It's All In The Detail

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I have a suggestion, I know on some of the other forums, they have a system reffered to as rep, (e,g Notebook review)
basically each member has a bar, if said member helps you out you can thank him by clicking an icon that adds to his rep bar, this could be an excellent way to encourage our members to support one another a little more, it would also help because instead of getting all high mighty off of your post count (like some people think happens) you earn rep. points, by actually helping out, that way instead of some doorknob getting 2000 posts and making people think he knows what hes doing we can judge his expertise by rep points, not to mention this can also be backwards compatible, Instead of bans we can take away rep points for some of the more minor things that dont quite require a ban... I think adam should be able to set it up, It could prove to be highly beneficial to the forums, as it is on NBR

for those who dont quite get it heres a link to notebook review, look around and see what I mean, when you read a post look at the little green bar
Notebook revieqw

any thoughts??
The 405th has a reputation system. It's the Mk 1, Mod 0 standard issue member. These members come factory calibrated to recognize good stuff and avoid the crap. Reputation is easy to get. Here's how:

Step 1: Read the stickies
Step 2: Build
Step 3: Show off your work, be proud of it. (Just remember the pics in your WIP threads, please.)
Step 4: Accept constructive criticism and learn from your mistakes
Step 5: Repeat from step 2

Oh, and be courteous, helpful, and polite on the forums. Thats all that's needed. This is the same idea behind the elite status. Let your work speak for you, not some bar that is voted on my other members.
I just think this would help the noobs determine who the knowledgable and helpful are faster, you dont have to be elite to be helpful...Im just saying it would be a good thing...I dont think youre quite grasping the concept...not to mention it adds a reward and punishment system
I understand what you are saying. I am saying that it is redundant. It is adds complexity where none is needed. W have a list of moderators. We have the Elite showcase. We have the Q&A team. We have people posting WIP threads of great projects. We also have an established punishment system. The warn system has been established and codified for some time now. I don't think that a reward system is needed. The respect and admiration of your peers is enough. The 405th as a community has developed into a unique online entity. This is a tight knit group; a group that largely self-regulates. Adding additional layers and ratings would only serve to complicate things.
Mods, if you love me please, please, pretty please with sugar on top someone make a mobile (PSP, iPhone and cellphone) friendly version of the forums. Somebody talk to somebody and make this happen... it can be my birthday present from all of you. :D

Oh and I know there was quite a bit of discussion about getting the forums translated.. an easy solution came to mind

They have a translate a webpage option and it will continue to translate the page as your click through links. Maybe Adam could set something up such as and using the link of the french translation from babelfish? Hope that helps.

Geez, i'm gone for not even a day and this thread has gone wacko lol.

I like the idea of a ranking system but it will never be so ive let that go, plus we already kinda do with: Admin, Mod, Elite, Members. Thats good enough. Like said before, let your work speak for you.

The language thing, I think there should be a "splash page" like Jack said when you first signup or whatever, but thats alot of work (I think) to pull off and the Admins and Mods are quite busy as it is.

And theres no need for a reputation system... look at your profile, theres a "star" system like we all used to have in kindergarden. Again, thats good enough. If you need a little star to make you happy... you need to get out more.
well, its not all about stars 'n stickers but hell......... I guess, If you guys dont want it...Im just saying though it could have merit in the future....especially after halo 4 or the movie release when we get swamped....I remember back in the day before halo 3...this website was tan 'n green...before you youngins came with your 'hd' and yer 'mud'

I like stars and steekars

I joned a few months ago but I stocked the forums since mid 07 and wow has this community grown...
Oh and Master Chief 13, I didnt mean to sound like I was attackin you or your idea, I'm sorry. Though, even with the new Halo related stuff that will be coming out, the Flood of noobs will be delt with by the veterans, Mods, and Admins here. Only good noobs get sparkley star steekars :]
I'm kinda reverting back to my last post, so sorry to screw with the current conversation.

In retrospect, I agree with you, both on the States and Countries. Countries, yes, States, to many.

How about, instead of states, we have regions, IE Northwest, Southeast, Midwest... uh... Texas?

Makes fewer threads and gets the same job done.
BlacRoseImmortal said:
I like stars and steekars
I joned a few months ago but I stocked the forums since mid 07 and wow has this community grown...
Oh and Master Chief 13, I didnt mean to sound like I was attackin you or your idea, I'm sorry. Though, even with the new Halo related stuff that will be coming out, the Flood of noobs will be delt with by the veterans, Mods, and Admins here. Only good noobs get sparkley star steekars :]

Oh ok, :lol:
dont you remember...back in the days we were proud to accomplish something like this:

now it would be considered horrible in comparison....anyway LOL
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Also I registered to a new website today and I loved their work.

