working space suits / I am back !


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Member DIN
Ive not been on here in Years and years. there are reasons for this.
I was working on Halo Infinite as part of the Foley Team and I decided to not cross the streams .

As we all know that game has shipped and I don't feel professionally obligated to be a recluse ...

I got a TON of hate from the halo community when 343 did there making of videos on Instagram and broke my cover .

Oh well.

back in. 2018 I started to water Cool my halo cosplay. this news got around in PDX and So I was asked to watercool Pressure suits for Pac SpaceFlight.
I ended up doing WAY more then that for them. way way more.....

( I made them Scrubbers . Life support systems. Comms Gear and more )
I only left in late 202 cause I caught COVID.
I have long covid and a totally shot immune system. its BAD..


 In 2022 My dad passed From Cancer and left me some money.

I am in my 30s and decided my last cosplay should be my best.

with my immune issues I can die at any time. so YOLO !

I learned how to make the suit soft goods from PSF
 so with a budget of 10K I set off. 

In 6 months I had a working suit. total cost was 3200 bucks.

later that Oct 2022 
I was asked to do a panel mars society at the mars conf on the first under 50K. consumer grade EVA suit.
In the front row was the deputy director fof NASA >
Un known to me she called up ILC Dover * who made the moonsuit in the 60s*
And get them to hire me on to the Artemis team for ILC who was working with. Rockwell ( former employer LMAO)
On the new moon suits.

They wanted to have me be a Sr suit Eng ( a dream job)
I told them I am a EE not a ME . But they insisted I apply any ways.

2 interviews later and We almost had ink on paper. They called and said.
You’re a sparky! .( slang for a EE ) I was like. Yea I told you this .
So that was that. No joy. Not that I care too much as /daymm/. Too even be asked is a honor..

At this point the mars society took me on and now I work for them as part of the MDRS HAB team.
My job is to make hardware for there users and design telemetry products . EVAlink. Its a LoRA based system that covers the Utah MDRS campus.
( PISST This can also be added to cosplay for cons for comms !) Ill do a post for this as its super cool in its own right )

I wanted to take my suit on a tour to show it off.
In 2023 I was gonna go to Silicon in SF to meet up with Adam Savege but that con was canceled at the last moment.
One of my clients from another project told me of Open Sauce later that month and so at the last moment I managed to get a exhibitor badge.

While chatting with Zach freedman at his booth about AR stuff (. I do a ton of AR and VR stuff in my free time for clients )
Cody ( Cody’s Lab ) comes over and we chat … asked me what I have at my booth .
I said a space suit.

I was shocked . So he asked to see it. so we made our way to my booth and talked for over a hour . In the middle of this He asked me if I did commissions>
I said. Yes!. That was That!

A year of work and his suit is done.

We did a test run at OpenSauce 2024 on his Beta suit and I was very lucky to get to hang out with Adam Savage at his tested cave.
I wept . ends up Adam was aware of my work before I met up with him. you have no idea how much this ment to me....



Cody's. final suit is this one Code named Jagger . it has the moves ....


This is the PGA ( Pressure garment assy ) at 3 PSI for its 1st worn test.
Prior to this It was ran at 10 PSI over ambent
moon suits run at 3.7
over the week we ran. more test worn.

This 3rd gen suit as WAY better knees then last 2


here it is at. 5 PSI with Outer cover on . New knee joints are a game changer..

Later on in 2024 I was asked to join the Explorers club by none other then Sir Richard Garriot for my work on making suits . Richard himself few to the ISS . and his father Crewed Skylab!!!!

Cody picked up his suit at BLFC 2024 as We did a panel together on how to Water Cool your cosplay..



for his suit build I recorded 600 GB of video for how it’s made. The suits are open Src and Ive bought some domains for them to publish my work.

Now I am taking a needed break.

Now on to the needed disclaimer and warning…


SO. first and foremost I am a EE with a B/G in aerospace. I made parts for the F35 Helmet.( the 343I stuff was a offshoot )
I am also a cert advanced NAUI Diver with rebreather add on.

This is a risky ””costume”” as it’s a fully vac rated suit. That is pressure tested to 10-20 PSI over ambient .
Only thing I lack from a EVA suit is I don’t add in the un needed layers of Mylar and buffer as it’s pointless for a ground test suit that will never go *up*.
But it has active liquid cooling. And it has a CO2 Scrubber that runs on SodaLime. The Oxygen bottle has a 3H run time and Codys suit has a 8H run time his backpack is 45 Lbs .

I could totally do a Lunar EVA in it on the light side of the moon!
To date I have over. 60 Hours in suit.

Iam more than happy to share deets here if any one has questions.


5 PSI test ( DONT eat tacobell prior to a test )
5 PSI test unknown.png

From a photo-shoot with a Nat geo Photographer at 3 PSI


Cody and I at my shop doing some fit testing

On left .orange is Cody's Prototype suit and his backpack. on the right is my suit.
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If I had a reason and some more Budget then I could totally make a vac rated REACH Jorge armor set .

the scrubber assy would totally fit in the chest and not need any hoses !

and its easy to hot-swap O2 tanks and stuff them in places. the orange NASA. ACES suit uses bottels that look like they come from a CO2 paintball marker. . a M9 tank the dims ot a 2L soda bottle is good for 3H 2015 PSI
getting even a hour once the suit is totally zero leak is easy on tank we could hide in the back pods.

also the Scrubber fan is at worse 20 watts

normailly its abut 15 watts . this is not a lot of power draw.

running more mental math. Yea his back pack is HUGE>. sucker could even pack a full R134a Chiller and batts and 6H of Oxygen.

damn...... dont make me cross the streams......... hmmm

pack 2 of them and volla.


this Chiller I use is from Rigid HVAC ...


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