Yay! More halo fan fiction!!

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CPO mendez

Active Member
Hello again 405th. I have been quite busy on some very fun Halo fan fiction. I was playing some reach campaign on a Saturday afternoon (accursed internet in my new house is suffering from mental retardation) and i got a particularly insistent seed of inspiration. So i whipped out my computer and one week later Viola! the first five chapters of my fan fic! I can't seem to stop writing and i may even publish it into a book one day. In the mean time enjoy and feel free to point out any mistakes or flaws. It should all be completely time and character accurate. So, without further ado, my fan fic:

Chapter 1

February 21st, 2536
Algolis, New Constantinople
Spartan III Alpha Company,
2nd platoon,
Hades squad

“Orbit achieved, permission to begin descent to surface. Over” There was a three second pause before the flight control officer aboard the marathon-class cruiser The Hammer Of Light responded. “Permission granted, have a nice ride” came a particularly strained voice over the comms. Erick-098 grunted in amusement, ‘nice ride my ass’ he thought, covenant were gonna glass this place just like they glassed Harvest, New Harmony, Arcadia, all the bloody friggin’ outer colonies. New Constantinople was just gonna be another few million innocent souls on the Purple wankers’ butcher list. The only thing that mattered now was how many of them you took down with you before you finally got shot one too many times. He came out of his depressing thoughts to relay the good news to the CO. “We got the green light from the Hammer, I’m already getting some funny looks from a squad of seraphs, so we’ll have to skip the welcome brunch sir!”
Maverick-221 clicked his acknowledgment over the comms and turned to the rather crowded pelican. 8 other Spartan-IIIs stood in the blood pan of the armored pelican dropship. “Alright ladies, hope you took a potty break before we left, ‘cause we aren’t stopping for a while! Time for the headcount; is anyone not here?”
Maverick gazed around the cabin, which was silent but for the rumbling of the pelican’s re-entry. The mirrored faceplates of 8 Spartans stared back at him. Zoe-808, Rachel-181, Daniel-323, Michael-401, Suzie-049, Robert-155, Anthony-626, Brent-106, and Erick up front. “Good. Now, there’re a few of those purple targets out there that have taking a liking to our very nice ship. We’re go-“ Maverick was cut off mid-sentence by an explosion off the starboard side. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking” Erick announced over the comms, “I have some good news and bad news, we’re experiencing some turbulence at this time, those seraphs aren’t being very nice.”
“What’s the good news?” Maverick asked,
“That was the good news. Erm… the bad news is we no longer have a right wing.”
A secondary explosion punctuated Erick’s last sentence, Then the pelican fell into an uncontrollable tailspin. Maverick turned to address his Spartans over the din: “Alright boys and girls! Pack up, stow your **** and get ready to jump! And you might as well get over it; we’re going in hot!

