Farris Mkvi Finished!

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I apply Elmer's with a toothpick. All those scraps of cardstock make a nice little pallet to put the glue on. You could use your finger as well but that's messy. A toothpick lets you put a thinner layer of glue on the tab yet still gives you time to make sure the alignment is right.
Hot glue tends to leave gobs and trails if you're not used to it. The key to using Elmer's glue is to apply a thin layer on the tabs and then press them for a couple of seconds. It results in a more tidy work
Macattack64 said:
and use the all-purpose. The school glue is too watery... :\

That's my problem. I've been using school glue. No matter how thin I make it, it still doesn't really do right. I'll have to pick some up tomorrow before I get started.
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I think we have a winner! I haven't completed it yet since that stupid work thing gets in the way (woot 50 hours a week but only being paid for 40... management sucks). Still have plenty of room to insert fiberglass, padding, and electronics (LED's and fans are good things). The change to all purpose glue from school glue helped a LOT. And the greatest part of it is that everything lines up so far. Not a single problem... Hoping for more clear skies and smooth sailing. Thanks to everyone that has helped so far.

Now that I've jinxed myself, here are the pictures.


Farris said:
Now that I've jinxed myself, here are the pictures.

ur gona hate me but now that I see the second one...

it looks too small.
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moofactory said:
ur gona hate me but now that I see the second one...

it looks too small.

Looking at the pictures, I can see what you're talking about. However, that's just because of how it was sitting on my head. Especially with my big gonzo nose. However, I just measured, and I have almost exactly 1 inch of clearance between the tip of my nose and the back of the "bump" in the middle of the lower jaw. I just had it sitting that way to balance it. Once I get all the fiberglass/padding/electrical stuff in there, it should be the right fit. Here is a picture I had a co-worker take of me with it pushed forward a bit more. I have to support the chin a little bit to keep it from leaning forward at the moment, but I intend to balance it out later by adding weight to the back if I have to (I will need at least 1 battery to power a fan and lights anyway).
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I don't think it is to small. Just remember this rule you want to add 1 inch radius to you head. think about it this way. After you add 1 inch of padding to the top of the helm will your head still fit into it? (including sides) that right there is a good base for the prefect size.
the helm you have now might be on the scale of 3/4in+radius but it should still work.
good luck with fb

Farris said:
Looking at the pictures, I can see what you're talking about. However, that's just because of how it was sitting on my head. Especially with my big gonzo nose. However, I just measured, and I have almost exactly 1 inch of clearance between the tip of my nose and the back of the "bump" in the middle of the lower jaw. I just had it sitting that way to balance it. Once I get all the fiberglass/padding/electrical stuff in there, it should be the right fit. I'll update this post with pictures in a few minutes if I can email them to myself from my phone to show what I'm talking about.
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Alright... Working on the chest piece now. I need opinions on whether or not I need to continue or scale it down and restart. I hope you can see it in the picture properly. The edges of the tops of the shoulders come pretty much exactly to the edges of the top of my shoulders.

I haven't finished the back so I'm guessing that it may get pulled in some. Any suggestions? If I need to put up another picture, let me know. Thanks


How much are we talking about? I'm currently using a 51.6 cm build height. I'm 6'2" with a 44 cm straight line armpit to armpit measurement. The build width comes to about 482 cm. Should I make that the same width as my chest?
Well here is what I did. I grabbed my mcfarlin mc figure ( a pic would suffice) I pretended that MC was my height and I figured the top of the armor stood about 1.5 inches above his shoulder. The I figured that it stopped about a half inch above my belly button. So I measured from my belly button to my shoulders (rounded up to the nearest half inch) then added 1.5 inches. The I took that whole measurement to http://www.onlineconversion.com/length_common.htm and converted it to cm. The I rounded up to the nearest whole cm. The put that in as the assemb. height

So just an example

25 in from shoulder to half and inch above my belly button. + 2

Total 27 inches = 68.58 cm

So the assembled height I would use is 69 cm. Thats pretty much what ive been doing with all of my armor and its been pretty spot on except for one piece.

Good luck. Q&A team is here for ya.
Using that method, the torso is .8 cm too tall. I think that should be well within the realm of acceptability. Am I wrong?
Farris said:
Using that method, the torso is .8 cm too tall. I think that should be well within the realm of acceptability. Am I wrong?
I think you're all right within .8cm. I'm usually lucky to be within a couple centimeters on my projects.
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Well when I was building mine thats how I scaled mine and for a long time it looked way too small. I couldnt fit in it. I had to wait till it was fiberglassed and cut in half before I could see how it was really going to fit and come to find out I dont think I could have may it any closer. But if your worried about it be just a tad too tall you can just not round up like I have been doing. I just like keeping the numbers small. I just wouldnt remember the scale for my forearm when I go to make the other one if the assembled height was like 23.59393293. :p
I'm not really worried about the height. I'm just more worried about the width. I just became concerned when I tried it on before completion and it came to the very edge of the tops of my shoulders. I don't think that I will be able to just slide it on once it is complete (as in before cutting). The only reason I could get into it for the pictures was because I had not yet completed one armpit, back, or "gut" piece.

Really, I think I just may be paranoid because my first 2 helmet attempts were too big. The first one was way too big so I didn't complete it and the 2nd one (from the first post in this thread) was just slightly too big. Again, I just don't want to waste time (and cardstock) on things that I will have to redo in the end.

It may look better once I get the biceps made and added on with the torso too.

EDIT: OK... so I decided to look at some of the stickies that are WAY ahead of where I currently am in my build up. Specifically the armor strapping 101 and I think I got my question answered. The width issue should be corrected when I put on the correct under-armor stuff.
Yea if you check out my thread when I first started assembling the torso it looked small and narrow but if you look at the finished product then you can see that it was a perfect fit.
OK... so after being in denial for long enough, I went ahead and started making a smaller torso. I scaled it down by about 8cm in height. Now I'm wondering if this looks like the right size or if further size adjustment is needed. If anything, I'm thinking that it's too small... but maybe I'm wrong.


Got a little bit farther on it... Not sure if it's too small (yay being tall AND skinny) or just right. Opinions?[attachment=6646:1006082207.jpg]
OK... last pictures of the day. Does this look like it's the right size or is it too small?
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