ODST story

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There was a three story building, with a large glass window near the start of the street. The window covered the entire length of the wall and had shattered in a explosion. "Perfect" George said.
He ran to the side of the door with Blue four taking the other side, and Blue three taking a firing position. He opened the door slowly and entered, shouting "UNSC MARINES, UNSC MARINES"
The place was empty, and after a quick search confirming the fact. George moved upstairs, to the top floor, near the opening that was once the window.

He knelt down and placed his BR55 battle rifle in front of him, his M7 next to it and the M6 SOCOM on the other side of it. George then pulled off his pack and pulled out the magazines he had remaining. He had five clips for the M7, three for the BR55 and three for the M6. He also had four grenades, two frag and two HE.

He looked round and saw Blue three had done the same thing, while Blue four had settled down, Sniper mags next to him. He was zeroing in the scope, just ahead of the enemy formation. George looked up and saw Vesquez and his squad ready. "Blue five, you seem to know a bit about explosives, clear those men down there a hole, then everyone clear the lane." He said over the team freq.

Blue five picked up an HE grenade and primed it, he threw it and it bounced behind the line of Shields, but not over it. Blue five held up his hand, fingers splayed 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . He closed his fist as the HE round detonated. A plume of black smoke rolled up into the air and when George looked there was a gaping hole in the shield line. Then there was a loud Crack, as Blue four fired. Three more aliens in the shield wall fell dead as the 50 caliber round tore through their bodies. George moved up to the window, still on one knee and opened fire.

The BR55 easily cut through the flesh and environment suits of the aliens, and they dropped easily. Blue two and seven opened up with their MA5B assault rifles. The 7.62 mm HE tipped rounds tore through the aliens as a hot knife passed through butter. Blue three kept on firing single rounds, every round finding a body. Blue four re-positioned facing down the lane firing twice more before reloading. Blue five had a grenade launcher and was sending grenades down the street, causing havoc at the back.

The Marines on the street had opened up with the Machine gun turrets and had begun to turn the aliens in front into bloody ribbons. As those aliens tried to retreat from the overwhelming firepower, the Aliens at the back surged forwards trying to get under the fire coming from Blue team.

Plasma and those glassy crystalline needles began to fly into the two rooms, George looked down and saw some of the little aliens in the red tunics had noticed the danger and had tried to stop it. George called out Frag out, then dropped a frag grenade into the aliens ranks. They tried to flee but most got caught up in the blast. Blue seven finished the off from across the street.

George had soon emptied the battle rifle and had moved onto the M7, its rapid fire was effective despite the smaller rounds. Blue Four had also moved to his M7 and Blue three was using the M6 pistol. Most of the Aliens had started to retreat now, and only a platoon or so was left. A call came through George's helmet comlink "Final transport is away, reports say the the Covvies have broken through the fleet, it is time to leave" Colonel Dolohov said.
"Blue you heard the man, fall back to the Hog, time to evac."George said.

Blue three and four packed up and had started down the stairs when George looked across the street. Vesquez and Blue five had started to move, but Blue seven stayed where he was. "Seven, mpve your shebs now soldier, DO NOT make me come over there and move it for you." George said.
Seven looked at George and pulled his helmet off. Vesquez went over to drag the man away, but before he could get close two needle rounds hit Blue Seven. As they detonated, he fell out of the building, and hit the ground, the Aliens moved forwards, intent upon finishing seven. Blue seven drew his M6 SOCOM pistol, and started to drop the aliens. But was soon surrounded. George looked as a brief glimpse of the man appeared and he was laughing, holding a belt of HE grenades, pins in his hand.

George turned and ran, as did Vesquez. George got to the bottom level then the boom could be heard, the building shook, and George swore. He ran to the warthog and climbed into the back, as the others got in and Blue three revved the engine before taking off.

They soon got to the spaceport and ran to their bird. Up the ramp, and had not even taken their seats when the Pelican lifted off. "Sorry for the quick dust off, but those covvies are fleeing, and I do not want to be here when they are gone" The pilot said.
George sat down and strapped in as the Pilot rolled to dodge something falling from the heavens above. She took a few more evasive maneuvers and was soon leaving the gravity well. George looked out the rear viewport, the one set in the ramp, and saw several of the Big alien ships start to orbit the planet. Then the Pelican shook and a teardrop shape appeared behind them "Crap, crap, crap" The pilot said. "This is Pelican dropship Epsilon 624, need assistance immediately" She called out.

George watched as a longsword, swept in behind and above the alien fighter and after taking out its shields fired a missile into it. The alien fighter exploded, and the Longsword escorted them back to the Cruiser. The pelicans came in too fast and slid across the flight deck, flight crew running out of the way. "All pelicans aboard Captain, we are clear" The pilot said.