3 months. 3 months from retirement and a ticket off this rock when the Covies showed up. He even met the captain of the ship that was going to take him home too. The sick Irony made Lieutenant Colonel James Hertego want to laugh and cry at the same time. But he’d take his sweet revenge on all the purple freaks that were unlucky enough to cross his sights. Not only was his body starting to crap out on him, but the higher-ups thought it’d be a riot to drop a bunch of freshies that barely knew which end the bullets came out of on a gun on him. James hoped that his death would be quick and painless. He just wished he could’ve said goodbye to Raynah and the kids. Maybe one of the num-nuts would grab his dog tags and hand them off to someone competent. But there’s no room for sad thoughts when there’s bad guys to kill. And with that last thought the first wave of Covie drop pods broke the cloud cover and hurtled towards the frightened defenders with a distant, ghostly rumble. He turned around and swept his gaze across the 10,000 marines, planetary defense forces, and heavy armor entrenched across the vast Algolis space dock. Algolis, the capitol city of the planet, had been thrown into disarray by the wave of panicked refugees and battered marine platoons limping back from harvest. As soon as the governor caught wind of the Covenant’s advance, he immediately ordered a planet-wide state of emergency. Pulling all civilians and farmers back to the major cities. Local militias were formed alongside the meager PDF forces and anyone that could hold a rifle was on the front lines. Thankfully one of the frigates that limped back from the slaughter at Harvest carried two heavy armor platoons. They were sent straight over to Algolis to aid in the defense of the Algolis spaceport. Since New Constantinople was a small farm planet with no major military bases or exports, there were no orbital tethers. So the only way off the planet was the Algolis spaceport. If Algolis fell the world was doomed. But James had heard rumors floating around that a squad of Spartans had been deployed by the spooks at ONI. He hoped to hell that the rumors were true, because if they were that meant that some of the toughest badasses in the galaxy were here to save the day. ‘Maybe I’ll get off this rock after all’ he thought as he turned to his squad of five of the most inexperienced and unluckiest bunch of sorry-ass marines that ever lived; Jason Hough, a piss poor farm boy that only got to this rock by signing up for the marines to send money back to his mother. Then there was Curtis Reynolds, another farm boy that had to join the Marines for the money when he mixed up the pesticides with the weed killer and destroyed 15 acres of his own crops, then there was Jason Armstrong, a snooty rich kid that got in deep **** after doing the governor’s daughter and joined the PDF to keep from being shipped back to his father and step-mother, and finally there was Jacob Doveland, an ancient SOB that looked old enough to be one of the first colonists. He’d been in the corps longer than James had been alive; the only problem was he looked like he weighed as much as his rifle. This was his squad. ‘Just quick and painless’ he prayed as he addressed his squad. “Okay recruits! All those purple bastards up there want this worthless rock for reasons beyond my knowledge. We’re here to show them that this little slice of hell is ours and that they aint gonna take it without a fight. And if you bunch of sorry ass jack-holes learn how to shoot straight by the end of this war I promise some a nice long shore leave. Now grab your rifles, keep a kill tally, and don’t shoot your buddies!” Nervous nods and a couple of half-hearted ‘yes sir’s answered James’ words. Almost immediately after the recruits shakily loaded and racked the slides on their standard MA5-7s the first Covie drop pods slammed into the metal decks and disgorged their occupants to begin the war for New Constantinople.
“Sir, I got some more bad news.” Brent said as he turned from the equipment rack. “What is it lieutenant, I’m a bit busy at the moment” Maverick replied
“Sir, we only have four jet-packs” All movement stopped in the pelican as the last words sank in.
“Rock, paper scissors?” asked Daniel.
“Why don’t we just chuck you out the back and see what happens?” Robert said
“Stow it, both of you!” yelled Maverick, “Zoe, Rachel, Anthony and I will load up the equipment and take the four jet packs, the rest of you can jump at a lower altitude and overload your shields before impact, just like hard-ass Ambrose and his old squad”
“********, sir! Those were Spartan IIs, and they lost four members in the fall!” Brent said from the back of the pelican. Maverick wheeled on the Spartan and roared “Then you can stay behind and get blown into a bunch of pretty little pieces by the LARGE COVENANT FLEET SITTING OVER OUR HEADS GETTING READY TO GLASS THIS BALL OF DIRT BECAUSE THEY FEEL LIKE IT! THERE’S YOUR FRIGGIN OPTIONS!” The only noise came from Zoe, Rachel, and Anthony strapping up. “Now make some noise and get ready to jump!” Maverick called out from the equipment rack. A chorus of ‘yes sir’s responded.

“FIRE AT WILL” James roared to his squad as a drop pod landed not 20 feet from their position and disgorged a group of enormous gorilla-things. He’d heard the corpsmen call them “brutes”, whatever they were they were big, they smelled, and they didn’t look too happy…

The pelican bucked as it was struck again by the squad of seraphs on it’s tail. The equipment rack ring like a gong as Maverick’s head struck the side. His field of vision fizzled into darkness as his helmet’s internal systems momentarily shut down from the blow. His vision slowly returned, now laced with interference from the damage, to reveal a meter-wide dent in the pelican’s hull. The transport bucked again as another strafe of fire ripped a two meter-wide piece of armor from the side of the transport, revealing flames and the spinning sky. Thin sunlight spilled into the transport bay from the hole, smothering the blood red of the emergency lighting. He finished strapping up with equipment and mag-locked his jetpack to his back and called a sound off, 8 lights lit up on his HUD, Erick’s light remained dark. “Sir, I’ll lead the seraphs off, give you guys a window to drop.” Maverick spun on his heel and marched straight towards the cockpit. “You’re too pretty to be a hero” he said as he ripped the crash harness off of Erick, grabbed the back of his neck seal, hauled him out of the pilot’s chair, and dragged him through the transport bay as the Pelican’s ramp extended. The spartans standing like statues in formation, their magnetized boots keeping them from being sucked out by the vortex of burning air rushing into the cockpit. Daniel dug his fist into the edge of the pelican’s armored wall as he craned his neck over the edge to call out their altitude. “2,000 meters!” he called out over the howling wind. “Hold…” Maverick said as he firmly held the struggling form of Erick. “1,500 meters!” Daniel called out. “Hold…” maverick said. He could see his spartans tensing. “1,000 me-“ Daniel disappeared into the spinning sky as the bulkhead he was holding tore off.
“Dumbass.” maverick said with a smile “Always the first one out”
“Dibs on his ammo” Robert called out from the back.
“Should we be worried, sir?” Rachel asked.
“He’ll be fine. He’s got a thick skull,” Maverick replied “jump on my mark” he said as he held up his hand, “MARK” he shouted. He jumped off the edge of the ramp, still firmly holding Erick, and was snatched away by the wind.

