Hunter Costume W.i.p.

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spartan-847-david said:
Hi anubis your project is going good,but I think your scaling is a bit off.I too tried once

to make A hunter outfit and all I got done was the shield.fully scaled it was 8 feet tall

and 4 1/2 feet wide.Judging by your picture though your shield is 4 feet.sorry thought I

should tell you.If you want A picture of my shield just say so.

sure send me one. my shield is five feet tall but the suit was scaled down a bit when im done it should reach about 10 feet ( just an estimation)

and only because i still need to get inside the convention hall.
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nice work mate

nice to see someone working on the hunter.

mine has kind of stalled

send me a pm with a list of files you need and i'll email them to you

Good luck with the hunter i'll be watching this project intently
O ok I just wanted to let you know because you said you were trying to make it full scale.

Personly I was thinking why the heck you would want to make A full scale to go to A comic

con,I was making mine for A movie.thats why I made mine full scale.About the pictures Ill

see I Ive still got the shield,I did it A year ago and I dont know if I still have it.

(It is kinda hard to store something that huge)Ill go check when I get home from shcool. :)
Spartan 051 said:
do ho many pages of cardstock is going to end up?

i currently have put one and a half reams into the project and i have two more waiting.
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Spartan 051 said:
is it really going to take 2 more reams to finish?

probably a boot alone was 150 sheets and i still need to make the chest, shoulders, gun, collar, and helmet so yeah i thnk it will take that much.
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If you can manage to see this through to the end, then it will be Epic Win. I think this should go in the Showcase (after it is finished, of course).
You're not talking about the San Diego ComiCon are you? If so I may have to defend the good people of the convention from you. I play on going in my MkVI and I have a friend who plans on having an ODST suit done for it too so that'll be a great photo op.
Theres a possibility I may be going in my MK VI to comic con as well, We must team up against this epic beast, maybe just maybe, we will prevail.

But against something this epic, I doubt it :)

Keep it up !
Ha Ha!!! This is badass!!!

Keep working on this build bro. Can't wait to see it finished.

If you see a Spartan, just shoot him with a nerf dart, lol. That usually keeps them at bay. If not, use your epic shild to wack them around!

i am planning to put lights in the gun and im not to sure on what i want to do for a firing mechenisim my two choices are a motor driven nerf ball launcer (balls are already green)or i have a bunch of left over party fireworks, those ones where you pull the string and confettie comes out and i could outfit the gun to fire those but i would need a friend of mine to manually reload it from the extierior only problem. the nerf un can be powered by a left over electric weed trimmer motor i have lying around i would still need it reloaded but not as often and i think i can get the battery to power other things in the suit as well but all with time
update: 11/11

works been slow latly due to lack of a certin piece that i need to put into the boot before i can move on but i have finished the larger designes on all other pieces and finished putting the souls on the left boot and once i get a pair of good shoes that i con use preferably large sandles that i could attach to the boot and then put my shoes insed so i wont need to take off my shoes to put on the boots. once i have that i can start fiberglassing the thigh piece to the boot straps. and then ive got to do it all over again wtih the left foot and hopefully have the legs done by new years if im going to finish in time for the con.
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