Foam MK7 Build (new suit)

Wicked Demon 15

Hello all!

So after the recent Galaxy Con in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend I can tell after wearing my current Reach armor on and off for roughly seven hours, I think it is time to build the next project.

My likes about current build
My current suit looks great in my opinion, and it got me to Tier 2 and that was before I repainted and added the emblem details. For the most part everything looks proportioned and I look like an absolute unit! EOD is easily one of my favorite helmets and since I no longer have a 3D printer, it will be my current helmet for the next build now that EOD is on all armor sets. The suit gets me many compliments and has helped me live my dream in owning armor from our beloved game franchise. I loved cons before I got the armor but now instead of just looking for comics/ collectables, I'm actually participating within the community and getting to meet all of you guys/ gals.

Mobility. This thing HURTS. I could handle a few hours before my hips begin to hurt due to the belt setup holding onto the thighs, which then clip into the calves. Along with my belt, the way I have to walk in order for the legs to not touch also play a role in my hips hurting. My back! I just turned 30 and it seems like my body is getting its revenge for the constant state of misery from my workouts over the last 15 years. But bending over Saturday after being suited up hurt so bad lol. The pressure points on my shoulder from the straps and pinching on my hips also hindered my mobility.

The constant wardrobe malfunctions. It seems like every time I post on the forum, I have to mention an issue with the suit, this con was not different. During the first hour I walk around to meet and greet, then on my way back, one of my straps that attach from my belt to the thigh comes undone. So I rush back to the booth and fix it thanks to the kind people that left a hot clue gun in our area. After fixing that, later on the other side breaks, and a shoulder strap breaks twice! Lucky the second time was right before our group photo but I don't think it was noticeable (fingers crossed), and that second break kind of put me over the edge.

Right now everything is 3D printed except for the entire torso, boots, and front cod piece. I believe a full foam suit will not only help with the weight, but also my mobility. The under suit; I may go back to the long shirt, compression pants, and gloves. Putting on the morph suit was pretty annoying unless I do it prior to cons which I have done, but after words I don't want to walk around in all that stink. And texting, eating, and just grabbing my debit card out of my wallet was a task with the under suit.

Another change is I will not solely depend on hot glue, I will get contact cement and dare I say, shoe goo? And for the straps I will sew everything together so nothing comes apart, hopefully. I currently like the way my shoulders attach to the torso so I may keep that idea, and that the calves connect to the thighs. Some of the reasons why this thread mentions Reach, is because I plan to keep the lights installed, the paint job possibly (definitely the green), both shoulders (style, not material), and incorporate the wrist accessory and my thigh bag. I will be going with the suspender idea for the legs, not only do I feel this will support the weight of both thighs/ calves, but be more comfy as well. I'm basically changing biceps, legs, forearms, boots, cod, and torso to Mk7.

I am still debating this. Do I want to dive into another suit ($$$) build just for comfort? And what should I do with my current build, it'll be hard to let it go, my first born lol. But I feel I will enjoy myself more with the added mobility and comfort, while still having my dream armor. But why Mk7? Why not just continue with Reach? I like the way mk7v looks. It gives me reach vibes with the chest but also has the added mk6 look. Maybe I'll keep the thigh and calve design. Who knows, maybe after this is built I can actually sit down and even lay on the ground while in the armor, for the skits of course. ;)

You will be the first to know if there is any updates to this, I'll add pictures and possibly references. Also, has anyone ever thought about incorporating a knights loose surcout to a build? Like a For Honor type deal.
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Excited to see what you do with your build!
Also the surcoat is an interesting idea, I haven't seen one used on a Spartan cosplay before. It would definitely give 40k Black Templar vibes in my opinion! You could use some of their art for inspiration (y)
Excited to see what you do with your build!
Also the surcoat is an interesting idea, I haven't seen one used on a Spartan cosplay before. It would definitely give 40k Black Templar vibes in my opinion! You could use some of their art for inspiration (y)
Yes that's what I was thinking! Maybe I'll make one with the 405th and midwest regiment logo. I also wouldn't mind making a naginata with hald an energy sword. As for my new build, I'm downloading files now and waiting to rescale my Armorsmith avatar.
Yes that's what I was thinking! Maybe I'll make one with the 405th and midwest regiment logo. I also wouldn't mind making a naginata with hald an energy sword. As for my new build, I'm downloading files now and waiting to rescale my Armorsmith avatar.
You should check out some of the art and in game photos of ancient Sangheili weapons, would fit with the surcoat somewhat too.
I understand your struggle with the under suit. Im still using the pleather onesie that comes with the rubies armor, and every time it comes off im just soaked and usually ride in the back of the truck or suv on my way home just to air off.
Welp, I'm doing it!

