i just had a thought and no post like " no its cus there awesome"
ok i agree video games are fun, but i think the real reason we play well there's two of em
#1 we can be anything we want to be with no ties to are real lives and probelms in them. which lead me to my secound point
#2 we get to exercise are anger, hate and aggrestion in a non-leathal way. like today i had a terribal day first woke up with a pull muscle in my neck, my dentist yell at me for 10 minute about my teeth. when i got home all i wanted to do was play halo 3 and snipe like a mofo. ( which i cant cus MS suck and sent my broken xbox back 2 time allready)
and then it hit me.
im a just taking to much meds for my neck or am i on to something?
AND YES! Video Games ARE AWESOME! (happy?)
thanks for reading
ok i agree video games are fun, but i think the real reason we play well there's two of em
#1 we can be anything we want to be with no ties to are real lives and probelms in them. which lead me to my secound point
#2 we get to exercise are anger, hate and aggrestion in a non-leathal way. like today i had a terribal day first woke up with a pull muscle in my neck, my dentist yell at me for 10 minute about my teeth. when i got home all i wanted to do was play halo 3 and snipe like a mofo. ( which i cant cus MS suck and sent my broken xbox back 2 time allready)
and then it hit me.
im a just taking to much meds for my neck or am i on to something?
AND YES! Video Games ARE AWESOME! (happy?)
thanks for reading