Anyone Heard Of Spray On Hardeners ?

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halodude164 said:
sanding the area would help greatly since a sanded surface helps the resin adhere to another finished surface. that's basic when doing things like body work, or at least on a car to my knowledge, but that's where i profess at. i'm not all that sure with paper and shellac. and yes, tacky resin on the paper that never dries is definately a biznatch!!!!!! happened to my first helmet and i had to ad like to more layers to it, just to relize that it fell when it was wet and warped the jaw/ mouth guard..... so i'm working on my new one. but that's just my sob story. but yeah the only advise i could give is just try it on something not very important BEFORE you try to apply it to your armor

oh man that sucks sooooo bad lol. and yeah i am for SURE going to try it on some scrap pieces first =D thanks.
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