I have downloaded the files from the armory and attached them to my Armorsmith avatar. The proportions look a bit off so I'm going to re-measure myself because I think the current avatar is my buddies when I did his Rex cosplay. Never reverted it back and mine is gone? Still getting everything to what I believe will be the best size, once I do I'm going to print it off and semi put it together in paper form just to be sure.
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The inspiration for this build is N8TEBB and JTF4. After seeing what they could do in Columbus (pull-ups, push-ups) I just felt I have to be a part of that because after all, who doesn't love seeing a spartan in action? So for the color of the spartan to keep my green helmet, I'm going with the Noble Portal, I just need to get more green and possibly school bus yellow? The shoulders I'm in between the Agathius, Castus, or the Mark VI. Anything to really hide the strap but also give my spartan a decent look. I'm keeping the thigh pouch, I may get another one or alter the one I have but I generally keep my phone, hot glue sticks, wallet, or anything in it.


After seeing everyone with their cat ears, which honestly looks better in person than the game in my opinion, I seen the EOD has these! Wouldn't be too hard to do, simple sewing of fabric, some wire, and a magnet.


So hopefully everyone enjoys this build as much as I will. I'm still trying to convince some friends to take my current armor so maybe we'll also get a new member? And I have a big weapon build in the works as well so stay tuned! This build will be my last (doubtful lol) but it will definitely be a better version after everything I've learned from the previous build and what members are doing.


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I'm glad I got to see your current suit in action at Galaxy Con! It puts this whole thread into perspective for me. I've never had printed halo armour, so I really can't say I know your pain. However I can say that even foam armour can really give you a sore spot if it's not rigged well. For example, on my first chief suit, the thighs and shins were secured to a belt that would sit really low on my hips. This caused the front of the belt to always have pressure on it, which would make my hips sore by the end of the day. My current suit has suspenders that really help dissipate the weight.

The foam mk7 files in the armoury are great imo! That torso piece is quite tricky to make, although that comes down to it being so large, not necessarily being super complex. If you have any question along the building process be sure to send em my way! I'd be happy to tell you how I tackled certain problems. Foam armour really is great! You'll be very happy with your new found flexibility.

You've already made a great decision using contact cement. While hot glue is great for a lot of stuff, I now only use it to reinforce my seams on the inside of the armour. Contact cement does all of the heavy lifting on my armour. Actually now that I think about it, the straps are secured with hot glue as well, but I would definitely recommend scoring the foam before you glue straps to it, so that way the glue can really grab on tight. Also make sure there is a large area for the strap to hang on to. Anytime a strap connects to foam on my armour, there is always a 8" section glued to the armour. This way, even if the first 4" of glue give out for whatever reason, there is still plenty of grab area. I haven't had to worry about this too much though. The most a strap has come loose is about an inch.

I agree with you that the cat ears look better in person than in the game. That is because MoeSizzlac did a very nice job designing them on his helmet file. On his file, the mk7 cat ears resemble the cavallino cat ears more than the mk7 cat ears. I love the rabbit ears too lol!

I'm glad I could be of inspiration to you :D

Remember though, JTF4's armour is completely 3D printed and he's still able to do all that moving. (Although I think that may have something to do with the Linex he's coated his armour in to make it indestructible.) But I am sure you will be very happy with foam build. I'm glad I could recruit another member into the foam build gang!

Also, making an ab wrap section will really bring the mk7 together imo! It's really not that hard compared to making a whole foam suit. Having a little bit of texture in that one area between the chest and cod adds a nice touch. And of course I would be happy to give you advice on that as well!
My two bits worth as a somewhat learned foam/3D printed armour, I recommend using some good ol' black upholstery foam on all the inside edges, like just 1-2 inch strips, it feels great and I have worn a suit for like 13 hours, and had no type of soreness, it was quite comfy, I can link the "good stuff" if ya like
I'm glad I got to see your current suit in action at Galaxy Con! It puts this whole thread into perspective for me. I've never had printed halo armour, so I really can't say I know your pain. However I can say that even foam armour can really give you a sore spot if it's not rigged well. For example, on my first chief suit, the thighs and shins were secured to a belt that would sit really low on my hips. This caused the front of the belt to always have pressure on it, which would make my hips sore by the end of the day. My current suit has suspenders that really help dissipate the weight.

