hoodster31 ODST build improvements

This is all looking so good! I’m doing a DFT build right now too. I like the hip template you made. I’ll probably come back and peek at that when I get there. Have you decided what colors you’re going to paint it yet?
Thank you very much, wish you luck on your build. I'm planning on painting it red and gray.
Hips are done and I made a flashlight attachment for the helmet.

I'm now officially done making all the parts of the suit!!!

Update on the odst suit: I got all the weathering done except for on the helmet and chest since I need my friend to do some designs on them for me, but he is coming on Sunday to do it, but I was able to put the shoulder plates and Straps on it.



I also got some of the dark wash done on some of the peaces and attached the med kit.
Looking great good hoodster31 (still trying to figure out how to copy/link names properly in here ) loving that weathering, and that mauler under the table from a few posts back looks sick!
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