Chapter 2

James methodically pumped, fired, pumped, and fired his shotgun, fountains of purple blood spilling wherever he shot. He ducked behind cover as his shotgun’s firing rack clacked empty “Cover me, Reloading!” he shouted to his recruits as he stuffed shells from his ammo pack strapped to his hip. Suddenly, not a meter from his position, a portion of the wall he was using for cover exploded outwards as a rider-less ‘hog crashed through the wall. Smoke and flames billowed from the engine block as it roared uncontrollably through the battlefield. Crushing brutes and humans alike under its enormous frame before crashing into a Covie drop pod and exploding. Taking the pod, and its occupants, with it. James’ ears were still ringing when he stuffed the last shell into his shotgun’s breach and popping up over the low wall to come face-to-face with the snarling, piggish face of a brute. It bellowed in both surprise and anger, washing James’ face in spittle and foul breath, but before it could bring its weapon up James calmly raised his shotgun and blew it’s large head to bloody ribbons. It’s headless body crumpled like a wet sack of sand as James wiped the foul saliva from his face with the sleeve of his fatigues. When he looked up again he locked eyes with an enormous brute surrounded by eight or nine others. All of them were looking at him. He brought his shotgun up to bear and pulled the trigger, the gun bucked in his hand and emitted a shriek of tortured metal. Jammed. He threw the wrecked gun away in frustration and turned back to the encroaching brutes. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide…
Chapter 3

“Hades team, form up on me!” Maverick shouted over the team comms, they’d jumped with only seconds to spare as the pelican bucked and exploded, showering the scattered team in flaming debris. Maverick spun in midair to dodge a chunk of flaming metal the size of his torso. Erick was slumped in his arms, knocked unconscious when a fist-sized chunk of debris struck his helmet. It was probably for the better, he wouldn’t have been all too thrilled at having his heroic death ruined. He watched his motion tracker as 8 blips formed up into an arrow formation around him. “Spartans 808, 181, and 626. Ignite on my ma-“ Maverick’s last words caught in his throat as he heard the howling engines of 3 seraphs approaching.
“SCATTER!” roared Maverick as the seraphs screamed through the Spartans’ formation. Maverick brought his knees up to his chest and rolled sideways, but the weight of Erick slowed him down. Before he had time to curse, an enormous hand punched him from behind and everything went dark.

