'll print some stuff for you. Seriously, super appreciate what you're doing. I've got my eyes on that CQB...
My dude, it's really awesome that you post these free models. It's mega appreciated, considering the sheer amount of work you've done.

And hey, I just bought a resin printer. I'm always looking for stuff to print. If you ever have any super detailed bits you want resin printed, just shoot me some resin and I'll print some stuff for you. Seriously, super appreciate what you're doing. I've got my eyes on that CQB...
Thanks for the reminder that I need to tend to this thread. There's a few more objects that I need to add from Infinite. If you ever need some files just give a shout.
Updating for the Halo Reach Concept Art M23 Multiple Grenade Launcher which unfortunately never made it into the full release of the game. This model was made during the Christmas Crafting Stream of 2020 and hasn't really seen the light of day since. Hopefully someone will find the goofy 14 round grenade launcher and do it justice while I'm working on other stuff.
Halo Reach Concept - M23 Multiple Grenade Launcher Drawing_Page_1.png

As always 5mm steel pins are used for rotational pieces. Additionally a 50mm OD PVC barrel and a 1/2" PVC stock are used on this model. I know the 50mm one will be more difficult to source outside of Canada so I also included a print file for that part.

Good luck and happy printing!

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If you check the Free 3D Model Index the other members who worked on the group effort have uploaded their pieces. Moe is also compiling parts into a single Thingiverse download.
I came here ready to ask for exactly this! Lmao...
I've got a buddy super excited to start his armor...I need fiiiiilles haha.
Thanks to both of you guys! Just the best.
Updating for the most reliable new weapon in Infinite. The Yeetable Cube.

This was scaled to be a larger prop that is intended to be made from foam and throwable. Thanks to ODCA for being a champ for the foam unfold of this one! I've included a 3D printable version that will most certainly require splitting to be printable on a hobby sized machine (it may fit on a 500mm square bed but seriously, that's not efficient printing).


If you have access to a laser or an extreme amount of patience, this is the foam build for you since everything is about repetition.

Fusion Coil
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