Halo 4 Foam Build

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So I decided to start a new post with the direction I decided to go.

I used the shared files for foam. I had to modify most of the templates slightly to match how I thought it should look.

Here is what I have so far. I started with the shins.
This is my first build. I'm pretty happy with the results so far. I built the left shin first and I think the right one was a lot better and went together more quickly. I spent about five hours on one shin. I have three kids and a wife so I thought that was pretty good.


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So I decided to just go for the helmet! I also decided to go with foam! Shout out to EVAKura for giving me the foam helmet templates!

I think it's coming along pretty well! It's difficult to get symmetry right when the foam changes so much when you heat it to mold it. So I have spent a lot of time holding pieces where I want them while glue dries. I plan on trying to make my own visor :wacko

This part has been the most painful. I burned myself pretty dang good on a finger and I couldn't tell which finger at first that it dried and when it came off a good bit of flesh came off with it.

Questions, comments...


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Helmet update!....kinda

This is going really slow. The back side has been a nightmare. I have done the back five or six times and now I just want to move forward.

Here is what I have so far. The thing that really ticks me off is its kinda lop sided now. Hopefully that will be correctable as I start moving to pieces that connect the left and right sides.


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I dealt with the symmetry being off a bit too at that point. Work at correcting it now (as it looks like you are), and as you progress, it should get better. I used a coat hanger inside mine to help keep the symmetry and to give it a bit of support. In this next phase, there are a lot of fiddly pieces.... just make sure that they are secured very well with a decent amount of glue. In hindsight, I would have made this using super glue gel, just to make sure the seams were really crisp and clean, then go back over the back with hot glue and a wet finger to smooth. Sorry to hear about the hot glue mishap though, I guess I am lucky with the fact that I don't have much feeling in my hands!

The build is coming along excellent, and I can certainly see you have patience and an eye for detail :)
I dealt with the symmetry being off a bit too at that point. Work at correcting it now (as it looks like you are), and as you progress, it should get better. I used a coat hanger inside mine to help keep the symmetry and to give it a bit of support. In this next phase, there are a lot of fiddly pieces.... just make sure that they are secured very well with a decent amount of glue. In hindsight, I would have made this using super glue gel, just to make sure the seams were really crisp and clean, then go back over the back with hot glue and a wet finger to smooth. Sorry to hear about the hot glue mishap though, I guess I am lucky with the fact that I don't have much feeling in my hands!

The build is coming along excellent, and I can certainly see you have patience and an eye for detail :)

Thanks man! I gotta say watching all of your tutorials has helped tremendously!!

I agree with the super glue. I think I am going to rebuild now that I have a better feel for it. I am going to finish it out so I can make sure there are no other parts I will want to alter. I also have to work on molding. I think that's a big reason the symmetry is off. So far I'm happy with my progress. I think my second one will be a lot better.

I thought about using the craft foam and adding layers where the seams are rough. I might still do that when I'm finished.

Hopefully this build will go a little faster...

I got a lot done today. It went fairly easy after I figured out I could draw all the little pieces on to the foam, where they are supposed to be, and then cut them out. (Something I would have seen done in EVAKuras pics if I had scrolled through them all! What a moron I am) This way all the edges lined up. I feel real dumb. I had been cutting out each individual piece one at a time and then try to make them fit correctly. What a pain. Templates have been great as a starting point and reference but ultimately almost every piece has had to be altered in some way.

When I'm done here I am going to give the visor a shot making it myself. Any suggestions on how? I was thinking about getting some clay and trying to make a mold.... We'll see I guess.


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So this is what happens when you are a lazy perfectionist.... Your too lazy to do it right the first time but can't stand it at the end. I had gotten some measurements off and the center of the jaw was not going to line up in the middle of the helmet. The left side was about 3/4 of an inch longer than the right. So I tried to fix it but just made things worse. (Note : don't glue unless your sure and your happy) so I decided to take this opportunity to start over. Now that I'm wiser I hope I can be more patient and the rebuild will be awesome! Who knows, I might finish this one someday but I can't even look at it right now...


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Given that you were cutting out each piece individually and then trying to make it all work together it turned out pretty damn good. Since you know to use templates now your next go at this is gonna be incredible. You certainly have the patience to do it and the skill. You keep this up and you might be the next master at crafting foam armor! ;)
Given that you were cutting out each piece individually and then trying to make it all work together it turned out pretty damn good. Since you know to use templates now your next go at this is gonna be incredible. You certainly have the patience to do it and the skill. You keep this up and you might be the next master at crafting foam armor! ;)

That's hellova compliment! I appreciate it!
Quick update

It's been coming along slowly. I think my symmetry is much better this time. Plus, I scaled it slightly larger so it fits better. I spent some extra time templating all the small pieces together. I drew them onto the foam together and then cut. It made everything line up much better. I have had some glue seepage problems but nothing I can't fix. Hopefully I can finish the helmet in another week or so. I'm still planning on making my own visor. We'll see how that goes I suppose.

The bad thing about starting the helmet over is I think I have talked myself into redoing the shins also. At this rate I'll have two suits, a good one and a bad one lol.


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Looking great so far, I hope to have my foam come out half as cleanly. Any idea what you're doing for ventilation for the helmet?
Looking great so far, I hope to have my foam come out half as cleanly. Any idea what you're doing for ventilation for the helmet?

Right now I plan on just sucking it up lol. I live in Texas. It's always hot! Besides, a little heat never killed anyone right? If I put a fan it would be in the chin area. We'll see.

- - - Updated - - -

I did the same thing with a few pieces on mine... I have 4 of each haha!

I saw a couple people starting out with cardboard. I might do that on the chest piece. I really want that piece to come out right.
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