What Happened To NerdForgeDesigns?


Hey everyone! I mostly lurk on these forums, but I read somewhere in here that our boy NerdForgeDesigns got copyright struck on Etsy?! I tried reaching out to him on CGTrader, but I've heard crickets.

The only reason I bring this up is because I myself run a smaller shop on Etsy offering similar products of my own design. Can anyone shed any light on this? I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong place.

- Bucky
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I can't recall what exactly happened even though we had a light conversation about it years ago, but you may have better luck reaching him on Discord to ask yourself. He worked on a few armor parts for 343i/Halo Studios at one point (you can find his Artstation HERE)

Edit: Hey, my mistake. His files are on CGtrader, but I don't have any evidence as to why he moved there. Good luck.
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I can't recall what exactly happened even though we had a light conversation about it years ago, but you may have better luck reaching him on Discord to ask yourself. He worked on a few armor parts for 343i/Halo Studios at one point (you can find his Artstation HERE) and that may be the reason why he has gone quiet and has not relisted his files to be sold.
Do you happen to know his discord name?
He transitioned all of his Halo models over to CGTrader a long time ago, whether or not it was actually due to a Copyright Claim or because he was employed for a time as modeler at 343 Industries for Halo: Infinite is not my place to say or speculate.

In April of this year on 405th Platforms, here and on the Discord he transitioned his name to Skaboodlydoodle, distancing himself from his online shop names back to his own personal internet handle he used before his Etsy and other online shops. Again, not my place to say or speculate why he reverted his username to his old one, but you can most likely find him by that name here and in other places.

As for how to navigate the selling of potentially copy righted files, models, or prints on Etsy, we have many members here who sell on Etsy, such as SgtSaint , Nobel8 , and many others who sell on Etsy and can offer advice.
Etsy is literally whack a mole. Some folks get hit with take downs and others keep going without ever having an issue.

I have had Etsy remove a few listings due to IP. One for a UNSC decal and another for a Squidgame mask. The letter they send states if you get too many they can take down your store so its really a gamble.
If I recall right - if...
  • Etsy did to him similar to what they've done to me and others: The image recognition bots confuse props for real weapons and take down the listings automatically and you have to fight to get them re-instated. Do that a few times and the next 'offense' takes down your entire store, and its more fighting to get it back up. I think that was a big part for him.
  • Etsy also has a lower size limit to the attached .zip archive for digital product listings. That doesn't help when people want higher resolution for entire suits.
  • A lot of Etsy is built around physical products... their algorythms for suggesting your listings include things like free shipping being ticked on, etc. If you're a pure digital vendor the site isn't the best suited
I think he just got tired of the constant fighting with Etsy... plus... plus... a few factors all adding up.
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> As for how to navigate the selling of potentially copy righted files, models, or prints on Etsy, we have many members here who sell on Etsy, such as SgtSaint , Nobel8 , and many others who sell on Etsy and can offer advice.

Avoid it if you can. If you choose not to avoid it, accept that you're going to get shut down at some point. How soon depends on how silly you choose to be: Sell Disney stuff and it will be almost immediate, for example. Galactic Armory and everyone else doing Warhammer 40k just got notices on every platform from Etsy to Patreon. {See Attached}


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The only reason I bring this up is because I myself run a smaller shop on Etsy offering similar products of my own design. Can anyone shed any light on this? I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong place.

- BuBucky
The first 3D model I put up for my shop almost instantly got taken down by Bungie for copyright. I learned that one of the big issues a lot of companies like Bungie and 343i have is a concern that your product will be confused with an official product. I re-upload the files, but with the words "fanmade" and "inspired" in the title. I then continued to use one or both of those phrases in every upload since. Over the past 3 years I have not had any more issues with copyright strikes.
> As for how to navigate the selling of potentially copy righted files, models, or prints on Etsy, we have many members here who sell on Etsy, such as SgtSaint , Nobel8 , and many others who sell on Etsy and can offer advice.

Avoid it if you can. If you choose not to avoid it, accept that you're going to get shut down at some point. How soon depends on how silly you choose to be: Sell Disney stuff and it will be almost immediate, for example. Galactic Armory and everyone else doing Warhammer 40k just got notices on every platform from Etsy to Patreon. {See Attached}
Galactic Armory is a huge seller on Etsy. He's been selling those clone buckets for years and hasn't been shook down yet. Unlikely that he will honestly. I'm sure Disney would have issued a DMCA by now. I'm a Patron for GA and that DMCA takedown he received for the 40K stuff was fraudulent. Patreon sent him a copy of it and it wasn't even legit. He's fighting it. I'm also in talks with Games Workshop about the legality of cosplay items being sold via 3rd party. I know they don't want anyone cutting into their miniature profit margin. I'm sure they'll give me the same BS for cosplay.

The 501st is a huge proponent for SW & Disney, like the 405th is for Halo, so maybe I'm being too optimistic about how Microsoft & "Halo Studios" won't shut me down for the Halo 3 helmets I've modeled and been selling as physical prints LOL. I just re-read the Game Content Usage Rules and no one is allowed to earn revenue from any cosplay items sold. RIP.
The first 3D model I put up for my shop almost instantly got taken down by Bungie for copyright. I learned that one of the big issues a lot of companies like Bungie and 343i have is a concern that your product will be confused with an official product. I re-upload the files, but with the words "fanmade" and "inspired" in the title. I then continued to use one or both of those phrases in every upload since. Over the past 3 years I have not had any more issues with copyright strikes.
Roger that! I've been using the word, replica in my titles and putting in the descriptions that I am not affiliated with MS, blah, blah, etc. Hoping that helps!
Hey everyone! I mostly lurk on these forums, but I read somewhere in here that our boy NerdForgeDesigns got copyright struck on Etsy?! I tried reaching out to him on CGTrader, but I've heard crickets.

The only reason I bring this up is because I myself run a smaller shop on Etsy offering similar products of my own design. Can anyone shed any light on this? I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong place.

- Bucky
Is our boy safe? Is he alright?

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