Halo Reach female armor Modified WIP

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Roxas s Embers

Active Member
Member DIN
So currently I am trying to hurry and get my armor done before the anniversary launch. I have been Working alot recently(Cashier at Home Depot) and taking care of the branch I run in a gaming community for halo. Anyway, I had put the thigh piece together and lost hope as everything seemed too chaotic and these past couple days having watched the guild I have decided to buckle down and get er done.

I have one thigh piece put together and the cod piece a pieces away from being put together. on the belt piece however I had to do some major alterations as at first I put together the wrong size and so I printed up a slightly larger one and I'm merging them together to cut my losses in foam. See here?

That looks pretty good but you should use very thin layer of hot glue to glue the seams so it doesn't show out too much in front of your piece but put a lot of hot glue in the back side so it doesn't come loose when you wear it and I used the color foam mats to make my 2 suits too.
Currently working on the chest piece. got the belt piece sprayed down with Plastidip. Now I'm rushing to get everything done in time for the release. After the chest I will be starting the air assault helmet and trying to get that pepped, resined,glassed and bondoed.

Wish me luck((Hold on trying to get the image workin))

lol are you wearing an x-box headset for the picture? looks pretty good from what I can see, try not having a window or light behind you next picture
Lol, yeah... Iwas in an xbox live party talking to some people. Sorry about my horrible picture taking skills. Just for you I took a new picture that shows it better.

aCK!! SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING YOU GUYS!!! oopsss sorry bout the caps lock. Well, the launch has come and gone and lucky me I met another spartan there. YAY!!! ^_^ Anyway, I don't have any new pictures. However. I will show you pictures from launch night!!


this is my old helm painted white so it matches my new colors. and yes I know I failed but I was rushed so leave me alone.
Kind of hard to tell what's going on cause the pictures are kind of small!! BUT!! The armor looks awesome from what I can see. I like the colors as well. And I think you should continue on and finish the suit. You have a great start so far and I bet you could do awesome things!! Can't wait to see if you finish it!!

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