Wearing armor during graduation?

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Well-Known Member
As the title says, would you wear your armor under your cap and gown? (Although wearing a helmet with a cap is near to impossible. The helmet should not be worn, especially for pictures.)

I will be graduating soon and I have toyed with the idea of wearing my armor during my graduation ceremony. The rules for any graduation ceremony may prevent wearing armor but my school doesn't. I'm still unsure whether or not it would be appropriate to wear armor; so I went to google. Unfortunately, I only received one decent result and that was for wearing an actual suit of armor.

Are there any concerns someone like myself may run into if I wear my armor? Here are some issues I can foresee: Heat will be an issue. I know anyone wearing armor certainly would stand out. That said person may get some strange looks as well.

This is a very odd question but every question has to have an answer, right?
It's.... probably viable, but then, consider other people as well. Would they want to be associated with somebody in Spartan armour in their photographs? I, personally, wouldn't mind, but some people might not want a costumed classmate in their graduation photographs.

This is a day for you to have one last hurrah with your classmates before splitting for your own paths - I'd personally recommend not letting your armour get in the way.
I would second that. Although for us on the 405th armor is very important, I would not bring it into special occasions as graduation. I would suggest have a good time at graduation as yourself and then get back to beating up the covenant. In the end however it is your choice.
I just attended a high school graduation a couple weeks ago... It would be very odd if someone had been there in full costume, and not particularly in a good way. It's intended as more of a dignified ceremony than a big celebration.

Think about one of the poor underprivileged kids from across town who might be the first one in their family not to have dropped out of high school, or even broken the mould and are going on to college. Then here you are in the back of their only photos they have of this one-time ceremony, treating it like some costume party.

It's not so much "your day" as "the entire graduating class's day". Another vote for "inappropriate."
Chernobyl, LoneLegionary, RobTC,

Thank you for the replies. The more I think about, the more pointless it seems. There really is no purpose behind it. People wouldn't even really see the armor anyways.
I have attended many ceremonies while wearing my armor, over the years. Work functions, events, galas, wedding ceremonies (twice), dentist office, grocery shopping, hair stylus for a cut, etc...

Best piece of advice that I can offer is this. ASK your graduation organizers! They may say that's fantastic and reply with a yes. Worst case... they say NO. At least this way you know where you stand.

Just my 2 cents. :)
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