James watched, petrified, as the brute chieftain roared a wordless challenge at him. But before the beast could charge, a grey blur thundered into the brute squad in a cloud of vaporized concrete and purple blood. Before the surviving brutes could gather their wits, the gunmetal grey warrior began tearing through them with an inhuman ferocity and speed. He realized with a start that he was looking at a Spartan. The Spartan had flattened three brutes when he dropped from wherever the hell he came from and killed another two in a flash of his combat knife. The Spartan killed with every stroke of his whistling blade. He spun in a wide arc, decapitated a brute, crouched, and swiped the legs out of three more before jumping up and sinking his blade down to the hilt in the face of a fifth. The surprise of the Spartan’s entry onto the battlefield soon wore off as the brutes turned to the deadly threat in their midst and opened fire wildly into the cloud of settling dust, several of them hitting each other in the chaotic crossfire. James could see that the Spartan, despite his superhuman abilities, wouldn’t last much longer. “Well, don’t just sit there with your fingers up your arses! Give our big friend some covering fire!” James roared to the surrounding marines as he pulled out his M-9 and opened fire. The bark of his pistol was soon drowned out by the thunderous report of dozens of rifles as the surrounding marines opened fire on the embattled brutes. But their comrades’ swift deaths didn’t deter the other brutes and soon the Spartan’s weapon was wrenched from his hand as yet another brute toppled backwards with the knife buried in the back of its throat. Undeterred by the loss of his only weapon, the Spartan began lashing out at anything within reach. Pulverizing heads with blurring punches, breaking knees and legs with swift kicks. The Spartan was shimmering gold like some sort of god as his energy shields began to fail under the repeated blows.
James saw the next scene unfold in slow motion; The chieftain that had confronted James rose up behind the embattled Spartan, hammer raised high over its helmeted head before swinging the blade of the hammer in a sweeping arc straight at the Spartan’s back. The Spartan turned just in time to see the blow coming before it thundered straight into his chest. With an electrified ‘CRACK’ the Spartan’s shields failed and the blade struck home, splintering his breastplate and sinking deep into the Spartan’s chest. The Spartan staggered backwards, the hammer protruding from his chest as the chieftain roared in triumph at landing a blow on the Spartan. But before it could claim its prize the Spartan wrenched the hammer from his ruined chest and pulverized the chieftain’s head with a thunderous strike. James’ recruits lowered their rifles in a mix of fear and awe at the spartan’s sheer might. The Spartan barely had time to recover before more brutes began clambering up the mound to get to him. The Spartan, a mix of blood, oil and hydrostatic gel leaking from his ruined chest, and his left arm now nothing but red ruin, kept fighting as the encroaching wave of brutes fought closer. He swung the hammer one-handed, tearing chunks of alien flesh and armor with every blow, but more brute reinforcements were dropping by the minute. James watched as a brute jammed it’s bladed pistol into the spartan’s shoulder. The spartan wrenched the crude weapon from his shoulder, a terrifying, bloodthirsty scream bursting from the helmet’s external speakers, and shot the brute through the throat with a sizzling spike from the weapon. As the beast grabbed its throat in surprise the spartan lifted it up with one hand, caved the beast’s head in with a head butt, then hurled its still-twitching body onto three of its brethren, but James could see it wouldn’t be enough. The spartan was spun off balance from a punch to the jaw, the brute’s rail-spike claws tearing through the spartan’s helmet and digging a trench through the spartan’s exposed forehead. The spartan regained his balance a moment later. He lasted for only a few more brutal punches, sending more of the snarling beasts to their deaths, before the rest of the aliens overwhelmed him and bore him to the ground. The brutes aimed their blades with brutal efficiency, ramming their blades into the soft armor joints to force him to his knees and prevent him from getting up. The spartan’s final act of defiance was one final punch, thudding straight into the gut of the closest brute. As the dying brute fell to the ground, the spartan was revealed, over a dozen blades jutting from the joints of his armor, before he fell to the ground disappearing for the last time under a seething tide of brutes.
Chapter 4
A hero’s death

It had only been ten minutes since the first drop pods touched down, but already the battlefield was being obscured by the choking smoke from destroyed tanks and ‘hogs. Creating a hellish scene of gunfire flashes, grenade detonations and screams of the wounded and dying. “Squad, on me.” James said as he crouched down and started moving towards the prone Spartan. “Are you off your rocker pops?” Doveland asked from the back of the group, “We’re gonna go help that Spartan that just saved our goddamn lives, now lets get to him instead of discussing it out in the open with no cover! I’ve got point. Armstrong, Doveland. On me, move out.”
The three scurried from cover to cover, using the thick smoke to hide their advance. Slowly making their way to the prone Spartan. The air was heavy with the reeking stench of alien gore, prominent even with the choking smoke filling the air. James heard Armstrong gagging quietly behind him as they stopped behind the burned out shell of a scorpion tank. They weren’t three or four meters from the Spartan’s position and couldn’t see any movement coming from the fallen hero. “I thought Spartans were supposed to be invincible.” Doveland grumbled from the back of the line. “Invincible or not, that tough SOB just saved your sorry ass and took some serious **** for it, so instead of sitting here enjoying the view, why don’t we go give him some assistance!” And with that they sprinted the last few meters and slid into the crater left by the Spartan’s entry. “Take point and cover me!” James said as he crouched down next to the Spartan. ‘Jesus’ James thought as he pulled a vitals scanner out of his small field med-kit. Multiple contusions to both lungs, one of which was completely collapsed, eight broken ribs, a pulverized collarbone, serious bruising to the heart, Knees, elbows, pelvis, all ripped to shreds by the brutes’ attacks, his left arm… it was completely gone. There were just a few shreds of soft armor and a jagged bone protruding from torn muscles, the list went on and on. The Spartan should’ve been cut in half by the hammer strike alone, but James’ vitals scanner read a strong pulse. James already saw Biofoam being injected from the few working parts of the suit. James felt around the lip of the back of the Spartan’s ruined helmet. “Sir, what are you doing?” Armstrong asked quietly from over James’ shoulder. “Shut yer trap and help me out here!” James barked as he slid his fingers into a small groove, “Aha!” he exclaimed as he hit the release on the helmet and pulled it off in a hiss of venting oxygen. “Hold this.” James grunted as he handed the helmet to Armstrong, who grunted in surprise as he fell over forwards from the weight of the helmet, followed by snickering from Doveland’s position. James gasped at the revealed face of the spartan, but before he could do anything the Spartan’s hand snatched the collar of his fatigues and wrenched him in close to her face.
“What’s your name soldier?” she asked, before being wracked with blood soaked coughs. “L-lieutenant Colonel J-James Hertego M-M’am” He stammered as Doveland and Armstrong swore in surprise at the swift descent of their CO’s head. “Get these to forward commander Spartan-221,” she gasped as she ripped her battered dog tags from around her neck and slapped them into James’ hands. “We need to get you to a medic!” James said sternly to the dying spartan. “Yeah, as if.” she said as blood began frothing at the corners of her mouth. “Get those to my CO, Spartan-221. And make sure you give him my kill tally.” She said with a pained smile. “Tell him that I’m sorry, and… that I made it count…” and with one last, rasping breath, her head slumped back and her hand slackened from James’ collar and thumped to the ground. A stunned silence fell over the three. “S-sir, is she…” Armstrong asked in a quivering voice. James words caught in his throat. He couldn’t believe it. He… he just couldn’t believe it. He looked down at the dog tags as he rose from the spartan’s body. “C’mon, lets hide her body” James whispered as he read the dog tags:

