Need Help With Fibreglass

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Welcome to the 405th!

Looks fine to me! I used a simalar one the first time I fibreglassed, it makes life easier 'cause you can be pretty sure that there's everything that you need there.

Only thing I'd say about that kit is, it sounds kinda like its Fibreglass Mat, and that stuff can be hell to work with...if possible, try to use fibreglass tissue as its easier and you don't lose any little details.

Here's a great tutorial for glassing if you need it:

PM me if I can help in any way! I've done plenty of this stuff so I'm happy to help :]

Good luck!
Yeah, that looks like a pretty good kit. I like how it includes the gloves, you're going to want a lot of gloves. I just buy stuff as I need it from the local hardware and medical supply shops. When first putting the fiberglass on, make sure that you get the edges and overlaps first, and don't spill milk on it... like I did with mine. If you need any more help, just drop me a PM, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'm just too busy to post a full tutorial right now.
xxFemaleSpartanxx said:
Only thing I'd say about that kit is, it sounds kinda like its Fibreglass Mat, and that stuff can be hell to work with...if possible, try to use fibreglass tissue as its easier and you don't lose any little details.

Personally i much prefer Mat.

I'll admit it's ALOT messier, and has a higher chance of ruining your piece.

But if you dont have time to do about 6 layers of fibreglass tissue, use mat and you'll get it done in one hit.
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I like using chopped strand mat as well - but to each his own!

east coast fibreglass is a good supplier, helps that its just up the road from me as well!

how much you planning on work on? reason I am asking is that kits are nice, but really, gettin the components in bigger botles (that east coast do as well - and buying fibreglass sheets form them as well will prob work out cheaper in the long run.

if in doubt - just give em a call; found the guys there really helpful!

For strengthening my armor I have used, Smooth Cast 300 plastic, Fiberglass mat, and fiberglass cloth. SC300 is probably my favorite even though its expensive, but its fun and fast. Fiberglass cloth is pretty strong and not too hard to work with. Fiberglass mat seems to absorb resin like a sponge so the pieces are really heavy, and there always seems to be loose strands poking around inside so I had to spend a lot of time sanding the inside of those pieces.
Thanks for the help ppl. I think I'm doin everything backwards!!! I just saw the noon vid and I'm supposed to post an "about myself" thing in the introduce yourself thread..... Sorry..... I'll go and do that when I get home from work. Thanks for the help again :)
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