Gallipoli moved off sluggishly, having taken major damage in multiple places. Once clear of the Covenant the Shaw-Fugikawa drives activated, and she entered the extra-dimensions of Slipspace.
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Harland sat down with his team. Blue was back up to full strength after their last two missions. An ONI officer walked into the room with the frigates commander. Harland jumped up "Officers on Deck" he barked.
His team immediately stood at attention. good even after all this time, they were still sharp. The war had not been going well, and with the Insurrectionists striking at now unprotected targets the UNSC was starting to fall apart. That is why they had been called in. The Colonel took the lead, no one messed with ONI after all. "At ease, Blue" The officer said. "We are here to eliminate one Commander Shorre, known leader of the Insurrection around these parts. He is hold up on one of these moons, and we will be sending you in to take him out. He has been attacking UNSC ships damaged from the war, and civilian ships fleeing from the Covenant, and is one of three known leaders still in charge." The officer said.
Harland opened up the briefing notes, and looking at the picture of Shorre. The officer continued "Recon forces are on the ground, tracking possible leads, we will then send you down in a pelican when we found him, take him out how you like, just make sure he is dead. The UNSC Reach will be on station for two days, that gives to time to land, plan and eliminate. After that, it is needed else where and we will need to send someone to pick you and the others up. Is this understood?" The officer said.
"Yes, sir" Harland said.
"Then prepare Marines. Dismissed"
Harland stood with his team, and they walked back to the armoury. He sat down near his locker, and opened. "Four, make sure your sniper rifle is clean and fully prepped." he said.
"Yes, sir" Four said.
"Corporal, I hate these missions, we should be on the front lines fending off the Covvie Bastards, heard they got New Johannesburg while we got shipped here" Five said.
Harland agreed with him, but what could he do. better to get this operation done with and get back to stopping the Covenant. He stood and put on his armour, setting his helmet down next to him, waiting for the call to arms.


Corporal Harland sat bolt upright as the alarm sounded. He stood up and put his helmet on. "You heard the music, time to roll" He shouted getting his team up and moving.
He grabbed his rifle, that he had prepared during the two hours. "Move it Blue, we have an Innie to kill." he shouted.
Blue team ran down several corridors and into the small hangar of the frigate. A pilot stood by her Pelican waving them over. Blue angled over to the dropship and she jumped in, walking to the cockpit. As Blue sat down and strapped in the pilot started up the Pelican and took the dropship out of the hangar. The ship moved away from the Frigate and then dropped into the moons atmosphere.

Harland gripped the straps of his seat, as the Pelican fell in an almost uncontrolled manner. Then the engines cut in and the Pelican slowed down and leveled out. "This is Oliver 9 6. Setting down, have fun Marines" The Pilot called.
Harland felt the ship touch down, and the back ramp opened. Harland hit the release, grabbed his weapons and jumped out of the troop bay of the dropship. He immediately moved to the first bit of cover there was and crouched down. The first thing he noticed is that it was raining, and the ground was muddy. His team ran up and crouched round him, he looked at them all then said "Recon meeting is 10 clicks north, time to move out." he said.
Four immediately went out in front and scouted round. The rest of the team split up, and they moved through the muddy plains towards a tree line, as a large group. Four was the first to call in. "I have friendly IFF tags, sending you the data now sir" he said.
Harland checked it out on his HUD, then opened a commlink to the team "Recon force, two clicks, head north west" He said.

Harland and Blue team walked into the edge of the forest, and two Marines in full ammo and ghillie suits rose out of the bushes. Harland rose his hand, fist closed and Blue team stopped weapons raised, then slowly lowered. Harland spoke up "Recon force?" He asked.
One of the Marines nodded, then motioned for Blue to follow. Blue followed the two marines for another kilometer then into a small leaf hut. It could only fit two men in full armour, so one marine and Harland crouched low and sat down under the cover. Blue moved out to form a perimeter and the other Marine faded into the forest. "What do you have marine?" Harland asked.
"Shorre has been spotted, he has a small two or three room bunker west of here, he is using it to hide low while that frigate is in-system. Best time to strike would be when it leaves and Shorre comes out. He has a factory near the colony settlement, he will drive there. The route is out in the open and will allow plenty of targets." The marine said.
"We can not wait, that ship is our way off this rock." Harland said.
"Then, I suggest telling them to make it look like it is going" The marine said.
"Why does Shorre not attack it, he has the ships?"
"He has been under a lot of pressure, with the other leaders being taken out. He wants to live."
"Very well, can we make contact here?" Harland asked.
"Not with the foliage, try on the edge of the forest, it should be clear there." The Marine said.
Harland nodded, the got up and out of the hut. "Vesquez, get a line to the Reach tell them to head out system. Then come back for the pick up." Harland said.
Vesquez nodded and walked away, disappearing into the mist and foliage just like a the recon Marine.
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Vesquez sat at the edge of the forest with the radio in front of him. He dialed it in and waited for the signal to break through. He sat there for five minutes and got nothing but static. he packed up the gear and walked back to the Marines camp. "Sorry boss, no signal. Can not penetrate this crap" He said.
Harland turned one of the Marines "Will this clear up soon?"
"Not likely, it is almost always like this." He said.
"Vequez, take Blue six and seven and use the dropships radio, or tell the pilot to fly up above this soup. Try and get this message through." Harland said.
Vesquez nodded, and he grabbed the other two and walked off towards the dropship.