The foam mk7 files in the armoury are great imo! That torso piece is quite tricky to make, although that comes down to it being so large, not necessarily being super complex. If you have any question along the building process be sure to send em my way! I'd be happy to tell you how I tackled certain problems. Foam armour really is great! You'll be very happy with your new found flexibility.

You've already made a great decision using contact cement. While hot glue is great for a lot of stuff, I now only use it to reinforce my seams on the inside of the armour. Contact cement does all of the heavy lifting on my armour. Actually now that I think about it, the straps are secured with hot glue as well, but I would definitely recommend scoring the foam before you glue straps to it, so that way the glue can really grab on tight. Also make sure there is a large area for the strap to hang on to. Anytime a strap connects to foam on my armour, there is always a 8" section glued to the armour. This way, even if the first 4" of glue give out for whatever reason, there is still plenty of grab area. I haven't had to worry about this too much though. The most a strap has come loose is about an inch.

I agree with you that the cat ears look better in person than in the game. That is because MoeSizzlac did a very nice job designing them on his helmet file. On his file, the mk7 cat ears resemble the cavallino cat ears more than the mk7 cat ears. I love the rabbit ears too lol!

I'm glad I could be of inspiration to you :D

Remember though, JTF4's armour is completely 3D printed and he's still able to do all that moving. (Although I think that may have something to do with the Linex he's coated his armour in to make it indestructible.) But I am sure you will be very happy with foam build. I'm glad I could recruit another member into the foam build gang!

Also, making an ab wrap section will really bring the mk7 together imo! It's really not that hard compared to making a whole foam suit. Having a little bit of texture in that one area between the chest and cod adds a nice touch. And of course I would be happy to give you advice on that as well!
That's how my current setup is, attached to a belt which caused that pinching/ sore spot on my hips. I'm thinking with the foam maybe not have the calf really attached to anything? We'll see on that, I'm looking forward to the suspenders.

It looks really good so far! Is it supposed to be missing some detail like the metal claps looking thing on the torso? The thing where some people attach magnets or use to hide hinges. it might be in the file, I haven't looked too deep yet. how did you make yours thinner? Did you make a new one or just slice an inch off the middle?

Oh his is all 3D?! That's awesome and my mistake. I do like my torso now because it's foam, just the rest in uncomfortable possibly due to being thin or too large. I do miss my printer some days, I could have a lot more helmets stacked up.

I love the ab wrap you did! The idea to attach it to the torso is genius, something I may need to do. Mine uses a zipper in the back which is a pain to do, I have to put it on backwards and the spin it around, messing with the light wires to the thighs. I'll either use very strong velcro or think of another option.
My two bits worth as a somewhat learned foam/3D printed armour, I recommend using some good ol' black upholstery foam on all the inside edges, like just 1-2 inch strips, it feels great and I have worn a suit for like 13 hours, and had no type of soreness, it was quite comfy, I can link the "good stuff" if ya like
That's a good idea! I'll look into it, thank you.
Is it supposed to be missing some detail like the metal claps looking thing on the torso? The thing where some people attach magnets or use to hide hinges. it might be in the file, I haven't looked too deep yet. how did you make yours thinner? Did you make a new one or just slice an inch off the middle?
You'll have to send a picture of which part you're talking about because I have no idea XD

These little guys are not included in the file pack. I eyeballed 'em
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However I can say that even foam armour can really give you a sore spot if it's not rigged well. For example, on my first chief suit, the thighs and shins were secured to a belt that would sit really low on my hips. This caused the front of the belt to always have pressure on it, which would make my hips sore by the end of the day. My current suit has suspenders that really help dissipate the weight.
Thanks for reminding me of that. I want the weight on me hips (something I learned from my back packing days) but I do need to think about how that load is distributed on my waist.
That's how my current setup is, attached to a belt which caused that pinching/ sore spot on my hips. I'm thinking with the foam maybe not have the calf really attached to anything? We'll see on that, I'm looking forward to the suspenders.
Thanks for reminding me of that. I want the weight on me hips (something I learned from my back packing days) but I do need to think about how that load is distributed on my waist.

