Hello Everybody!

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Hello everyone!

Im HARR 18 (or nerfguy3million), and im new here...

I am realy looking forward to a awsome time here on the 405th. I've seen alot of realy cool and otherwise AWSOME armor here...

Im fairly new with this whole propmaking buisness, and so far its something I could realy get into...

Well... here is my recon helmet its realy cool...

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Looks nice so far. You may want to try using the edge of a ruler or a straight edge to do those detail lines (you can just press the edge into the clay and roll it along the surface to create a straight indentation) if you intend on making a mold and casting the helmet. It'll help to make the helmet look all the more convincingly real.

EDIT: Oh, and welcome!
Welcome to the forums! i am your friendly neighborhood Ghost, who doesnt haunt people, unless they are rude :D

Nice sculpt so far, but before you make a mold out of it, try to do your absolute best at making an exact mirror halfway down the helmet, trust me, if your anything like me and a lot of other members on here you'll be terrified that this one little ridge is slightly lower then the one on the parallel side of the helmet and it will bug you 'till death!
@krazyole, thanks man! Thats a good idea, ive been using the back end of a paint brush to get those indintationlines (is that two words or one?) and thank you again...

@ghost147, thanks! I'm the same way if its not semetrical i'll be driven NUTS by it!

I'll post progress somthing when i have more of my helmtet done... but untill then...

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