Harland sat down and poured over the maps and other details that the Marines had. He looked through and saw that there was a narrow section on Shorre's path. It was the perfect place to plant a trip mine or two. It also meant that if things went wrong Blue had a place to pick Shorre off from safety. He pointed out the location to Blue five. "Think you could get a couple of trip mines in here to cut off Shorre?" He asked.
"Should be able to, though it would be easier when I am there to give you a yes or no." Five said.
"When the others get back, we will move out to that location." Harland said.
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Vesquez walked up into the troop bay and into the cockpit. He tapped the pilot who was dozing in her chair. "Wake up Corporal, we need to contact the Reach" Vesquez said.
"Yes, sir" The Pilot said sleepily, "putting you through now" She added.
Vesquez walked back into the troop bay with the comm link in his hand. "This is Lance Corporal Vesquez of ODST Blue team. Reach do you copy" he said.
All he got back was static. "Pilot boost the signal" he said.
"Boosting, Corporal. Now at full strength." She said.
Vesquez tried again. "Reach, are you receiving?" he asked.
"This is UNSC Reach. State your intentions" Came the reply.
"This is Lance Corporal Vesquez of ODST Blue team. We need Reach to pull back, so we can get a good shot on Shorre. We need time to get into position, asking four hours max. Can you confirm?" Vesquez said.
"Reach Confirming, pull back for clean shot in four hours. Alerting the commander now ...."
Vesquez stood there foot tapping, he looked out and saw Blue six and seven crouching near the open troop bay, rifles raised. "Lance Corporal, Reach will move behind the far moon in four hours time. Happy Hunting"
The signal switched off, and Vesquez handed the comm link back to the pilot, then walked back out into the misty rain. "Alright you two, time to head back to the camp." Vesquez said. "Move out."
The three of them started an easy jog, away from the dropship towards the base camp the Marines had set up.
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Harland stood at the edge of the forest, with Blue three, four and five just inside the tree line, the Recon Marines had gone ahead to keep tabs on Shorre. Harland watched as three figures jogged out of the mist towards them, mud splattered and wet. Vesquez stopped next to him panting. "Give us five to catch our breath, sir. Then we will be good to go" he said.
Harland's visor switched to its see through mode. "Lets go under the covers, I shall explain what's happening." he said.
He followed the three ODST under the tree line and the rest of Blue walked up for the briefing. Harland stood in the center, and pulled up the map on his HUD, linking it to everyones. "The highlighted area is a choke point on Shorre's journey, back to the factory. The muddy slopes make it impossible to climb, for a warthog, and the muddy ground is perfect for hiding two trip mines, that Blue five will plant. Blue four, two and six will be on the far slope, if the trip mine does not kill all the innies, then we finish them off in a cross fire." Harland said "I assume we have time to get there, and set up?" he looked at Vesquez.
"Yes, sir, Reach will move off behind the last moon in 3 and a half hours." Vesquez said.
Harland nodded, "get some water in you, then we jog out, and set up. The recon Marines will join us there." He said.
He nodded at his team who sat down on fallen logs. Harland found his own removed his helmet and grabbed a water bottle. he took a few gulps of the cold liquid, then stored the bottle and put his helmet back on. His visor going back to the blackish blue setting hiding his face. he stood up, and Blue team followed. The team then walked out of the forest and everyone started jogging towards the ambush site, keeping close to the trees when done.

The journey was not easy going. Mud slowed them down, forcing them to a sloshing walk at times, and the misty rain played havok with their HUDs. But eventually they got into the bottom of the small gully. Blue Two, four and six, started their struggle up the far slope while Harland, Shelly and seven stood guard covering five who was setting the mines up. He set the detonators and then pushed them into the mud, which flowed over the top covering them naturally. Harland and the others ten made their way up the opposite slope to Blue Two and his fire team. It took ten minutes of slipping and sliding but they got to the top and lay down, rifles resting on the ground. Harland pulled out a set of electronic binoculars and occasionally glanced at the horizon, the binoculars helping cut through the mist, by showing other light spectrum, and heat. Harland soon picked up the two Recon Marines, one who made his way to Blue two's fire team, the other to Harland's. "Shorre, is coming, he will be here in about five minutes" The Marine said.
He set his sniper rifle on the edge of the slope, and covered it in its own ghillie covering. Harland had a brief moment of panic his team might be spotted in their cleaned shiny armour, then looked at his. It was covered in so much mud it was unrecognizable. He breathed a sigh of relief then looked at the horizon. He got a heat reading, approaching fast. "I see his Hog now. two minutes until he reaches the gully." He said.

Blue team and the two marines watched as the hog stopped at the edge of the gully, and two others pulled up next to it. Several men got out and scanned the area. "They know it is a likely attack point then" he muttered to the Marine.
"Shorre has become a bit paranoid" The marine said, "he has his men check for UNSC forces at the start, then guns it trough just to be safe."
The men got back into the hog's and the three light vehicles accelerated towards the other side of the gully. They got to the point where the mines had been layed and the first hog drove over before the explosion went off. Mud and fire erupted from the ground, and the lead warthog was blown apart. Bits ending up embedded in the slopes. The other two warthogs got flipped in the explosion, and the men got thrown out into the mud. "Blue team, pick off the stragglers" Harland said, and just to make sure his team got his signal, he clenched his fist and brought his elbow down, as if pulling a cable down.

Three sniper rounds could be heard, as Blue four, and the two recon marines fired. Three innies dropped, mud now splashed into the mud. Harland sighted an innie with the scope on his battle rifle and dropped the man. The others opened fire, using either the pistol with its two times scope or controlled bursts into the mass of bodies. It was a short firefight, and the innes only got a few rounds off, but the shots had been wild and no where near Blue teams positions. "Blue move in, confirm Shorre is dead" Harland said.
he stood up, and started a slightly uncontrolled slide down the slope towards the two warthogs and the dead or dying innies. he reached the bottom and squelched his way through the blood and mud occasionally shooting an innie who was still alive. he soon found Shorre. The man had been at the back of the first warthog, and had half his body blown away in the explosion. He had crawled towards the other men and received a round from a pistol for his effort. Harland pulled out his M6S and fired a second round into his head, to be sure. "Mission complete." he said, now lets flip these warthogs and see if one is still operational." he said.
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Harland, Vesquez and one of the recon Marines grabbed the side of one of the downed warthogs, and lifted. They grunted and sunk into the muddy ground but eventually flipped the four-wheeler over. It landed bouncing on its suspension. Shelly jumped into the drivers seat and started it up. "Sounds good, sir, try the other, or it might be a tight squeeze." She said.
Harland nodded as the rest of Blues and the other Marine flipped the other hog over. The marine there jumped in and after a few problems the vehicle started up. "Vesquez take side seat of the second hog, Blue five, six and seven in the back, eyes alert. Marine," he said looking at the Marine who helped him, "Take the side seat on this one. Four get in the back"
He walked up and jumped in, then sat down, rifle on his legs as Blue three revved the engine. The tires spun before eventually catching and the warthog shot off. Three then pulled the handbrake and turned the hog 180 degrees. Harland's head rolled round a bit, and he had to hold onto the handrail as Three punched it and sped out of the Gully, artfully dodging the bodies and wreakage of the third warthog.

