Ethics Of Casting From A Pep Model

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hey guys - I am not wanting to start a flame war regarding recasting etc.

I am used to the old fashined fan-sculpt/scratch build -> mold and cast. Recasting such is bad.

I also get taking a pep file then callin it you own and distributing it - bad.

with more and more pep models becomin available and even old style scratch builders starting to investigate this method, what are the ethics of:

taking a freely available pep model

cut and pasting it together

doing the resin/FG-ing

bondo and smoothing


THEN you mold and cast from that?

is that considered bad?

should the original pep unfolder or 3D modelller be told?

is this frowned upon or accepted?

for the unfolders who have NOT explicitly said "pls dont cast from my model" is it taken for granted that its ok to do so?

The pep file is not yours, but once you put it together, resin, bondo, ect, it is yours. No one else did it, you did.
People make casts all the time. If it was a problem it would have come up long before now. The pep files are for everyone's use therefor (for the most part) what people do with them is their own business, though the modeller should get some form of acknowledgement.
it is a good question, but theres not a problem with molding your finished pep armor... just make sure to give credit to the file creator, and that does it.
lol quick replies - thanks guys

well thats wot I was thinking too. but was wondering whether there was a "tap on the shoulder" type acknowledgement to the original maker or was it only ok for the people "in the inner circle" type thing.

I am slowly building up a H3 Navy Pilot and was thinking a quick pour of silicone on the shoulder/knee/greaves - would save me time in the long run.

was only wondering abt this as I was recently talking to a old-fashioned prop making friend of mine (who has no personal experience with pep) and he was like - oh gawd, no no no; must get permission form the original maker 1st!
Basically all you need to do with regards to acknowledging the creator is say that you're using their files (within your work in progress thread). The file creators aren't really in this for a big ego trip, they're making these files to help everyone out.
I guess some files are public, and others they don't want cast. Up to the original creator. For the most part, casts can be made, but seriously, give a "tip", and very minimum give credit to the original creator. All pep file makers should have a donate button in their sig. (if you don't you should make one)
Adam said:
I guess some files are public, and others they don't want cast. Up to the original creator. For the most part, casts can be made, but seriously, give a "tip", and very minimum give credit to the original creator. All pep file makers should have a donate button in their sig. (if you don't you should make one)

No bad Idea, Adam, no bad Idea :cool
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it should be ok because after u finish bondoing and everything, its not the same model anymore. but u should still give an agknolagement to the creator of the pep.
Those who don't want people to make molds off their pep files either sells them or only distribute them to particular.
BenStreeper said:
as far as I know only SPC has requested that you not cast/resell his pep models.

well there's something i didnt know... I think i need to send Skip a Pm then... i knew that sharing his files is a no no, but not about molding.

thanks for bringing that up.
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This brings up all sorts of stuff about what constitutes a "derivative work." After seeing some of the sculpts people have done over pep, using the pep as a size and proportion guide, I would say that the line is fuzzy. I think that at a minimum credit should be given to the original modeler. Remember, though, none of us own the rights to any of this. All of that lies in the hands of Microsoft.
Yea, but sijnature editor on this forum do not allows to put PayPal code into sijnature, cause it think it too long =(

I have tried and failed =(

Adam said:
All pep file makers should have a donate button in their sig. (if you don't you should make one)

Update: I managed to insert button and code, but only with help of Google Chrome :)
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It is this question that makes me label all of my gear as SBMK-IV (Sean Bradley MK-VI), AG Suit (Adam Grumble Suit), etc... give the props to the Prop Masters. Without 'em, we're all just Rubies! hehe

I tried to make a donate button, and I ran into the limit on the signature. I managed to shorten the code by removing the protection(not sure if this was a good idea), but then the button still would not pop up, only display the code. I did use the code brackets, that just made the text pretty colors.
thank for all the replies guys

I also like the donation button idea!

UNSC_Leatherneck said:
....Remember, though, none of us own the rights to any of this. All of that lies in the hands of Microsoft.

oh yeah, I do realise we all walk that thin line. But I also particularly hate this argument, as its often the argument that a lot of recasters use as an excuse to copy other peoples work (my background is usually Star Wars stuff, and recasting is so widespread there). Fortunately, this hasnt happened with 3D models or pepakura yet.

Das Brutus said:
It is this question that makes me label all of my gear as SBMK-IV (Sean Bradley MK-VI), AG Suit (Adam Grumble Suit), etc... give the props to the Prop Masters. Without 'em, we're all just Rubies! hehe

yeah, thats wot I have begun to do, even on labelling the downloads. lol agree abt the Rubies. PROTECT the Prop Masters - always my 1st rule of prop collecting.
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