Do you think a carbon fiber style frame like in the Zpack backpack would work? Old hiker here too lol
It looks really good so far! Is it supposed to be missing some detail like the metal claps looking thing on the torso? The thing where some people attach magnets or use to hide hinges. it might be in the file, I haven't looked too deep yet. how did you make yours thinner? Did you make a new one or just slice an inch off the middle?
The clips are not in the armory but ODCA has created an unfold for them which I used for my suit.


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Do you think a carbon fiber style frame like in the Zpack backpack would work? Old hiker here too lol
I think a full backpack frame might really mess with your mobility. If you were doing something like a Jorge build with a big ammo pack and a place to hold the big gun it might be worth it. I think for a normal Spartan build, a nice thick padded hip belt will work. It should help grab hold of your entire waist. Then if you combo it with some suspenders to make sure the belt doesn't sage, I think we will be good to go. If I beat you there I'll let you know how it goes.
Welp, I'm doing it!

I have downloaded the files from the armory and attached them to my Armorsmith avatar. The proportions look a bit off so I'm going to re-measure myself because I think the current avatar is my buddies when I did his Rex cosplay. Never reverted it back and mine is gone? Still getting everything to what I believe will be the best size, once I do I'm going to print it off and semi put it together in paper form just to be sure.
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The inspiration for this build is N8TEBB and JTF4. After seeing what they could do in Columbus (pull-ups, push-ups) I just felt I have to be a part of that because after all, who doesn't love seeing a spartan in action? So for the color of the spartan to keep my green helmet, I'm going with the Noble Portal, I just need to get more green and possibly school bus yellow? The shoulders I'm in between the Agathius, Castus, or the Mark VI. Anything to really hide the strap but also give my spartan a decent look. I'm keeping the thigh pouch, I may get another one or alter the one I have but I generally keep my phone, hot glue sticks, wallet, or anything in it.

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After seeing everyone with their cat ears, which honestly looks better in person than the game in my opinion, I seen the EOD has these! Wouldn't be too hard to do, simple sewing of fabric, some wire, and a magnet.

View attachment 339317

So hopefully everyone enjoys this build as much as I will. I'm still trying to convince some friends to take my current armor so maybe we'll also get a new member? And I have a big weapon build in the works as well so stay tuned! This build will be my last (doubtful lol) but it will definitely be a better version after everything I've learned from the previous build and what members are doing.
I was awesome to see your build in person at Galaxy! You did a super good job, especially with it being your first build.

I'm glad that Nate and I offered some inspiration towards your MK7 build!

However, like Nate said it's all 3d printed, so I'm not much help when it comes to foam. I've only started my first build using foam. BUT, If you do need any little bits printed for your build, let me know! If I've got time I can probably throw them on one of my printers and run them off.

I think one thing that's a massive help with mobility is your scaling. This is true for both foam and 3d printing. I put tons of work into making my armor scaled as well as possible which allows my arms, legs, and torso to all mesh together as well as possible.

I can't wait to see how your build goes!
I was awesome to see your build in person at Galaxy! You did a super good job, especially with it being your first build.

I'm glad that Nate and I offered some inspiration towards your MK7 build!

However, like Nate said it's all 3d printed, so I'm not much help when it comes to foam. I've only started my first build using foam. BUT, If you do need any little bits printed for your build, let me know! If I've got time I can probably throw them on one of my printers and run them off.

I think one thing that's a massive help with mobility is your scaling. This is true for both foam and 3d printing. I put tons of work into making my armor scaled as well as possible which allows my arms, legs, and torso to all mesh together as well as possible.

I can't wait to see how your build goes!

I will let you know if I do! if anything it would be small pieces.
That's what I'm working on right now is the scaling, I would like to take my helmet on and off by myself without much issue.
Sorry for the delay. There was a death in the family last month (my dad) which has caused me to stop everything. I'm finally getting back into the groove of things so I've started on the boots. However, cons will not be the same.

I've only glued a few pieces together and I honestly like the look of the boot rubber coming out of the bottom. Gives me combat evolved vibes. An upgrade I did is purchase shoes that will make me taller so no more foam at the bottom. But with that, I will need to expand a few pieces to make up for the added length, mostly in the back.

This year has tons of cons so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and this new and maybe final build. Still working on a giant weapon to include. More updates soon hopefully with more progress than a toe box.


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Sorry for your loss. I know for me, keeping my hands busy helps me through times of struggle. A project coming together gives a since of forward motion to life after it suddenly came to a halt.

Nice boots, they look like they will give you a few inches of height for sure!

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