Marrows ODST build (hopefully)

Oh fair, I don't plan on using bondo due to the mess it makes ( I don't have a downdraft table to handle it yet) so I'm pretty much stuck just like, hand sanding. At least I can watch YouTube while I hand sand.

In other notes, however. I have started to hand sand, remembered that i hate sanding, and i have started to look into a tactical vest/plate carrier to attach all of my chest stuff to.

Snow can definitely mess with painting as well. best of luck
I've only been applying Bondo. I wouldn't dare to sand that stuff indoors lol. Also, speaking of snow, my region is getting slammed with a major snowstorm this weekend... Woohoo...
I've only been applying Bondo. I wouldn't dare to sand that stuff indoors lol. Also, speaking of snow, my region is getting slammed with a major snowstorm this weekend... Woohoo...
Best of luck with the snow! Hopefully it doesn't cause to much chaos. My advice with bondo is use a misting bottle to keep dust down, or you will find green bondo dust EVERYWHERE. And a respirator or dust mask. I didn't wear one and ended up coughing up green for a few days xD
I recently just got my dark grey paint, some floor mats for my boots, a knife to cut said mats, some elastic strapping, and the all mighty shoe goo.

I plan on using elastic and foam to make my 3d printed boots fit a bit better.

Without foam i feel like my boots sit to low, making my toe caps seem to tall and awkward.

While with the foam it seems more compact and proper. I'll figure out a way to do the same on the heel, as well as set up the gasket.

I have plans to use the elastic to make the boot parts able to be removed and stored for transport.

I originally bought these boots to be just for cosplay, so I started to wear them around to break them in and now i wear them daily. (Link will be provided if/when I find it. The boots are from amazon)
Keep us posted on how you end up rigging the elastic for your boots! I’m planning on doing something similar since I wear my boots often outside of cosplay and don’t want to permanently attach anything. I’m curious to see how you do it!
Oops, forgot to update for a few days. Progress update!

After printing out a large majority of my armour, I realized hand sanding was going to take a while, so I picked up a orbital sander from Canadian Tire while it was on sale and it helped cut down the sanding process by quite a lot. I started at 120 grit, and have plans to go up to 220 at some point. (Probably after a round of filler primer and maybe another round of sanding with 120)


While the orbital sander helped a lot with the more easily accessible areas, there are some nooks and crannies that I wasn't able to reach and plan on getting to with hand sanding. Eventually ill get myself a pen sander or the right bits for a Dremel tool to help speed up sanding in the small cracks, but for now I have needle files, 80 grit and 120 grit paper.

I have also started on the helmet! I had to cut it into 8 separate pieces to make it fit easily on my printers print bed. I have plans to use the same method of plastic welding that I have used for all of the other pieces. As well as getting a helmet bag, fans, batteries, the microphone set up and the headphone set up I have tagged in my OG post.

The helmet is currently taped together, and will be carefully plastic welded together soon (next time I'm out at the shop)
Big update/photo dump!
What I've gotten done:
-ordered and received my vest, belt, nylon webbing and buckles, snaps.
-sanded and primered alot of my Armour
-finished putting the helmet Togeather and am starting the process of sanding.


Nothing of note really has happened other than sanding, doing a layer of primer, more sanding, another layer of primer, more sanding..

I have started to look into the strapping for my armor plates as well, since some pieces are reaching final paint stage.
Still havent found my green yet. I may be unable to do my custom stripping before I attend CoVa Con on the 26-28th of this month. Which means I'm also going into con crunch time. oops
smaller update:
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View attachment 347229
I have less than 2 days before my con (CoVaCon) and my shins are too long to walk up and down stairs. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of last minute strapping and cutting of my armour. The rest of it fits either well or to a degree where I can tolerate it. (so far)
Shins can be tricky. Most convention centers have ADA access such as ramps and elevators. Being aware of where those are in armor is good to know!
Shins can be tricky. Most convention centers have ADA access such as ramps and elevators. Being aware of where those are in armor is good to know!
I know the CoVaCon hall has an elevator so it's okay for traversing around the hall, I just don't remember if the stage has a ramp that's easily accessible.
I have made the call to not bring this suit to CoVaCon, I am very unhappy with my helmet and shins and know if I bring it to the convention this weekend, Ill just worry and stress about it at the con and I know that any photos that are taken of me, all I will see are the faults.

My helmet has visible seams from lack of sanding, and I am not happy with its appearance, so i will reprint (this time sized up a bit so the helmet doesn't scrape my ears taking it on and off.) and use a different method.

Break down of what I feel like went wrong/didnt like:

-Put the plastic welds on the outside of the helmet and used to much material in said welds
-Rushed the sanding/didn't sand enough
-didn't scrape/sand with high grit between the primer and the final coat. (Led to trapped dust and the occasional stray dog hair, leading to a not so smooth paint job)
-Visor is flat (was a shaded face shield. held in place while my glue dried with a croc)
And it did work lol

Plans for the future/fixes:
-Put the plastic welds on the inside of the helmet and use spot putty on the out side seams.
-Might weld one seam on the outside and make it look like it was welded in the field?
-more time to sand and focus on the details
-Going to buy a vacu-formed visor and have it professionally dyed.
-Will put in fans, mic system and headphone system.

This helmet may not ever see the con floor, but it has been a wonderful learning experience. I have plans to test weathering methods on the helmet, maybe turn it into a display piece. Or even a booth piece to show different weathering methods maybe? Who knows. It will not be thrown out, I know that much.
The shins I printed were also to long and made it both uncomfortable to walk on any sort of incline, but also made walking up and down stairs physically impossible. They will also be re-printed and re-painted and sanded. Or, I'll try my hand at foam smithing, foam shins would be a lot more comfortable, as well as help with mobility. The rest of the armour (chest, shoulders, biceps, thighs) all turned out well.

I still haven't found the green that I picked. But, my mom will be traveling to the states and can pick up a can or two end of May.

I will not see this as a failure, but rather a learning experience :)
I will not see this as a failure, but rather a learning experience :)
Gosh dang if this isn't the whole point of cosplay.

I'm sorry that you crunched through the last bit but having the strength to have a sober look and say "I can do better" is so refreshing to see in a community that's often focused entirely on getting things convention ready no matter what. I'm sure with a bit more time you'll get it exactly how you want and maybe even better with all your practice.
Not gonna lie, I get pretty discouraged sometimes looking at the armor I'm currently making, but knowing that this is an evolving hobby that I'll only get better at if I continue trying is what is pushing me forward. Can't wait to see your next project.
Gosh dang if this isn't the whole point of cosplay.

I'm sorry that you crunched through the last bit but having the strength to have a sober look and say "I can do better" is so refreshing to see in a community that's often focused entirely on getting things convention ready no matter what. I'm sure with a bit more time you'll get it exactly how you want and maybe even better with all your practice.
Truthfully it took me about a week to make the call. The past week I've been looking at the imperfections on my armour and questioning if I really wanted my work to be seen like this, and how I would feel seeing myself in photos in that armour.

Leaving that stress behind opens up more time to make another helmet
The croc! oh my goodness (≧▽≦)

I've had to completely remake whole sections of my armour as well. It happens to us all! Can't wait to see the new and improved version you'll be working on!
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