The trip back to the Pelican was uneventful. A couple of scares, that turned out to be false alarms before they came to the clearing. Blue jumped out of the warthogs and walked into the troopbay of their dropship, and sat down, with the Recon Marines joining them. The back ramp sealed up and The Pelicans belly jets fired up. The ship lifted out of the mud and above the tree line, before the main engines fired up and the dropship accelerated away from the surface. "Blue lead, you have a call coming in from the Reach" Their pilot said.
"Thanks Corporal" Harland said.
He sat back and listened to the message from the UNSC Reach.
"Well done, Blue. We are inbound to pick you up now, ETA 25 minutes" The comms officer said.
Harland leaned back. "Mission accomplished, Blue. Well Done" he said to the group.
He removed his helmet and placed it down by his feet, and took a look at his armour. Coated in a thick layer of mud, it did not resemble the gear he put on, to start this op. He thought back to how he felt then, and how he felt now. He felt good, knowing that another Innie was no longer threatening the UNSC, He felt good to have been part of the team to stop this threat, and he felt good to be able to return to Planet Reach with a victory.

Harland stood and walked into the cockpit. "Have we got eyes on home yet?" He asked.
"No sir, they should be coming round that moon now." the pilot said.
Harland and the pilot watched as the front of a UNSC Frigate slowly appeared out of the shadow of one of the moons in the system, then gasped as the rest of the ship appeared, fires blazing along its side. "Pilot put me through now." he said.
"Right, sir" She said. "Your on, I think"
"This is Corporal Harland, of ODST Blue team, respond Reach What happened?" he asked.
"Covvie Bastards jumped us, Oh God, they're back, we don't, ahhh....."
The signal died. "Tell me that was a problem here?" he asked the pilot.
"Sorry, sir. Everything is good this end."
They watched as a Covenant corvette came out of the shadow, guns blazing. A round hit the bridge and it exploded, then a few rounds hit mid ship, and the reactors gave out. TheReach Detonated. A great fireball erupting out of the middle of the ship, ripping it apart. "Pilot, get us to safety, then wait for the ship to leave, check for lifeboats after it is gone." Harland said.
"Copy, Corporal. Got a moon we can land on." She said.
The pelican shot off towards a moon, that was mainly grasslands, but with a large city for its exports. As the moon came into view Harland and the pilot swore. Covenant ships were approaching, though they had already passed glassing distance. "Zoom in on those ships" Harland said.
He checked the view screen and saw landing ships moving in. "Must want something on the planet." he muttered.
Most planets the Covenant glassed first and then attacked the Fleet. So by landing this meant something big was happening. "Can this get a message out to any UNSC posts near by. Tell them to send everything." Harland said.
"I just sent a message now." The pilot said, her voice straining. "Reply came back. They have informed FLEETCOM High Command. Battle group three and seven on its way." She said.
"Get us to that Moon, we need to help them, slow down the alien advance" Harland said.
"Aye, sir" The pilot replied.
Harland walked back to the troop bay and watched his team prepare for battle. "You heard?" he asked.
"Negative, sir, just felt the ship accelerate, and move away from its current course, what's going on?" Vesquez said.
"Reach is gone. Covvies landing a sizable force on one of the moons and we are the only force near by. We go and slow down the SOBs and wait for the fleet to tear them a new shebs hole." Harland said. "Prepare for a fast, hard decant into hell, and lets show these alien bastards why the ODST are the best of the Best." Harland said.
He walked to his seat grabbed his helmet, which had rolled away, and put it on. He checked ammo, and grabbed some spare they had stashed in the dropship. "Recon force, I am assuming command of this small group, and others if you have men on this rock. Welcome to Blue team" he said.
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Harland stepped off the Pelican and watched as Blue followed him. "Pilot, take this bird away from here and stay low." he said.
The Pelicans belly engines fired and it started to move off just as a Phantom flew over head. "COVER" Harland roared as the Covvie ships plasma gun lined up the dropship and fired. several shots hit the engines, and the Pelican began to wobble, and drift off. Before an engine exploded and it started to fall. It hit the ground, about a kilometer away. "Vesquez, mark the LZ. We need to rescue the Pilot, if she survived." He said.
"Got it, sir." Vesquez said.
He nodded and pointed at the direction of impact. Harland returned the nod, then called out. "Move it Blue, keep to the shadows."
It was basic advice, but he felt better after saying it. He checked the street and then dashed across it under cover from the sky. Half of Blue moved of wit him, the others kept watch. Harland, stopped undercover, turned and sighted one of the streets. "Clear," he called. As did his fire team.
The rest moved up. Blue split into two and crept don the street, half on one side, half on the other. They checked every alleyway and crevice for hostiles, but found nothing. Cars littered the streets, as did rubbish, dropped in haste as Alien ships appeared appeared. However there was no sign of life left. Or for that matter death. No bodies, nothing burning, just nothing. Harland came to a corner, and saw his first contact with the Covenant. A squad of Grunts moving towards Blue team, 6 in total. The appeared to be searching for something. "Six contacts, grunts, heading for you Vesquez. Silenced weapons only" Harland said.
He switched from his Battle rifle and pulled out his M7S smg and took aim from the covers. "Vesquez on your mark" he said.
Vesquez nodded and watched as the alien squad walked past his hiding location then called over the comms "Fire"
A slight thump sound could just be heard as Blue quickly eliminated the aliens. Vesquez then moved out, and checked each one, before calling the all clear.

