Props Halo 4 M45D ~Pic Heavy~

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Active Member
So after the BR85HB SR, now that its done... iv decided to go for the M45D shotgun, the shotgun would have to be my favorite weapon from Halo the halo series, i can defiantly say this build will NOT take as long as the BR hehehe. Im hoping to have it done for November for SupaNova Brisbane, if i can for the H5 release :D ill try and keep you all up today as the build progresses













Hey. I was wondering if you would build that model out of foam, wood, or etc. Fully painted or not, I'm interested in buying possibly. If so, message me through or friend me on Xbox 360.

Sorry mate i dont do commissions anymore :) though i will be releasing the STL files eventually when im happy with the design


its all printed though there is some horrendous warping on some pieces that ill have to fill in, atm in Aus its winter and we have rapid shifts in temp from 10 degress C to 25 degree C so its hard to print during winter for me, but i still made do, it will be interesting to see how it all goes together and how much i have to re-sculpt by hand, more updates to come

ooh i wanna get my hands on this stl for sure.
Verry nice design mate!

Thanks mate, it will HOPEFULLY be released around November/ December period, along with my DMR, BR and Pistol

ANOTHER UPDATE!!! its all together now, im going to have to use a tonne of filler, the warping on the pieces is a tad bad....

Another update for you all, though its been a couple weeks, you know how it goes life runs away and gets busy for some reason... oh wait your here for the shotgun... WELL anyways here you all go the next update :D

Filling in all the seams from the warping can be a pain

top is a bit meh but it will do... i think

now just to fill in all the other seams then lots and lots and lots of filling and sanding...
WOOO another update and things.....

she be getting there slowly, i still have a tonne of work to smooth it off as much as possible and fill in a few things, but this side is close to being done, iv just filled in the seams and a few print errors on the other side as well as the really large slopes just to make them look smooth, as i normally do ill be focusing on one side more than the other because this is just for display at events in Aus, i cant actually carry it around with me, we have a 1m length limit on props here :( and this is 1.2m *sigh*

Good lord that thing is amazing! Are you planning on moulding it? That would be an absolutely stellar prop to carry around.
Good lord that thing is amazing! Are you planning on moulding it? That would be an absolutely stellar prop to carry around.

thanks mate :D atm im not looking at moulding this one, i may make a better version to cast, and in Aus i cant actually carry this at conventions :( we have a max length of 1m and this is 1.2m long
thank you for the kind words guys :) means a lot to me

here is an update for you all how far iv gotten with the paint, which mind you is taking a while





hot damn, thats such a sweet ass job on the cleanup man superb!

thanks mate :)

Another quick update

i got bored of painting and wanted to make something so i knocked together a quick stand, this ALSO now needs paint *faceplam* i probably wont update this for a week or so, im getting prepped for Oz Comic-Con here in Brisbane, and i want to take a break from painting for a few days hehe......

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