Advanced Chimeran Hybrid (WIP)

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So changing directions, I quickly drew up a template for a weapon to go with the costume. not sure if I'm gonna do this one or a different one (which would just be modding a nerf Maverick)

But here is the quick template of a (not exact replica) L11-2 Dragon

The games looks like this

Or I was just going to make the HE .44 Magnum...

...out of a either a Nerf Maverick...

...which I know wouldn't make it very close in detail or proportionally at all, but I'd have the maverick ready at hand.

Or I could buy a cap gun revolver and paint it and and a few detail with foam

I haven't decided which yet and this is just an idea im toying with. Ill probably make these last after the armor if I do make them.
I would say make the pistol out of the cap gun, you are going to have to do a whole bunch of modding and cutting if you use the mavrick...
So as an update (sorry no pics of my work) I have the front of the torso done, both forearms, and most of the thighs done.

Im having trouble with how I want to do the cod piece which looks like this.

I could attach it to an old belt (the attaching wouldn't be a problem) But the problem is that the chimera doesnt wear a belt (shown here)...

and its only held up by the cooling tubes that run from his low to mid back around his hips and attaching to the sides of the cod. I could attach it like how I just explained, but it would make it extremelly hard to get the torso/back on.

so theres my dilemma. The only viable option I see is to make the cod removable and attach it to the tubes/pipes everytime I put it on or attach it to the belt (along with the butt plate) and then also make it removable with the tubing.

I just wanted your guys' input. All help/comments/criticism is appreciated
So this project is dead.

The difficulty of doing this is just a little to much for me right now and Im in severe debt with my parents so I can't really buy any supplies if I screw up more.

I might return to this later on when I am a little more skilled in making armor without pep (still haven't tried armor with pep).

For right now I think I will make and sell custom latex masks to relieve the debt and buy supplies for whatever project I would like to do next whether it be Halo armor or something else.
So this project is dead.

The difficulty of doing this is just a little to much for me right now and Im in severe debt with my parents so I can't really buy any supplies if I screw up more.

I might return to this later on when I am a little more skilled in making armor without pep (still haven't tried armor with pep).

For right now I think I will make and sell custom latex masks to relieve the debt and buy supplies for whatever project I would like to do next whether it be Halo armor or something else.

sad to hear i was looking forward to seeing the finished mask at least,but hey we all have our reasons..good luck with your future endeavors
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