Blue moved out again towards the downed dropship. Twice diving into empty buildings as Elites and Jackals with Shields walked past. "Heavy stuff" Four said.
Harland saw no reason to contradict the man. "Just keep an eye out." he said.
They walked out of the building and moved down the street. They could see the rear end of their bird, sticking out of a building, hatch closed. An Elite and a group of grunts stood near by the hatch, apparently keeping guard. Harland noticed how they only focused on the dropship, nothing else. "Recon force, one elite, two sniper rounds, take him down, try the building behind me for cover." He said. "Blue, when that hinge head drops we take out the rest, conserve ammo, and aim for the body. Once all hostiles are down check the ship."
The two recon Marines moved into the building, and five minutes later called in. "Fire on your own mark" Harland said. he crouched waiting for the combat to start.

Two loud cracks echoed through the street and the Elite dropped to the ground purple blood and brains erupting out of its head. "Go Blue" Harland said.
He sighted a Grunt and fired, smiling as it dropped to the ground, still confused. The fight lasted all of two minutes fro start to finish, ending with a grunt who got peppered by four rounds to its chest. "Move Blue, Recon cover us" Harland said.
He ran down the street, staying close to the buildings. Then slowed to a walk as he came to the downed ship. He walked up and opened the hatch, before jumping back smg raised. "Vesquez, with me, clear it." he said, stepping into the ship.
It was quick to clear, but that did not make it easy. He walked out, with Vequez next to him. "Pilot died on impact, controls impacting through her chest." He said.
He started to walk back along the street. He got to the street corner and called the recon team. "Come on down, all clear" he said.
He heard a scream on the other end then one of the Marines came running to the door, before an energy blade erupted out of his chest, just as he got out side. He dropped to the ground, an outline of an Elite behind him, visible through the ODST's VISR. "osik." Harland said then opened fire.
Blue followed his lead, and the Elite roared as rounds rammed into his shield. The Elite charged them, its shield and camo failing. It swung its sword at Harland's head, who ducked under the blow. he stood up raising his weapon up into its open mouth and pulling the trigger. The Elite fell backwards blood leaking out of a small wound in the base of its head. Harland picked up the energy sword and attached it to his belt. "Check the Marines" he said, panting, at the near death experience and adrenaline pumping trough him.

Vesquez ran into the building, drawing a shotgun as he went, Blue five following him. They ran up the stairs and saw another Elite, with the same armour as the dead sword wielding one outside, collapsed against the side of the hallway. Vesquez looked at it and it coughed blood in his face. He jumped backwards and raised his shotgun firing off a round. The elites head was ripped into fleshy ribbons, and Vesquez tried to slow his heart down. "Christ" he muttered.
He continued down the hallway and saw the other Marine, lying in a pool of his own blood and organs. "Marine two is dead, looks as if the Elites tore him apart, then shot him" He said over the comms.
The two ODST walked back down out of the building and met up with the rest of Blue. "Where to now, sir" Vesquez asked Harland.
Harland stood there, thinking. "Find the surviving populace, and help them. Wait for the fleet, should be here soon, then fight back. Until then, fight dirty, stay alive, and kill anything you can. Without putting yourselves in too much danger." Harland said. "Lets try the underground stations, or the space elevator first. Vesquez take six and seven, check out the rail stations. Three four and five, with me. We check the elevator. Meet in the rail tunnels after we are done. Move out."
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Harland mowed down the last of the grunt patrol and then followed the others into the building. He checked his ammo and breathed a sigh. "Still plenty left" he said to himself.
They were five blocks from the elevator, and Covenant resistance was starting to notice them, and put up a fight. This was just another fire fight they had, in a long line of fire fights.
"Sir, this building takes out a lot of walking, but it looks as if they are waiting for us on the other side" Four said.
"Climb the stairs, take them out from above." Harland replied. "Three go with him, and be careful" he said. His feelings breaking through slightly.
He mentally kicked himself, 'not now' he thought 'not ever'.
He walked to the door. "Blue one in position, waiting" he said.
"Go, sir, I have you covered. Five Grunts, two Jackals and one Elite." Four said.
"Bugger" Harland said pulling out his BR 55.
Stealth was out anyway, might as well go with efficient. he opened the door and a sniper round impacted with the Elite. he stumbled and Harland fired. He fell backwards as a trio of rounds ripped through him. Fire came from above, and Harland took out the Jackals, aiming for there hands through the battle rifles scope. He dropped one, but the other took the hit and crouched. Five popped up next to him and lobbed a grenade in the mix.
it his the wall and dropped behind the Jackals shield. The Alien squawked and tried to cover itself. the grenade went off and plastered blood on the inside of the shield. One of the grunts fired at Harland and Five but the glowing green round of its charged up plasma pistol hit the door way instead. Then the grunt fell as a pistol round impacted into his head. The last grunt tried to run but was cut down by another trio of Battle Rifle rounds. "Move out" Harland said.
He stepped into the street and found the concealed walkway down to the Space Elevator loading levels. Hidden to keep the Covvie Bastards finding it. Fire team Alpha moved down the stairs sealing the door behind them, and activating their VISR, for use in dark places.


