Vote Halo 3 for Game of the Year!

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Maybe I'll choose call of duty 4, or orange box, you cant beat 5 games for 60 dollars when buying the same games separate will cost you like 90 dollars.
Ironcobra3000 said:
The orange box and Mass effect are my choices, sorry guys, but there are better games then Halo.

Shun the nonbeliever! Shunnnnnnnn......
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Ironcobra3000 said:
The orange box and Mass effect are my choices, sorry guys, but there are better games then Halo.

what are you thinking notifying this to everyone in a HALO forum. i mean its one thing to vote for those things and stay quiet but why would you broadcast it? i mean what do you expect???

and you're very wrong by the way. Very wrong.
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Ironcobra3000 said:
The orange box and Mass effect are my choices, sorry guys, but there are better games then Halo.

I'm with you there, i'm going to have to break it to you. Mass Effect beats Halo 3.
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I'd like to back Cobra up with this, actually. Halo 3 has merit, but it's nowhere near enough to beat TOB in my opinion.

That being said, Halo 3 got my vote for Online Play.
Ironcobra3000 said:
The orange box and Mass effect are my choices, sorry guys, but there are better games then Halo.
Halo is big, but not that big.

5 FULL games for 60 dollars is hella cheap.
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