Visor Question

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I'm working on a Mark VI helmet build as a trial/intro run before working on some scout armor. Having lurked around here for awhile I've been paying close attention to how people handle the visors on helmets with pep builds. I wanted to know if it's better to resin and fiberglass before cutting out the visor slot or go ahead and cut out the visor section before I start resin. Planning on doing resin this weekend. Any advice on this or other topics for a first time builder is appreciated.
Well...i'm new in all this but...i recomend you to resin everything except the visor section and then cut it out...i'll do it this way.
Harden everything first and cut the visor area out with a dremel/tool after. The reason for this is to prevent warping, most of the time when you harden after the visor area is already cut out, the helmet droops together along the visor line and your visor area ends up being more narrow, resulting in a squished looking helmet.
Definitely resin first, like kaimbell said, it'll help keep the helmet from warping & sagging, you can always cut the visor area out later.
I worked on resin and fiberglass over the weekend. Did 1 coat resin on the visor section, no fiberglass. Then did 3 coats resin and a fiberglass layer on the rest of it. I knew early on that this build wasn't going to be wearable for me, so it's become a test project for future builds. It'll probably end up being an early display piece or something for my nieces and nephews to play with.
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