Vesquez poked his head round the corner and immediately withdrew it as several plasma rounds impacted into the wall he was hiding behind. He cursed and looked at Blue six and seven for help. They of course were no use, being almost fresh out of training, they did not have the experience to get out. Vesquez cursed again then knelt rounded the corner and fired. His assault rifle spat HE tipped rounds into the aliens inside the rail station, then he ducked behind cover again as the aliens returned fire. This op had not gone well. They had fought several squads getting here and had narrowly escaped death twice. Now they had a squad closing in from behind, and needed the safety of the rail station, to mount a defense. A position held by the enemy. He let out another curse and rounded the corner running and firing as he went. He slid on the tiled floor and stopped next to the rest of his fire team. "Get a grip, you two, or we will be dead soon" he said.
'Wrong choice of words, how does Harland do this" he thought. 'Never mind, truth now, live later'.
"I count two Elites, and a score of grunts. Take out the hinge heads first, concentrate fire. On my mark." he said looking at the two men, both almost catatonic. "MARK" he yelled. He popped up over cover and started burst fire at the Elites. The command made the other two jump into action, and before they had to duck for cover one Elite fell clutching his chest. "Good, one down, one more left" he said. "Seven go far left, six go right, on my command pop round and fire. Burst rounds, don't spray and pray." He added.
They moved off and Vesquez changed magazines. He checked, the two men were in position. he nodded to both then yelled "Mark" again.
They moved swiftly. The aliens expecting the three of them in the same place, looked round confused, as bullets chipped away at the aliens shields, before it fell to the ground dead. "Finish them. Go, go, go." Vesquez yelled.
The grunts panicked, their leaders dead. Fire team bravo moved from cover and began to mow them down. Soon only one was left. He ran towards Vesquez who used his rifle like a club and broke the little aliens neck. "Good work team, now check ammo, and lets prepare to defend this location." He said changing mags again.
He crouched behind a marble bench and prepared. Six found a low wall and seven a kiosk. They waited until they could hear the guttural barks of grunts.

The squad chasing them walked into the station and looked at the carnage. An Elite ordered the grunts to spread out, Vesquez primed a frag grenade and counted down from three then threw it. It landed at the Elites feet, a perfect throw. The Elite looked down at it then took a step back as it exploded. He was engulfed in smoke his shields failing, then a single round from six smacked into his head. he fell to the ground dead. The grunts charged the humans. Vesquez pulled out his shotgun and fired into one the small aliens heads, ripping it apart. Three left. Six put a pistol round in one of the grunts heads. Two left. Seven ripped one apart with his smg. One left. It pulled out, and primed two plasma grenades and started to run at six. Vesquez drew his pistol and shot one of the grenades, causing it to detonate. The grunt was gone, nothing left, and the other grenade was blown out of the station, harmless. Six was pushed back, and sat up soon after. Vesquez ran over and checked him. He was fine, just a bit groggy.

"Lets move further in. Make for the tunnels, as ordered." He said.
They ran down the steps, and found a train, still working. They climbed on and Vesquez operated it. Moving half way down the tunnel, then sending the call code to Harland. "Sit back, and relax a bit." he said. "But not too much, still a war going on outside" He added.
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Harland crouched down and pressed his hand to his helmet. He received the call code from Vesquez, then motioned to the rest of his fire-team. They stood up from there crouched positions and started moving down the tunnels again. They had been searching for other survivours, but so far no luck. They rounded a bend and saw the other three members of Blue team. Harland walked up to Vesquez. "No luck?" he asked.
"No, sir. Just this door here to check" he said indicating the door built into the tunnel.
Harland sighed and walked up to it. "Three, prepare to breach" He said.
Shelly walked up next to the door and nodded. She pushed the door open and Harland rushed in, only to be met with two M6 pistols pointing right into his face. "UNSC ODST, Stand down" he barked. Battle rifle aimed at the leader of the small group.
The man raised his pistol and motioned the others to as well. "Show us your faces, just to be safe." The man said.
Harland removed his helmet, and the other man relaxed. Harland then put the helmet back on and called his team in, before looking at the man before him. "How many are down here, and who are you?"
"I am Sergeant Mel, of the United Canterbury moon police force." Mel said "And I would estimate one otr two thousand, maximum."
"Out of?" Harland asked.
"Thirty Thousand, to forty Thousand in this city alone." Mel said.
"God dam it." Harland said.
He turned to face Vesquez. "Shut the door, I want two men on it at all times, nothing gets through unless it is human." he said.
Turning back to Mel, he asked "Does this place have communications to the outside?"
"Yes, over here," Mel replied "Why?"
"UNSC Forces are inbound, and should be here with in the hour, we need to prepare to get you out." Harland said.
"This way then" Mel said.
He led Harland and Blue four through the crowd, all huddled together, frightened, but alive. Harland looked round and quickened his pace.
They reached to communications rig, a giant wall monitor and keyboard, plus several microphones. Harland put in his communications code into the computer, splicing his commlink into the terminal. He sent a brief burst of comms traffic and stood there waiting for a response. It came about ten minutes later. This is UNSC Wellington of Battlegroup 3, we are receiving you loud and clear"
"UNSC Wellington. We have survivours, and need evac as soon as possible. There are two many to move safely. Best LZ is outside the main train station." Harland said. "And ODST Blue team needs orders." He added.
"ODST Blue Team, we will deliver a Havok Nuclear device. There is a Covenant battle cruiser in low-orbit landing troops. We can not get down until it is gone, please deal with it. We are sending additional resources to assist. Respond"
"Blue team responding, heading to LZ now, can you take some survivours now?" Harland asked.
"Negative Blue, too risky. Tell them to stand by."
"Copy Wellington. Blue is moving now" Harland said, and switched off his commlink.
He turned to face Mel. "Wait here until you are given the all clear, then head for the train station. UNSC forces will evac you then. It is too hot right now, and we are going to assist. Keep them safe." Harland said.
Mel stood there and nodded. Harland brushed past him with Blue four behind him. Vesquez already had the door open and everyone else standing out side. Blue four walked through and Harland followed. He turned round and shut the door. "Train Station, double time it Blue." Harland said.

