Mk5 Armor Completed!

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New Member
I finally completed the armor everyone! After a lot of work put into it and also being on a deadline for this suitt o be ready for my trip to Wildwood New Jersey. I am happy to say that I have actually completed it the day of my 7 hour drive to there! I would get stuck on places on the board walk for hours at a time with 50 to 80 people wanting to take a picture with me and I actually had to leave the boardwalk to get in my car and drive up to a further part of it to get somewhere else. I can't believe peoples reactions when I went there! It was a lot more than I had ever expected from anyone and the best part is, is that I got it ALL ON FILM! I will have the video compiled and edited in about 2 to 3 weeks and I'll have it posted on in that period of time. My Youtube channel name is, Munzlat7studios.





Dizzerak said:
Fruit Salad?

lol, it was a video my friend told me to do for some prank he wanted to do to someone by sending it to them at school or something like that. He knew out of all of his friends I would be the only one to actually post a video like that just for the hell of it.
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halodude164 said:
amazing armor man. that's all i have to say. waiting to see you film to, it should be funny huh?

I think you will all enjoy the video very much for just seeing what a experience it was and yes, the humor is great as well, haha.
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I would say that you should take a few more pics of your armour and move it to the elite forum, great job on your armour by the way! :)
I'll have more pictures coming up soon since I'm hosting a halo tournament in my house on the 9th. of August and I've been told I MUST wear the suit by many people so I'll be sure to get better photos on that day.
Sweet job on the Mk V armour, dude. It brings a tear to my eye to finally see more people making the older-style armour (it's what started the franchise, after all). Looks like a really good fit on you, btw ;)

I don't know why, but in the first pic you posted, the way you're standing there makes me think of the Joyride Studios Mk V figure :) lol
Here is a quick small snipped clip of the whole trip to wildwood new jersey where all of those pictures were taken that I posted much earlier. Here is a quick clip of not the most exciting stuff but just to show you I got a huge video being compiled for everyone to see soon!

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