Hades squad
2nd platoon, Alpha Company
Sex: female
D.O.B: 3/5/2520
Weight: 355 lbs

James paused as he read the birth date and turned to the spartan’s body and crouched by her head, wiping the blood from her face and brushing aside her hair to see her face, it was the face of a fifteen year old girl.

Chapter 5

Maverick felt a small breeze caress his face. It felt good. He felt himself swaying lazily in the breeze. ‘I feel peaceful.’ He thought ‘I just wish my leg would stop hurting. Wait, why can’t I feel the breeze on the rest of my body? Why does my leg hurt?” It all came back to him in a rush. New Constantinople, the Hammer, the seraphs, the Pelican! He snapped his eyes open and an explosion of pain blossomed in his skull. He squeezed his eyes shut before opening them, slowly this time, and tried to get a fix on his position.
He groggily looked left.
He looked right.
More branches.
‘I must be in a forest’ he thought.
He glanced at his motion tracker for any nearby threats. But he didn’t have a motion tracker. He no longer had a visor. There were only jagged chunks of glass around the edges of where the visor used to be. ‘Must’ve shattered in the fall. That explains the breeze’ he tasted copper in the back of his throat. ‘Biofoam’ he thought as his senses cleared. He realized that he was hanging upside down by his equipment pack. He reached for his combat knife, reached up and cut the cord wrapped around his foot. He slipped out of the tangled mess and gracefully landed on a thick branch a couple meters lower. He could see he was about ten or twenty meters up. He was about to reach up and untangle his bag when he heard the squeaking barks of a couple of grunts. He slid himself flat against the branch and peeked over the edge. There were two of them in a clearing under Maverick’s position; weapons held loosely at their sides, they were interested in a large crater in the middle of the clearing. He could see the form of a human in the crater… Erick! He had completely forgotten about the stubborn pilot until this point. Luckily he was still unconscious, the grunts didn’t seem too worried, one of them kicked the spartan’s helmet with its round foot and uttered more barking and squealing. Maverick had to do something; He slid himself under the tree branch, readied his combat knife, and jumped.
He silently landed behind the grunts, despite the pain lancing up his leg. He silently approached the two grunts, still chattering in their strange language. He kicked out with his good foot, crushing the left one’s skull, spun, and punched the remaining grunt squarely in the chest, shattering it’s breastplate and sent it hurtling into a tree eight meters away. Maverick quickly checked for any other contacts in the surrounding trees, he dearly missed his motion sensor right then, before standing up, sheathing his knife, and climbing back up the tree to retrieve his equipment pack. By the time he had reached the bottom, he could hear Erick groaning in pain. “How was your nap sweetie?” Maverick asked as he fished an MA5-B from his bag and tossed it onto Erick’s chest. “Permission to speak freely, sir?” Erick croaked. “Granted” Maverick said, humoring the wounded spartan. “You ruined my heroically awesome death, threw me out of a perfectly good pelican with no jetpack, then dropped me.” Erick grunted as he stood, retrieving his rifle. ”So no, my nap was NOT very good!”
“Walk it off lieutenant.” Maverick said, hefting a BR-55, ”we’ve got bad guys to kill.

Thats the story so far. And sorry, i couldn't fit it all in one post. Ma bad :/
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