They ran up the stairs and took cover behind the marble benches inside the station. Ears alert for any noise. They stayed silent like that for twenty minutes, until the sound of a Pelicans engines roared out of the silent. As the sound grew another sound was heard. An Elite roared and his squad moved round into the station.
There where four Elite minors, with an Elite Major leading them. The minors had plasma rifles or needlers and the major and a sword in hand. He roared and pointed at Blue with the sword. The Elites knelt down and opened fire. Plasma and glassy shards flew over Blue teams heads. Blue occasionally got a chance to return fire. Four managed to drop one of the minors with a head shot. But they were out gunned. Then The Pelican roared down and the back hatch opened up.

Harland could here the sound of automatic fire and several Elites roaring as they died. He looked up and saw Three armoured beings step off the Pelican. One looked at the Elite major and ran at him. It drew a knife and after swatting away the Elites attack, sunk the knife into the Elites Neck. The Elite clutched at the knife and armoured hand but it was too late. The Elite fell to the ground. The armoured being knelt down and wiped the blood off the knife before returning it to its sheath. Harland walked up to the armoured being and nodded. "Welcome to hell, Spartan White team." he said.
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Three of the Spartans moved to cover on over-watch. The ODST's walked onto the Pelican and started unloading the ammo and the package. Harland picked up the crate, about the size of a briefcase, and opened it up. Inside was a black half sphere, and a small data chip. Harland put the data chip inside a pouch, and then picked up ammo for his battle rifle and pistol, then walked over to the Spartans team leader. "Sir? What is the plan of action?" Harland asked.

The spartan looked at him and Harland could see himself reflected in the Spartan's mirrored visor. He looked awful, with half glassed mud coating almost every ich of him. "Spartan White team is to provide escort to ODST Blue team, in order to deliver a nuclear package to the Covenant Battle-cruiser, above the city. ODST Blue lead has tactical command of the operation." The Spartan said, sounding like a robot.
"Great. Has command sent any details with you, anything you noticed on your way down?" Harland asked.
"Covenant LZ is 3.5 Klicks from our current position. Well defended, and suicidal to approach. A grav lift is used to load and unload troops and supplies." The Spartan said.

Harland thought hard going through all tactics that had been drilled into him. Then an idea started to form. It was reckless, and could cost both him, his team, and the Spartans their lives, but it might work. "Spartan, I need you to draw their forces out, away from their LZ. Draw them into the streets. You need to give my men and I time to plant the nuke." Harland said.

He brought up a map of the sewers that ran under the city, and sent it to the Spartans and ODST, while opening Comms to all. "ODST Blue will make their way under the Covenant forces, to this exit here." He said highlighting the point. "On my signal Spartan White team, and Blue four will engage hostiles, sorry Four, but you will be useless with us. This will draw enemy forces out, away from the Grav lift. Blue team will then assault the grav lift, and toss the nuke in. Before we fall back into the sewers. A ten minute timer will be used to give us time to escape. RV point is here. Secondary is with the survivors in the tunnels. If we fail, White will continue fighting until UNSC reinforcements show up." Harland said.

He looked at his team, who nodded in agreement, then at the Spartan team leader who seemed to stand just a bit taller. "Live to fight another day." Harland said. "Get what you need and move out."
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Harland pushed the fibre optic cable out of the sewers through a manhole cover, and peered round. Aliens moved backwards and forwards. He saw Grunts, Jackals and Elites of all colours, even the Black clad Spec ops. Harland checked the signal. from their underground transmitters then commed White team. "Mission is a go. Blue is in position, start your attack." He said.

Harland watched as Elites roared, Jackals squawked, and Grunts yipped, as White Team started their distraction. Harland turned the cable, but an Elites foot, was blocking his few of the humans attack. He waited, and waited until the aliens above dispersed. He rolled out the thermite tape, and burnt a hole around the manhole cover. He then braced his back against it and pushed, feeling the moment it gave way. Vesquez was already up, and had his rifle ready. "All clear, go." He said.

Harland pushed, and the manhole cover rolled away. He instantly had his M6S raised, as he pulled himself out of the sewers. Blue made quick progress and soon the squad was formed, and facing outwards. Harland had eyes on the Gravlift. "Cover each other, we all make it back this time. On my Mark." He said, checked himself, then said "Mark."
Blue team stoos and sprinted, from cover to cover, Covenant stood in their way, but Blue moved like a well oiled machine, fast and effective. If they came across grunts, they called out targets then put the alien bastards in the ground, Jackals they flanked, before cutting them down from the sides. Elites fell under combined superior firepower.

