Custom Halo Reach Build

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Ummie60: i have no idea how much the final thing weight, i reused the clay for everything so I wouldn't have to buy like a 100 lb of that stuff.

Spartan-247: thank you, i plan on it
Hey, that's an awesome sculpt and it looks even better then the actual helmet!
You could take a bunch of pictures from all angles and someone could model one so we can all have a super manly epic helmet!
If you can pep it, that is!
Hey, that's an awesome sculpt and it looks even better then the actual helmet!
You could take a bunch of pictures from all angles and someone could model one so we can all have a super manly epic helmet!
If you can pep it, that is!

Of anyone actually wants to model one I can take the pcs and upload them. I'd just like some credit for it.
Lemon Pledge: Yup.

Indigo Cow: Thank You.

Sorry for the slow updates but this whole masking Digital camouflage thing is a pain in the ass. I gotta cut them all out by hand so its a little time consuming but it looks pretty f***in cool. Anyway, the picks below are where i am at right now. Thanks again for all the support guys. I'm hoping I'll be able to finish all the masking in the next two days and then I'll be spraying the 2nd color. I'll add updates when I do that. And just one thing, the green is the masking tape I am using so my armor won't be green and blue in case you are wondering.




I can't see your pics, do you have a link to them? BTW, I'm watching intently for you to let loose of a casting, this is the most epic one so far.
I can't see your pics, do you have a link to them? BTW, I'm watching intently for you to let loose of a casting, this is the most epic one so far.

Thanks for letting me know, it works on my Safari and i never looked at any other browser. I'll be change it later, i'm about to start painting the first half so then i'll upload some new pics. Thanks again.
Hey Guys, So today I did some of the camouflage work on some of the pieces and I decided i'd give you a heads up. There is still more to be done on these parts but i do think they were worth sharing with you guys so yeah. Oh and for all of you that are wondering if I am selling the helmets, all the ones I had have found a new owner, however if there is enough interest I will get some more resin and do a couple more copies of the helmet. If I do that I will sell them raw only, meaning you will get the resin helmet but it is up to you to paint it, get a visor and install it, and do whatever else you want to it. Anyway, here are the pics. enjoy and stay tuned for more soon.

I know some people had some issues viewing the old pics and i apologize for that. I kinda forgot that most people don't use safari. Anyway, i made a flicker account and i am posting them there enow. Please email me if there are issues again so i can fix it.

Butt Plate:

Crotch Piece:

Chest Piece:

I think this just became my fav thread. I really like the blending you did with the different styles...Maybe bungie could be interested in your design? Anyway that is some amazing work...I cant imagine what it will look like when you are done.

You're doing absolutely fantastic sir! That's amazing work. I was expecting it to be choppy when I noticed the method you were using but this is coming out cleaner than anything that I've done. DX
Coot83: Thank you, i can't imagine either. I still have a good amount of work left but so far its better then i expected it to be.

TheRick46: To be honest,i was thinking about just using a air brush and stencil but there are simply to many curves and shapes to do that and have it look the way i want it. I have a lot of experience doing things this way so i knew i could get it too look the way i wanted it to.
Amazing work I would love to upgrade your status due to....well not being a noob. Can Admin please upgrade...I tried and it would not save. Great work.

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