using real things to create gun sounds

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I was basically thinking of ways you would make a prop gun sound without using a computer chip and speaker. Something I thought of would be to listen to game sound effects and reverse engineer things that went into that sound and thinking of real world things that could sound like it then making that thing small enough to fit into prop, haha. Pretty dumb right but might be cool. Like the this bass drum sound here could sound like a gun firing if hit rapidly.

Would be crazy to have a prop gun actually making the same sounds we all know and love.
You could always wire a speaker to an arduino unit and program it to play back a clip every time you pull the trigger.

The only challenge I'd see with this is finding a speaker powerful enough to make a decently loud sound AND being able to fit the entire circuit in a prop weapon at the same time.
You could always wire a speaker to an arduino unit and program it to play back a clip every time you pull the trigger.

The only challenge I'd see with this is finding a speaker powerful enough to make a decently loud sound AND being able to fit the entire circuit in a prop weapon at the same time.

I think the purpose of the thread was to not have electronics.

Has anyone tried using pop caps like the toy we had as kids?
Oh wait... sorry I read the post wrong XD

That could work. You could even modify a cap gun and build a magnum around it.

Even though it would incorporate electronics, you could also build a simple circuit with a DC motor. When you pull the trigger, a momentary switch is pressed and the motor spins. Attach a little flexible weight to the motor post. When it spins, it can hit something percussive and make a gun-like sound.

But I digress. I'd be interested to see how well a cap gun would work...
General Eggs yeah I have nothing against electronics in fact they'd most likely have to be used. I was just trying to think of ways to create sound with having a sound file play through a speaker. I like what you described. cap gun would be cool too.
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