They came to the bottom of the Gravlift, and dived behind cover as plasma blazed over them. "Shade turret, Blue three draw its fire." Harland said.
Shelly, Blue Three, nodded, and ran across a small gap in their cover, the shade turret followed her and opened fire. Harland stood and fired. Three round bursts impacted into the grunt sitting in the turret. It squealed, and fell out. "Three, report." Harland said. Only static came back. "Three report." He said again.
Again nothing came back. "Goddammit Shelly Report." He said desperatly.
He looked and his heart sank. Shelly was lying behind cover with a wisp of smoke rising from her body.
"Vesquez, prime the Nuke. Five, Six, cover him. Seven with me." He said.

He ran to Shelly, somehow missing being hit, by the Covenant forces still near the platform. He knelt down next to Shelly, and rolled her over, seeing the plasma burn on her ab plate. "No, no, no. Stay with me. Don't you die Three, not now." He said, fighting back tears.
"Wouldn't dream of it sir." Shelly croaked back. "Not until you take me out." Harland grinned, "Its a deal." He said.
He opened his med pack and puled out the biofoam canister, inserting the nozzle into the wound, he filled it full of the biofoam, numbing the pain. "Vesquez, how is the nuke?" Harland asked.
"Nuke is primed sir." He replied, "But we will have problems getting it there." He added.

Harland lay Shelly down and took a quick look at the platform. It was crawling with Covenant now. Then his comm crackled to life " Sir, let us do it." Five said.
"Negative, it is too hot." Harland said.
"Cover us." Six said.
"No, stay here, that is an order marine." Harland said.
"Sorry sir, court martial us when we return." Five said.
The ODST was fast, he had the nuke in his hands before Vesquez knew what was happening, and was carrying it towards the gravlift like a rugby ball. "Cover him Blue." Harland said, taking up a firing position.
Five zig zaged up the platform, with Six staying behind him, firing into any Covenant to get to close. Six turned and gunned down an Elite from point blank, the armour piercing rounds cutting the Bigger alien to pieces. He turned to move up, and found an energy sword through his abdomen, lifting him up. Six fell to the ground, his comms still open Harland heard his last words. "See you in hell you bast...."
Six seemed to explode, the Elite getting caught in the blast. Harland finished it off. Xix had done what he had intended, caused a distraction for Blue Five to break through. Harland saw the man rising up the grav lift with and Elite body, just below him. He grinned and pressed a button. "NO" Harland said, as the timer started. "Blue, drop it and run." He said, but only got static back.

Harland watched as Blue five rose into the belly of the ship. "Bue, fall back. Seven help me with Shelly. Two, cover us." Harland said.
He picked up Shelly, under one arm, Seven under the other, and they slowly dragged her away, as she had passed out. Vesquez, moved behind them spraying the platform with covering fire, to keep the Covenant back. Harland, and Seven where almost at the sewers when an Elite charged them from in front. Vesquez could not react in time, Seven, and Harland were caught out in the open. Harland waited for the end to come, then heard a loud boom echo through the rubble, and buildings. The Elite reared up, and fell. As Seven lowered Shelly into the Sewwers with Vequez's help. Harland checked the Elite body. It had a sniper round lying in front of it. Harland grinned and did an informal salute before jumping into the sewers.

Harland lifted Shelly over his shoulder, and the four ODST ran as fast as they could through the sewers. "Safe distance in 25 meters." Vesquez called from behind. "Time left, 2 minutes."
Harland started moving faster, he wanted to be well clear of the explosion when it went off. "He ate up the twenty five meters and continued. "Time left 50 seconds." Vesquez said.
Harland set Shelly down, and the Four ODST crouched together. "detonation in three ... two ... one. Boom" Vesquez said.
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Blue Five lay in among a pile of Alien bodies. His body was broken and burnt, and his blood was mixing with the aliens. An Elite stood over him, as Five clutched the Nuke to his chest. "Feet first into Hell Mothaf...."


Captain Anderson watched as the Battle cruiser turned white, as the Shields kept the nuclear firestorm inside. Then the shields burst and the explosion swept out. The Bridge crew cheered. Anderson looked around him smiling. "Send in the Marines." He said.
"Aye sir." An officer said, with renewed enthusiasm.

The UNSC Wellington Plowed through the wreckage from the battle above the planet. Most of the UNSC fleet that had made it, floated among the ruble. Some pieces of hull still glowing red or orange. The Covenant had one their the ships the UNSC had mustered, but had not been able to break the Humans this time. The few remaining ships had scorch marks, and damage was high, but they had one, they had rescued the survivors, and an ODST team had pretty much wiped out a Covenant army.

"Also send a Pelican for those ODST's and prep the medbay for all the wounded." Anderson said.


Harland, Vesquez, Shelly, now conscious, Blue Four and Blue Seven stepped out of the Blood tray into the hangar of the Wellington. Cheering sprang up from the crew, and those who had turned up to see the Heros of the Canterbury Moons. Harland waved, but inside loathed it. They had one, but too many had died for this to be considered a victory. Harland, helped Shelly to the medical crew waiting for her. She removed her helmet and smiled at him. Harland stood there as the cheering continued, staring at Shelly. Then turned to the crowd, and waved. They had one, and he himself had one something far better on the moon. He just wished he could thank The Spartan Sniper who had nailed the Elite from an almost impossible distance.
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