Who's going to post the H3 models first???? ;)

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Jr Member
Be our god of geekdom... Let us worship you with dancing cats...

I'll even offer up the bananas!!!


OK, I'll actualy offer up something more substantial... Someone send me the H3 models in either .3ds or .obj format, & I'll send you your choice of any kit in my prop store. OR, a vacformed helmet, battle rifle, or pistol kit of your choice, once finished. The BR is patterned & on the bench, the pistol bucks are 85% done, & the helmets are next. I have a full set of vac'd armor I'm assembling for sale right now for completion funds for the newer stuff.
I also have literaly hundreds of molds for other resin props, star wars, star trek, Blade, etc etc....

My store- http://hero-gear.netfirms.com/shop.html


That would indeed be very helpful, although I'm already taking the HALO 2 Pepakura helmet model and altering it to more closely match the HALO 3 design. As I'm building mine out of styrene, for me it's just a simple matter of layering it so that the details appear as they should. Still, it would be good to see some HALO 3 models... :)
That would indeed be very helpful, although I'm already taking the HALO 2 Pepakura helmet model and altering it to more closely match the HALO 3 design. As I'm building mine out of styrene, for me it's just a simple matter of layering it so that the details appear as they should. Still, it would be good to see some HALO 3 models... :)
check out the link in my sig, i did the same thing, also, flying_squirl has an even more detailed one.
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I'll get some ingame pics of most of the suits later tonight for you guys, the only things I dont have are the security helm and shoulders and the hayabusa helmet.
I've actualy made some decent headway in getting models myself. I've got the Xbox iso converted over to windows, & everything basicly extracted... The map files are formatted differently than H1 & 2, so I'm still downloading & trying new mods & plugins... They've got a handle on working out the problems over at halomod, so we should have something VERY soon... :)

I've been working on a large-scale LMD rapid prototyping rig for doing lifesize pieces, such as bodyforms, armor, etc... I have a smaller setup for doing layered sheet of paper, wood, or plastic, this one will do .5 - 2" foam panels, basicly something like a CNC hotwire cutter... The basics for the proccess where developed here in Seattle for the creation of custom prosthetic limbs... Very cool stuff... ;)

herogear said:
I've actualy made some decent headway in getting models myself. I've got the Xbox iso converted over to windows, & everything basicly extracted... The map files are formatted differently than H1 & 2, so I'm still downloading & trying new mods & plugins... They've got a handle on working out the problems over at halomod, so we should have something VERY soon... :)

I've been working on a large-scale LMD rapid prototyping rig for doing lifesize pieces, such as bodyforms, armor, etc... I have a smaller setup for doing layered sheet of paper, wood, or plastic, this one will do .5 - 2" foam panels, basicly something like a CNC hotwire cutter... The basics for the proccess where developed here in Seattle for the creation of custom prosthetic limbs... Very cool stuff... ;)


Neat. I'm working on a CNC machine to make vacuforming and fiberglassing molds with down here in Florida. It seems we're working along the same lines- cleaned-up game models straight to CNC devices. Seems to me that LMD might be a little... overkill, especially for costuming. o_O

Think you could elaborate on how you got the filestructure exposed? I grabbed the .ISO, and got as far as reasoning that all the data was in the .VOBs, but I wasn't sure where to go from there, and googling didn't help.
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Friendly said:

Hey bud, Is the H3 MarkVI TEXTURE file in any of these??
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I've spent the past week trying to extract the models from both the beta & the retail versions... I think I'm just to old to figure this thing out... lol I've tried every utility & mod I can find & so far, nadda.

So... anyone figure out how to get to at least the betas? I've been checking att the mod & hack forums daily, as well as constant P2P searches... Offer for goodies still stands... ;)

I've been doing the same thing herogear, well except for the extraction part, but the search for the Halo 3 models is starting to wear me out. In the mean time, I've been trying to practice with the H2 models, and I was wondering do you use 3DS or something else. I only wonder cause I've been having issues with the programs I use, and was wondering if there was a better alternative to making 3D solid models. Also, I believe someone already posted that you're best bet might be flying_squirl to get the new .3ds models of the H3 armor though last I spoke with him he said he only had the H2 ones. Maybe after a while, he'll have the H3 ones as well, I'll send him a message and see what he might have.
Spartan1105 said:

I remember ages ago when I was in high school, a group of people came to our class to talk about their prototyping company. They used a type of resin that would harden as a laser would "draw" the intersected profile of a 3D model. As the model was getting "printed" it would sink into the resin until it was finished.

They passed around an Apache helicopter flight-stick handle printed from a high resolution cad model. It was as detailed as a resin cast of the original.
I'd say that process would be the best one for the spartan armor construction. Even if piece by piece to make a master for casting.
But I'm guessing it would be expensive?
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CPU64 said:
I remember ages ago when I was in high school, a group of people came to our class to talk about their prototyping company. They used a type of resin that would harden as a laser would "draw" the intersected profile of a 3D model. As the model was getting "printed" it would sink into the resin until it was finished.

They passed around an Apache helicopter flight-stick handle printed from a high resolution cad model. It was as detailed as a resin cast of the original.
I'd say that process would be the best one for the spartan armor construction. Even if piece by piece to make a master for casting.
But I'm guessing it would be expensive?

There are actually several forms of this type of 3D "printing". The type you speak of is Stereolithography, I studied it in college as part of my core study. The plastic is photosensitive(reacts to light) and hardens when exposed to a UV laser. The tank that the part is printed in fills up very slowly with this liquid and is very fragile at first till it's cured, or baked. Here's a little more about it if you're curious... http://computer.howstuffworks.com/stereolith.htm

There is also a version of this type of machine that uses powered metal in a similar process. Both types take a very long time to process and build. I used a Fused Dep machine in college to make a part smaller than 5"x5"x5" and it took 9 hours to finish. It would of only taken 5 but the machine was on the fritz. The machine I used is actually faster than the other two I mentioned. All of these are extremely expensive for materials and operation.

Though if someone could use them and had the money you'd probably come out with the most acturate and strongest armor out there next to casting it.
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Actually, thew best method would probably be the mass production way that carbon fiber parts like hoods and fenders are made.. But not worth it for a few copies..
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