Need help finding techsuit material


New Member
I am trying to redo my current techsuit and I am not sure what material/fabric I should use.
Here are my qualifications:
I want the material to look as photo real as possible.
I want the material to be very flexible (all way stretch fabric).
I want it to be comfortable and breathable.
I want it to be sturdy so it doesn't rip while I'm wearing the armor.
It needs to be close to the dark gray color in the picture.
Now, I realize this material may not even exist but if there is anything like it, that would be great! like it, that would be great!
cos_techsuit_male-bc8b3b1b7469434d9b8f18a5bc404307 (1).jpg
Seems like a lot of folks will take something like a TK stormtrooper undersuit and then do a stretchy fabric wrap around thin foam to make the detail plates and such. Or do rubber/silicon molds of such pieces.
Seems like a lot of folks will take something like a TK stormtrooper undersuit and then do a stretchy fabric wrap around thin foam to make the detail plates and such. Or do rubber/silicon molds of such pieces.
I just did some looking around at the stormtrooper undersuits and they look like they'd work pretty well but they're black and I would like a dark gray. I would like a dark gray because my plan is to draw on most the lines/seams and make it look like they are seems using some 3d techniques. Is there any stormtrooper undersuits that are a dark gray? ( I'll keep looking)
Sadly, the most common brand is extreme racing, and they literally only offer black. But I imagine there's gotta be some alternative out there in gray.
Wow! That looks amazing! And just what I'm looking for! Thank you very much!
The yayahan stuff has a pretty limited shade range and is pretty expensive, so if you can't find what you're looking for at joann MJTrends: Stretch-PVC Fabric has a wider variety for lower prices. And if that doesn't work I have had a lot of luck getting fabric off etsy (just make sure to check reviews lol). Just look up "stretch pvc", "stretch pleather", or "stretch vinyl" and you'll find something.
I would really only use that fabric to wrap foam for details though and not to make your whole suit out of. Stretch vinyl/pleather/pvc is pretty much fabric coated with a layer of vinyl on top so it sucks to sew and it does not breathe like at all.
The yayahan stuff has a pretty limited shade range and is pretty expensive, so if you can't find what you're looking for at joann MJTrends: Stretch-PVC Fabric has a wider variety for lower prices. And if that doesn't work I have had a lot of luck getting fabric off etsy (just make sure to check reviews lol). Just look up "stretch pvc", "stretch pleather", or "stretch vinyl" and you'll find something.
I would really only use that fabric to wrap foam for details though and not to make your whole suit out of. Stretch vinyl/pleather/pvc is pretty much fabric coated with a layer of vinyl on top so it sucks to sew and it does not breathe like at all.
Ok cool! I was able to get My hands on some of the yayahan stuff but was definitely a process. So, I'll definitely keep this in mind for this or later projects. Thank you!
I know this might not be the most lore-accurate look, but you could try a full-body paintball paintball or race suit. I know they would be pretty pricey but, It would be a more precise fit. And later, you could glue the foam you would need later on.
I am trying to redo my current techsuit and I am not sure what material/fabric I should use.
Here are my qualifications:
I want the material to look as photo real as possible.
I want the material to be very flexible (all way stretch fabric).
I want it to be comfortable and breathable.
I want it to be sturdy so it doesn't rip while I'm wearing the armor.
It needs to be close to the dark gray color in the picture.
Now, I realize this material may not even exist but if there is anything like it, that would be great! like it, that would be great!View attachment 339927
Dragon Skin silicone may be a good option for a few pieces. I'm planning to do a Halo 4 techsuit at some point, and I have similar criteria as yours. I wouldn't recommend doing the full bodysuit in silicone, as it's not necessarily the most breathable material. However, it's super durable and stretchy, along with being skin safe. A few of the more detailed pieces may do well being casted in Dragon Skin.
Dragon Skin silicone may be a good option for a few pieces. I'm planning to do a Halo 4 techsuit at some point, and I have similar criteria as yours. I wouldn't recommend doing the full bodysuit in silicone, as it's not necessarily the most breathable material. However, it's super durable and stretchy, along with being skin safe. A few of the more detailed pieces may do well being casted in Dragon Skin.
Thanks! I need to learn about it more but I was thinking about using it, or something like it for the detailed 3d parts.
Some people already replied, but I still wanna share my learnings :).

A while ago I did a Batman (from the Pattinson movie) costume, and I learnt something about undersuits: mobility is key.

When I first started that build, I made all the undersuit one piece and attached it with velcros (rookie mistake). Then, on my new build of the suit: I made it onto that each piece was separate from one another, the mobility greatly improved.

What I´m trying to say could make up the templates from that undersuit and work with really thin foam (2mm, or MAX 4mm), and hot glue each separate piece onto a compression undersuit (with some material that you find breathable enough), or sew it; if you know how. If you need some pics of what I´m talking about, let me know! Will be happy to help.
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