Weekly Social Media WIP Wednesday!


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello Pacific Regiment!

I am leading the charge in our social media output, and I want to see what it is that you are making!!!

One of the social media trends among makers is what is called #wipwednesday, where every Wednesday, we will post about a project one of us is working on! These post are going to be short and sweet, and follow a similar structure to our monthly member showcases.

Here is the basic format, and you can omit information as you see fit.

- Forum Name
- Deployment Identification Number (as applicable)
- Battalion (as applicable)
- Social handle (if you want to be tagged in the post)
- short writeup on what it is you are making
- 1-3 in progress pictures of what you are making

The purpose of these posts is to show people a peak behind the curtain on what goes into creating these amazing props and costumes! We want to see the process in the pictures you choose, and explanation you give! This is the opportunity to show off your creativity and ingenuity!

I look forward to seeing what everyone is working on.

I will see you on the deckplate,

RXO Out!

- Pip

Name: Pipninja
DIN: S770
Battalion: Wabat
Social Handle: Pipninja_armory

What I'm working on: This week I am working on the undersuit for my MK VII Spartan. One of my technical goals is to have a water cooling system in my armor, which meant that I had to manually hand sew cooling tubing into the inside of my midsection! This section acts as the heat exchanger to cool myself down, and will be connected to a thermoelectric cooling unit in my chest plate!


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Hello Pacific Regiment!

I am leading the charge in our social media output, and I want to see what it is that you are making!!!

One of the social media trends among makers is what is called #wipwednesday, where every Wednesday, we will post about a project one of us is working on! These post are going to be short and sweet, and follow a similar structure to our monthly member showcases.

Here is the basic format, and you can omit information as you see fit.

- Forum Name
- Deployment Identification Number (as applicable)
- Battalion (as applicable)
- Social handle (if you want to be tagged in the post)
- short writeup on what it is you are making
- 1-3 in progress pictures of what you are making

The purpose of these posts is to show people a peak behind the curtain on what goes into creating these amazing props and costumes! We want to see the process in the pictures you choose, and explanation you give! This is the opportunity to show off your creativity and ingenuity!

I look forward to seeing what everyone is working on.

I will see you on the deckplate,

RXO Out!

- Pip
Name: Spartan114x
Battalion: Washington
Social Handle: matt.acuna

My name is Matt and I’m working on my first suit of armor, Halo: Reach variant, inspired by my final in-game multiplayer build. Started in August 2024, I was brand new to 3D printing and dove right in making plenty of mistakes, but also finding a lot of joy and success. This week I’ve been aiming to get things as wearable as possible since the weather is not forgiving to paint right now. That means constructing my harness and sewing/gluing straps and buckles into as many armor pieces as possible. Aiming to be ready for Gaming Expo at the earliest and SummerCon if not.


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