Ithica + Halo Armour + Insurgents = ?

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New Member
What would happen if Ithica's unit decked out in spartan armour happened to stumble on insurgents?

a) run away in fear whilst making grunt noises.

:coolrun up and plead for spartan autographs.

c) fumble with a grenade and accidently friendly frag nearby insurgents.

d) other... (please leave your thoughts) :lol
LeLionNoire said:
i'm a noob...shoot me

hey now. dont let these guys let you down. some people dont know how to go with a joke.

i think they would charge yelling "wort wort wort"

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LeLionNoire said:
i'm a noob...shoot me

That's tempting.

Anyway, if a modern infantry unit were to go into battle decked out in Spartan armor, I imagine the enemy would do what they always do. They might stare for a minute, and go "WTF", but they will still shoot at us and try to blow us up. That will never change.
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LeLionNoire said:
i'm a noob...shoot me


SavvyTank said:
hey now. dont let these guys let you down. some people dont know how to go with a joke.

Savvy thats not it at all. We all love jokes, and going with jokes is even more fun... As long as its a good joke to roll with, we are down...

this thread is just as pointless as the one "what would happen if adam died" thread... it doesnt make any sense.

where do people come up with these ideas for threads?
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DreadMullet said:

where do people come up with these ideas for threads?

Well if you want me to be serious, I can be. The real life exoskeleton being developed by Sarcos. Soon there 'maybe' units on the ground operating in such devices. I'm just curious as to people's reactions thats all :)
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damn you people need to lighten the hell up LeLionNoire was just trying to be light hearted and if you people want to crack down on people it won't be helpful in keeping them coming back, I mean come on if the topic was so pointless you would not have posted in response now would you. But TheBlackLion you may want to think about posting threads that have more of a point then this one so you don't have to go with this kinda mess again.
A funny story to go with this joke. My first tour in Iraq family members sent us water guns and we used to carry them on missions with us because we thought it would be cool to show children how playful soldiers can be.......OK MAYBE NOT. We had to surrender our plastic pistols to our unit because they got complaints that we were point "new age" weapons at civilians. They thought these brightly colored water weapons were weapons of death. These are the people who thought that the armor we war was to help us stay cool in the desert heat.....quite the opposite.

On that note I think they would flee as fast as they can thinking we were even more high tech.

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