Like when you log in for the first time, you receive a PM saying all the rules. Then, when you start reading the topics, there a bar on top of the screen saying you can't post without having read the rules here. When you read them, there's a submit button activated after like 20 seconds with a timer.

It's really kewl :)
flying_squirl said:
hmm, i suppose this is the right place for this:

is there any way of changing the read and unread icons in the messages. i have trouble telling which ive read and which i havnt. i even missed one for a few days :(

also in the creation fourm is there any way of making the latest post in each secion (molded, pep etc.) visable on the main page. at the moment its the latest post out of all of the 5 different sections

heres a bad photoshop of what i mean:


I think its possible. Maybe you could make a link to the sub category on the main page, I've done it with forums and its worked well.

BlacRoseImmortal said:
Sunni hun, this entire thread has pretty much been a discussion about just that LOL! Something is gonna be worked out, but it itsnt fail proof. Theres no way to get a noob to sit there and make them read rules upon rules and soforth. Like Ive meantioned before: It's like trying to herd cats. Its impossible.

Good suggestion though :p

arrdunno, Herding cats can't be that difficult.
Now milking a cat... hm.

and I think all the ideas about making users read the forum rules is a bit off putting. I mean, do you read the user agreements when signing up for software? lol I dont. I just check the box.
If the noob is serious about the board, and really wants to contribute the community, then he/she will sit down and read them. If they're just here to get a few questions answered, they'll go ahead and ask.
Nothing you can do will stop that. I've seen it on looooads of boards.
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Davii said:
arrdunno, Herding cats can't be that difficult.
Now milking a cat... hm.

and I think all the ideas about making users read the forum rules is a bit off putting. I mean, do you read the user agreements when signing up for software? lol I dont. I just check the box.
If the noob is serious about the board, and really wants to contribute the community, then he/she will sit down and read them. If they're just here to get a few questions answered, they'll go ahead and ask.
Nothing you can do will stop that. I've seen it on looooads of boards.

Unfortunately, you speak the truth my child. I'll just take care of the noobs as they come and if they want to stray from the light then they will be met by the Mod Squad who prowl the darkness... heh

and I bet you $10 I can milk a cat :lol:

EDIT: Dave, hun, uh...nevermind lol
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BlacRoseImmortal said:
Unfortunately, you speak the truth my child. I'll just take care of the noobs as they come and if they want to stray from the light then they will be met by the Mod Squad who prowl the darkness... heh

and I bet you $10 I can milk a cat :lol:

EDIT: Dave, hun, no double posting... use the Edit button ;)

heyheyhey woahh there! I was editing my post because of the double posting when you commented! no fair!

and.. uh, yes, cause thats not scary at all *side steps away to a safe distance*

and you see.. I would bet that $10.. but. I'd have to convert that to british pounds. and its not worth doing because.. well, You probably can milk a cat.

Its the only way some people can sleep at night I suppose.. :\

"If you need a little star to make you happy... you need to get out more."
lol! I laugh. You made a funny :)
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Davii said:
"If you need a little star to make you happy... you need to get out more."
lol! I laugh. You made a funny :)

Heh, it happens every now and then :p

Anyhu, back on topic...
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What is up with you people and cats? First herding, now milking? I don't even want to know what's next.:p BTW, it's £5.57, and I wouldn't take that bet.;) Now for the reason for this post. I came across this during my wanderings of the interweb. It is an article on the results of an eye tracking study of viewers of web pages. I think this is some good stuff and may be useful in designing a noob-proof forum (a theoretical ideal at best.) Here's the link: F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content

After you check out the link, take a look at the various pages around the forums. It gives a great perspective on web design.
It would be really nice if I could daisy-chain the process for adding pictures to my albums.

The process now, is: Go to my profile> select my albums> select add picture from drop-down next to album> add picture and caption> submit (no preview before post - that would be nice too). But then, there's no way to add another picture to album. Unless I go back to my profile and start over.

I can edit, I can add as a favorite, I can even send an e-card (that's kind of neat)....BUT, I have to go all the way back through my profile to add another picture. The process isn't very intuitive - stream lined - daisy chained.

Strangely enough, I also can't change the order in which my picture appear either. That would be nice, since someone may want to chronologically display their progress. Instead, it appends new pictures to beginning of the album.

It would just be a nice perk to be able to manage the picture arrangement.
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